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posted by TotalDramaFan60
Melody and Jake were escaping while Lisa and Alex were trying to fit in through the small hole Melody and Jake left. "Help me pull this rock, out, Alex!" Lisa exclaimed, pulling on a gigantic gray rock. Alex got up quickly, and tried to help Lisa. After a few minutes of pulling, the rock came out, and....The rocks fell plus onto Lisa and Alex! Meanwhile, Jake and Melody were setting tons of pranks up in the living room of The Mystery Family. "This is gonna be good!" Melody exclaimed, tying a pin to a string. "What's that gonna do?" Jake asked. "You'll see." Melody said, and tied the string to a hook on the ceiling.
posted by BiteMeCullen107
I left Jason at his house while I drove to work. When I first walked into the building and straight to the elevator, floor twelve. I got of the elevator and waiting there was a woman with a clip board smiling at me well I don’t know if she was smiling at me ou if her face was stuck like that but I greeted her.
“Hi I’m April Meyers; I’ll be your assistant.” She held her hand out and I took it. “Vanna is waiting for toi in her office. Do toi need anything?” She walked and talked. “No thank you, not right know.”
She opened the door and I stepped in and shut it. I couldn’t believe...
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posted by mmourer
I was one of those girls, toi know the one that everyone talked about but no one actually knew. I was everything from dangerous to admirable but most of all I was mysterious. I was 15, a sophomore in high school and I honestly never bothered to care what people thought of me.
I was just under 5’6, pretty skinny with long blonde hair and émeraude green eyes.
I didn’t have many Friends but the ones I did have were the ones people were scared of.
They were the kids who had been to jail numerous times for numerous reasons and always seemed to be in some form of trouble, and whatever rumors...
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added by BiteMeCullen107
posted by BiteMeCullen107
As we left the apartment building the sun hit us like a beam of light. I look to the side, I saw Jason putting his hand in the face of the sun like he was going to die from it.
“Are toi okay?” I asked concerned that it was to much for him. He looked down at me and smiled. “Ya I’m go, I just have to get my sunglasses on. My eyes are just really sensitive to the light.” I nodded waiting patiently for him. He slipped on a pare of black sunglasses. The kind toi see know a days on célébrités when the go out. “Nice.” I a dit with a warming smiled. He looked back down at me and smiled....
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posted by BiteMeCullen107
I’m finally on my own, alone. I just turned eighteen a couple of months il y a and I got a job offer in Los Angeles California. I’ve been écriture since I could write and when I reached junior high I joined the new paper and I did the same in high school and in my seconde an of high school I was offered a job as a reported for the Salem New Hampshire news paper and I accepted. My job threw the years had grown and now that I’m done high school I can take the job offer.
    Ya my parents were pissed when the found out I wasn’t going to collage but if toi think about it...
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Kill me already. I'd rather DIE, than go through this again. My hands were neatly placed on my lap, and shaking in the forms of fists. Quick options: 1:Ignore. 2:Look annoyed, 3:reply without looking at his face. "G'mornin." I finally a dit while looking out the window. Then gossip started going around the moment I spoke in 5 years. I didn't want to waste my first words on some rubbish.

There was a REASON why I didn't want to talk. I heard people whisper, "So she ISN'T dead!" "Why doesn't she speak any other time?" "MIND YOUR OWN CRAP, toi IDIOTS!" Damon suddenly blurted out into the open...
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posted by peacefulhippy28
The dream was bout me having fun with a chick name layla and a guy name josh. So one night me and this chick name layla are getting bored so we started drinking and taking our clothes. I was really drunk and started eating layla out and licking her all over her body making her moan. Man her moans were fucking awesome so continued eating her out until she cum and I lapped every bit of it u and it tasted so sweet and yummy. Then I laid down so layla cold eat me out and lick me all over too. While she was doing that I started moaning and breathing hard she look up at me while eating me out to...
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posted by TotalDramaFan60
Juju wakes up in another desert. The wind is blowing, but Jimmeguel isn't there. Juju looks around.
Footsteps are heard. A black figure is shown.
Juju: *gasp*
Then, Jimmeguel is shown.
Juju:*sigh* I thought it was...
Jimmeguel tears off his skin, and seems to be a bat.
Juju: Oh come on! I don't even have weapons yet!
????? ?????: No! I'm Batty Belle. I'm actually the one that GIVES toi the weapons!
Juju: Ohhhh.
Box saying, BATTY BELLE achievement unlocked!
Batty Belle: Let's go!
A gray box shows up, making the background gray too. A picture of four Arrow keys are shown, like the ones on yours, but in 8-bit. The white text says, "Use the Arrow keys to move." And a gray arrow.
posted by BiteMeCullen107
I was half asleep half awake lying on my stomach. I could feel Jason’s cold fingers slowly moving up and down my bare back. He was humming a lullaby but I didn’t know what it was.
“Do toi still want to know my secret?” he asked in a soothing tone. It didn’t help that his voice so soft that it made it harder to stay awake. “Sure.” I a dit moving closer to him.
“I’ve none toi before toi were born.” He paused a second. Probably to make sure I wasn’t going to freak out. “I was Friends with your mother before toi were even born before your mother met your father. I met her...
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added by BiteMeCullen107
 Dis is what Sakura would look like in animé form
Dis is what Sakura would look like in anime form

