Stormclan Members of StormClan

KatieK102 posted on Sep 12, 2015 at 03:22AM
Falconstar-(KatieK102) - handsome black tom with dark gray chest and dark green eyes (Mate: Sweetbriar)

Wrenflight (TeamPeeta649) - dark brown tom with a golden chest and underbelly with amber eyes (Mate: Shiverwind)

Medicine Cats:
Slightfeather (KatieK102) - dark gray tom with darker patches and green eyes (Temporary mentor) (Mate: Creedstorm)
Swamppaw (Tanglebelly) - black and orange tom with a white freckled face and gold eyes
Pebblepaw (KatieK102) - tan and white tom with blue eyes

Creedstorm (TeamPeeta649) - dark brown she-cat with patchy black stripes all over, a white chin and seafoam green eyes (Mate: Slightfeather)
Redshadow (TeamPeeta649) - massive reddish-brown tabby tom with black stripes, paws, ears and muzzle and lavender eyes (Mate: Mistybreeze)
Duskstorm (KatieK102) - large, creamy-colored tabby tom with a white chest, underbelly, two white paws, and dark blue eyes (Mate: Frecklenose) (Apprentice: Buckpaw)
Berryfrost (KatieK102) - ginger she-cat with white nose and pretty green eyes, and a large scar across her shoulder (Mate: Strongbreeze) (Apprentice: Driftpaw)
Sunheart (Tanglebelly) - orange tom with white flecks and green eyes
Darkmist (TeamPeeta649) - white and black tom with gold eyes
Shiverwind (KatieK102)- pretty white she-cat with pale gray patches and frosty blue eyes (Mate: Wrenflight)
Strongbreeze (Tanglebelly) - black tom with white paws and tail tip, and amber eyes (Mate: Berryfrost) (Apprentice: Badgerpaw)
Sweetbriar (TeamPeeta649) - white she-cat with brown spots and amber eyes (Mate: Falconstar) (Apprentice: Flamepaw)
Frecklenose (TeamPeeta649) - orange tortoiseshell she-cat with a black freckled nose with brown eyes (Mate: Duskstorm)
Flintstripe (tanglebelly) - orange tabby tom with a large fluffy white chest and underbelly and white toes with brown eyes (Mate: Treetail)
Treetail (TeamPeeta649) - brown tom with large black stripes, long legs and blue eyes (Mate: Flintstripe) (Apprentice: Cloudpaw)
Foxclaw (Tanglebelly) - ginger tom with a white muzzle and pale green eyes (Mate: Bloodmoon)
Ambershade (KatieK102) - golden tabby she-cat with white on her muzzle, chest and paws, green eyes
Tanglewhisker (Tanglebelly)-black tom with golden tabby stripes, green eyes, and a single white paw (Apprentice: Ivorypaw)
Bloodmoon (TeamPeeta694) - dark brown she-cat with reddish paws and muzzle and green eyes (Mate: Foxclaw)
Dewspots - pure white she-cat with pale blue eyes
Thundersky (KatieK102) - muscular stone grey tabby she-cat with tan stripes and paws, and piercing hazel eyes
Blacksun (TeamPeeta694) - orange tom with black legs and green eyes
Sunflowernose (TeamPeeta694) - orange tortoiseshell she-cat and a white mask and green eyes
Pantherleap (TeamPeeta649) - grey, white and tan calico she-cat with hazel eyes

Buckpaw (Tanglebelly) - dark brown tom with grey stripes and blue eyes
Badgerpaw (TeamPeeta694) - grey and tan tom with a long tail and hazel eyes
Driftpaw(Tanglebelly) - white and brown tom with a light grey freckled muzzle and green eyes
Cloudpaw (KatieK101) - fluffy white she-cat with bright blue eyes
Flamepaw (Tanglebelly) - orange tabby tom with blue eyes
Ivorypaw (TeamPeeta694) - creamy white tom with brown eyes



Scorchgaze (TeamPeeta649) - large, muscular orange tabby tom with amber eyes
Hushpool (TeamPeeta649) - muscular light tan she-cat with dark brown paws and green eyes (Mate: Skyheart)
Skyheart (Tanglebelly) - lean grey tom with blue eyes (Mate: Hushpool)
Featherwing (TeamPeeta649) - light grey tom with white stripes, a long fluffy tail, and icy blue eyes (Mate: Crowtail)
Crowtail (Tanglebelly) - muscular jet black tom with blue eyes (Mate: Featherwing)
Mistybreeze (KatieK102) - slender gray tabby she-cat with one white paw, tail tip and blue eyes (Mate: Redshadow) retired early


