sonic bases Club
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 Tailslover9's style of Bases are good for begginers and of course, easy to use. Like her style and many other's, these are plus than likely used.
Tailslover9's style of Bases are good for begginers and of course, easy to use. Like her style and many other's, these are more than likely used.
Okay, so I’ve started to notice while I’m browsing the old Base club that there’s a lot of small chop ups going on. Not many are being used as they’re being created and handed out, and those that are tend to be the simple fra-la ones than the plus exquisite and detailed. I’m slightly concerned those making the bases aren’t doing their research ou homework, so here’s just me giving small hints and details that might improve the work around here. And this is an opinion- so no thinking I’m blowing smoke up your arse. ^^

So… First ideas for a base…

1.    If...
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