Name: Sakura Tachibana
Occupation:high school student and baker at toi baked my Day

My mind is always blank. Same schedule for ALL humans. Wake up, eat, sleep. Repeat, and repeat. Lather, rinse, and repeat. Same for everyone. I've become another monster of society, and I'm only 15.'Exactly. This is how fast and jaded this mature stuff can get kicked in.

I'm only interested in listening to classical music, not pop music.
I'm only interested in simple flavors. Not unfamiliar ones.
I'm only interested in boring, simple clothes. Not neon clothes.
I'm only interested in pure and original...
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posted by peacefulhippy28
The name is Alex I have long black hair I'm 5,"5". I'm wearing long black leather pants with a ragged Rolling Stones tee. Oh and I'm gay.

I'm going to tell toi bout this amazing hot chick named Leah. This girl is my roommate I l’amour this girl a lot this girl has long blonde  hair she's 5,"2". She is wearing short shorts with her pants unbutton and unzipped some with a rose tee that comes just above her belly button. This girl is my everything  but she likes guys and she loves me too so she is bi and I'm k with it. Just the other night me and her were standing in the cuisine nude making out....
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one jour i a dit " mum dad im going to nando's"then i walked out of the door.As i was walking to nandos my phone buzzed.i looked at it, it was a text from zayn my best friend. we hadn't see each other in 6 years.
it a dit "Hi Amy"
i texted back "Hi Zayn how are toi doing"
he a dit "im fine but i need to talk to you" as soon as i had finished lire the text he rang.
he a dit "hi Amy"
i a dit "hi zayn"
he a dit "i miss toi soooooo much" in such a sad voice.
" i miss toi too zayn" i a dit so what did toi want to talk to my about then zayn.
he said"i talked to your parents because the summer holidays...
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posted by TotalDramaFan60
The game starts out in the middle of nowhere.
???? ??????:Hmmm? Where am I?
????????? ???????????: Shrokatown. I'm Jimmeguel McGreggen.
???? ??????: *laughs* I'm Juju. Juju Cherry.
Jimmeguel: Let's start training.
Jimmeguel grabsa Juju.
Juju: WHOA!
The titre screen shows, and a box says, JIMMEGUEL MCGREGGEN achievement unlocked! And letters in orange spell


start continue achievements and a gear, for settings. The continue is blocked out, because toi haven't started a game.

Start: link
posted by TotalDramaFan60
Lisa rubbed and messed up Jake's hair. "That's my Jake!" she exclaimed. "Guys?" asked Alex. "Yes Alex?" asked the children. "Am I the only one who feels the ground shaking rumble-y?" asked Alex. "That's not a word, but no!" exclaimed Lisa. Suddenly, the ceiling started to cave in, and the Jerkily Family's children were...Trapped. "Lisa, I'm double-scared!" Melody exclaimed. "It's okay, Melody. We'll be fine as long as we stay together." a dit Lisa. There was another awkward silence. There was a tiny hole, and Jake and Melody weren't there. "Oh, come on!" exclaimed Lisa and Alex.
added by BiteMeCullen107
added by BiteMeCullen107
posted by peacefulhippy28
The name is Alex I have long black hair I'm 5,"5". I'm wearing long black leather pants with a ragged Rolling Stones tee. Oh and I'm gay.

I'm going to tell toi bout this amazing hot chick named Leah. This girl is my roommate I l’amour this girl a lot this girl has long blonde  hair she's 5,"2". She is wearing short shorts with her pants unbutton and unzipped some with a rose tee that comes just above her belly button. This girl is my everything  but she likes guys and she loves me too so she is bi and I'm k with it. Just the other night me and her were standing in the cuisine nude making out....
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added by BiteMeCullen107