Current Season: New-Leaf
last edited on Jun 01, 2022 at 02:46PM

Stormclan 31229 réponses

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il y a plus d’un an tanglebelly said…
*climbs out of the pool with an annoyed look* Dont sneak up on me like that Mousepaw! *shakes out his fur*
il y a plus d’un an TeamPeeta649 said…
I'm not trying to force you to get along with her, you know. -Wrenflight

*huffs* Trust me, diving in physically isn't what I want. I don't want to be an object and I don't want to be lead on out of lust. It's just difficult to get to him sometimes. Getting too emotional ticks him off. Having normal conversations seems to work, but it's difficult to get him to open up all the time. It's been getting easier though. I'm slowly but surely working my way there I feel. I suppose what I'm looking for is advice on what I could use to flirt maybe? Like I said, I don't intend on using that as my main method, but just in case I think it'd help. How I could make myself seem unattainable I guess. *shuffles her paws* I've made my lines in the sand with physical contact clear to him before, but lately I've felt my resistance slipping every time we get into it. -Sweetbriar
last edited il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an TeamPeeta649 said…
Not so bad. *Licks his ears* -Treetail

So what now? -Scorchgaze

What? -Hushpool

*waits expectantly* Any advice will be appreciated. -Bloodkit
il y a plus d’un an KatieK102 said…
*smirks at her* "Of course it is, sweetie. You're a young warrior and he's been so focused on running StormClan for so long that he probably forgot what mates even do when they're alone." *shoots Falconstar a glance* "Not that anyone can fault you. He's definitely an eye-catcher. If you manage to wrap him around your paw, we'll all be very impressed." *looks back at Sweetbriar* "If you want to look unattainable, then you have to commit to that role; forget all about him. He's training you again, right? Tell him you're done, and you've found someone else to train you. If you gives you an order than roll your eyes or fight him over it. If he asks you to eat with him or share tongues with him, then reject him because you're tired of being used. I know it doesn't sound like flirting, but pulling away from him so suddenly will wake him up and make him realize what it's like without a cute, willing little warrior following him around so obediently. You've tried being there and he pushes you away until he wants you back, so this time you push him away, and you don't come back so easily." *eyes harden slightly* "But this only works if you do it right. If you let him get you with those smoldering green eyes and that confident smile, you're only proving his mindset that you come when he calls." ~ Mistybreeze

*pads into the warriors den* "Sheepfluff?" ~ Duskstorm
il y a plus d’un an Bluefire7777 said…
*looks up from her fluffy tail curled around her* Yes? -Sheepfluff

*after her sister was buried this morning she could only just stare out into the pond beneath the falls where she had fallen* -Merryberry
il y a plus d’un an tanglebelly said…
*Shakes his head* To be completely honest i dont think there is anything i can teach you that your parents haven't already. *laughs to himself* They are two of the best warriors in the clan after all.

Well are you going to pass me the rabbit? *huffs* I mean i did it for you.

*shrugs* We were just trying to clear your mind remember?
il y a plus d’un an KatieK102 said…
"Sorry about that," *helps him out of the pond* ~ Mousepaw

*pads over to her nest and nudges her* "You holding up?" ~ Duskstorm
il y a plus d’un an TeamPeeta649 said…
*swallows laboredly and glances at Berryfrost* Do you think I could pull that off? I mean, I should still be kind as any clanmate should, right? And when do I know to put that act away and be normal again? -sweetbriar

*Nudges her lightly with his muzzle* I mean it, Shiver. I won't bother you about it anymore. I just want to get our friendship back on track. *sighs slightly while thinking of his sister* I want to keep those I care about close to me. -Wrenflight
il y a plus d’un an tanglebelly said…
Thats fine..*huffs* Its going to take me the rest of the morning to dry up now though. *starts to lick his pelt* What did you want though sis?
il y a plus d’un an TeamPeeta649 said…
*nods and flicks his friend's shoulder with his tail* I appreciate it. Even just a little bit of fun helped. There's just been so much happening lately and so much going through my head and after burying my daughter this morning I needed a small distraction. *huffs* But, my job is never really over, so I guess I'd better get headed back to camp. Come on, old man. *teases lightly before starting the walk back* -Scorchgaze

Sorry sorry. I just got distracted is all. *pushes it back to him* -Hushpool

*grins and nods* They're the best! I'm going to be just like them when I'm a warrior! *thinks* Are there any stories about the clan you could tell us? -Bloodkit
il y a plus d’un an KatieK102 said…
*Shrugs, a bit helpless* "Clearly my advice hasn't been working too well. I'd get anything a chance at this point." ~ Berryfrost

"[/i]Trust me[/i]," *says confidently* "It'll work. Falconstar obviously cares about you to some extent, and maybe more than he even realizes. And stepping away will give him a bit more space to clear his head; when he realizes that you're serious, he's going to seriously consider what roles he wants you to play in his life: a Clanmate, or something more?" *licks a paw* "Obviously don't give him a hard time just for the sake of it; he is still your Clan leader, so you gotta respect that title. But... push his limits, for sure. You warrent that, at least, especially if anything personal comes up. But you're definitely allowed to have a bit of attitude after everything that's gone down, and any cat can fight a decision they don't agree with." ~ Mistybreeze
il y a plus d’un an TeamPeeta649 said…
Don't leave out Wren DX

*nods slowly* I'll give it my all. Our last outting...*huffs* didn't end so well. We had an argument about how freely he seems to be getting physical, but how he gets angry when I try to make it more romantic. So I guess this would be the perfect time to pull back? To make it seem like I'm even more irritated than I already am with the whole thing. -Sweetbriar
last edited il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an Bluefire7777 said…
As well as I can be after burying my kit... *she says quietly looking away a bit she still had lots of pain in her eyes* -Sheepfluff
il y a plus d’un an TeamPeeta649 said…
*gets up from beside her mate pads over beside Merryberry* Merry, have you tried sleeping at all? *asks worriedly even though she hadn't slept herself* -Frecklenose
il y a plus d’un an tanglebelly said…
I have plenty of stories but most of them are a little to violent for kits like you two. *purrs* But if you are curiously enough i can answer a question you have about someone if you want.

No No its fine ill just starve next time. *says playfully*

Yea that would probably be best. *ignores his little comment*
il y a plus d’un an KatieK102 said…
*nods* “Exactly! And-“ *suddenly hesitates* “well... I’m not trying to be insensitive, but after yesterday’s events, he’s going to be keeping an extra close eye on his Clanmates; you specifically.” ~ Mistybreeze

*her bitter resolve cracked when he called her Shiver; her family wasn’t as close as his, and she wasn’t used to hearing just her prefix* *makes an effort to huff, then finally looks up at him, frosty blue eyes hard* “I get it, Wrenflight. Seriously. But I need you to accept the fact that your sister and I might never get along. You’re not going to be able to fix what’s happened between me and her; just like how I can’t erase the way you feel towards Sunheart.” ~ Shiverwind
il y a plus d’un an KatieK102 said…
*frowns and nudges her comfortingly* ~ Duskstorm
il y a plus d’un an Bluefire7777 said…
I would sleep but I'm afraid of the nightmares I might have *says quietly looking down a bit her voice almost quaking again* StarClan sent me a vision of Apple's death before...I couldn't stop it from happening...I tried...I dont know if I can deal with the next thing they'll send me... -Merryberry
il y a plus d’un an TeamPeeta649 said…
*sighs slightly* Well, if my sister taught me anything before she passed it was how to be tough. I suppose that's what I'll have to do now. Be tough until I get to the place I want to be. *she'd always admired her sister's strength and determination the same way she admired her father's and Falconstar's**Applethorn had been a role model to her and she wanted to make her proud up in StarClan* Thank you for your advice, Mistybreeze. I promise I won't tell Falconstar it was your idea. *manages a smile* And you, *turns to Berryfrost* I'm sure your advice will come in handy later when Falconstar and I become an item. *looks to Mistybreeze* Can you believe she told me I should just lay down and roll over in front of him if need be? Good thing my morals aren't so easily swayed. *purrs and nudges her friend playfully* -Sweetbriar

*nods* I understand now. I'm sorry if I put any extra stress on you by trying to stick my nose into your issues with my sister. I might have a lot of charm, but that doesn't mean I always use it in the right ways. *smiles slightly* -Wrenflight
il y a plus d’un an TeamPeeta649 said…
*presses against her comfortingly* Merry, from what I've heard it wasn't just you who couldn't figure out what that vision meant. Falconstar and even wise old dad couldn't piece it together. StarClan has always been cryptic in their messages. clan cats we can never expect that peace will be guaranteed. Birth and death are all parts of our lives. *nuzzles her* I know it isn't easy to accept though. And I can't imagine how much harder it is when you're the one receiving their messages. -Frecklenose

*returns to camp and sits for a moment with a sigh* -Scorchgaze

Yes please! *looks at Tanglekit* Who should we ask about? -Bloodkit
il y a plus d’un an tanglebelly said…
*shrugs* Up to you im not really that curious.

*stops besides him* What is it now?
il y a plus d’un an Bluefire7777 said…
They're just frightening Freckle...Im a medicine cat im used to blood and nasty things Ive even seen cats die and cats born in front of me, I never thought of myself as a fearful cat...but when StarClan sends you such powerful dreams and visions...they're frightening at times...I have a lot of guilt I know but I also have much more fear now too which is more worrying than anything... -Merryberry
il y a plus d’un an TeamPeeta649 said…
Just mentally preparing to throw myself back into my work. *flicks him with his tail* You go on, have fun and relax. I'll catch up with you later. -Scorchgaze

Oh I know! I once heard my mama talk about a brother. I didn't know she had one, but apparently he died as a young warrior. I think his name was Buck something....Do you know anything about him? -Bloodkit
il y a plus d’un an TeamPeeta649 said…
*licks her head* Maybe you just need to give yourself a bit of time to adjust. You're a strong cat. I don't think it'll ever not be hard, but maybe you'll soon get to a place where those horrible nightmares are a bit easier to deal with. -Frecklenose
il y a plus d’un an Bluefire7777 said…
Where? My place is in the medicine cat den with cuddly Yellowblaze *quirks a little bit of a smile* -Merryberry
il y a plus d’un an TeamPeeta649 said…
*nudges her playfully* I meant to a mental place. *purrs softly* Though you could always join me in the nursery. You know, just as a little escape. *teases* -Frecklenose
il y a plus d’un an Bluefire7777 said…
That nursery is crawling with mewling kits im surprised anyone can sleep or even think in there *teases a bit* -Merryberry
il y a plus d’un an TeamPeeta649 said…
Oh boy I can't wait to move in. *rolls her eyes, but playfully* I'm sure once I actually have my kits it'll be even crazier in there. *purrs more as she thinks of the little ones growing in her belly* Part of me still can't believe I'm going to be a mom. -Frecklenose
il y a plus d’un an tanglebelly said…
*looked a bit hesitant* Yes...His name was Buckthorn...He didnt really have the greatest life if i were to be completely honest..

*nods* Just checking on you to make sure. *pads off*
il y a plus d’un an TeamPeeta649 said…
*pads over to him* Tigerfang, mind if I have a minute of your time? -Redshadow

Really? Why? -Bloodkit
il y a plus d’un an tanglebelly said…
*narrows his eyes at him* Depends what you do in that minute.

Well he killed himself..with his mate..

*blinks confused*
il y a plus d’un an Bluefire7777 said…
Its gotten better since Juniper's kits left *smiles a bit at her* Im happy for you'll be a wonderful mom I'll be with you every step of the way til they're born -Merryberry
il y a plus d’un an TeamPeeta649 said…
I just want to talk. -Redshadow

*frowns* Killed himself? Why would anyone ever do that? -Bloodkit
il y a plus d’un an TeamPeeta649 said…
Thank you, Merry. *noses her ear* I know it's your job as medicine cat, but still. It means a lot to me. -Frecklenose
il y a plus d’un an tanglebelly said…
Fine then ill give you a minute and that is it.

*nods* He cut his one throat...And for the reason...I dont think your mother would like it if i told you..
il y a plus d’un an TeamPeeta649 said…
All right. One minute it is then. I don't know your exact history with Mistybreeze, but whatever it is it's in the past. Whatever issues you have with her I'd think as any gentleman should you'd keep it to yourself and not give her a hard time. If your issue is with me then handle it with me and leave my mate out of it. She's reactionary; everyone knows that by now, but I don't appreciate you poking to get reactions out of her. -Redshadow

Oh, okay. Maybe I'll see if she'll tell me later. -Bloodkit
il y a plus d’un an tanglebelly said…
*nods* Uh...anyone else?

I'll try my best to behave. *says half heartedly*
il y a plus d’un an TeamPeeta649 said…
*narrows his eyes, slightly irritated by his response* See to it you do your best then. I know I'm on thin ice with this clan, so I bite my tongue a lot, but I'm not so inclined to be passive when it comes to my mate. -Redshadow

Falconstar! What's he like? Do you know how he chooses who will be his apprentice?! -Bloodkit
il y a plus d’un an tanglebelly said…
*grins* Falconstar eh? Well he is the clan leader as you know. He is strong and faithful to his clan. As for the mentor ordeal that is all his choosing.

But yet you are forced to be passive.
il y a plus d’un an TeamPeeta649 said…
To an extent. But I'll only allow you all to push me so far. Like I said, my mate is the one topic I won't budge on. When it comes to her it's my way or no way. Everyone treats her with respect. -Redshadow

I think it'd be so cool to be his apprentice! I'd get to learn from the very best! -Bloodkit
il y a plus d’un an tanglebelly said…
*flicks his tail* Your minute is up.

*laughs* It would be a lot of work trust me.

I dont know who i would want...
il y a plus d’un an TeamPeeta649 said…
I appreciate your time. Just make sure that you're treating her with the respect any she-cat deserves, history aside. *pads off* -Redshadow

I'd be up for it! *looks at Tanglekit* All of them are great mentors I'm sure. -Bloodkit
il y a plus d’un an tanglebelly said…
*nods* Yea they would all be great i guess.

*watches him go lashing his tail* Prude..
il y a plus d’un an KatieK102 said…
“Have you eaten anything today?” ~ Duskstorm

*laughs* “You told her to do what!” ~ Mistybreeze

*huffs* “In my defense, Falconstar isn’t a typical tom - it would have worked on anyone else!” ~ Berryfrost

“Well, you’re not entirely wrong.” *shrugs* “That’s basically how I got Redshadow. And at the very least, you showed Falconstar that you’re serious about him.” ~ Mistybreeze

*rolls her eyes, hard* “Oh, stop! You have absolutely no charm.” *but she couldn’t mask the smile that played across her lips* ~ Shiverwind
il y a plus d’un an KatieK102 said…
Why is Tigerfang being so agreeable??? He’s usually looking for any reason to argue! xD
il y a plus d’un an TeamPeeta649 said…
Yea I was surprised too XD

To be fair, Falconstar has put me on my back multiple times now. So I suppose your idea wasn't entirely off. *flicks her cheek playfully with her tail* Like I said though, my morals aren't so easily swayed. I haven't allowed much to happen that I'd scold myself for: I've been kissed, my neck has been licked and my hips have been groped. I'd say I've still got my innocence. -Sweetbriar

How hurtful! *lays beside her, nudging her playfully* Weren't you the one telling me I should try to walk in Blackpelt's pawsteps and become the most charming cat in the clan? -Wrenflight

Thank you, Streamripple! *dips her head gratefully, her tail flicking happily* -Bloodkit
il y a plus d’un an Bluefire7777 said…
No... *says quietly again* Im not really hungry... -Sheepfluff
il y a plus d’un an tanglebelly said…
Hey his best friend is having a hard time he spent snt to make to much of a scene.

•waves his paw in front of his sisters face• hello earth to Mousepaw you there?

•starts to head over to Berryfrost and the others•

•nods• no problem if you ever want to know more about someone you know who to call for.

•nods• yea thanks Streamripple!
il y a plus d’un an Bluefire7777 said…
*pads over to the two apprentices clearing his throat to get their attention* Mousepaw since my sister is grieving at the moment she's given me liberty to train you a bit until she is feeling better. So when you two are done whatever you're doing *says with an amused look* Well work on some hunting in the training hollow -Brownnut

How many kits do you want Freckle? You're the first of us well besides Treetail to have kits -Merryberry
il y a plus d’un an TeamPeeta649 said…
*licks his mate's cheek* I love you. -Treetail

Come on, Tanglekit. I'm hungry! *looks at Streamripple* Are you hungry? I'll bring you something. -Bloodkit