Nobody has posté on my mur in a long time. I kinda feel like posting a meme like everyone else on the aléatoire club, but I think I'll wait for someone else to go first.
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Hi, with me coming back (again) i was thinking about where I can post my orginal political fiction/military fiction that I recently started to write, I may post here, if toi allow it of course.
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It's been a long time since my last haut, retour au début ten liste has been created, but now I just finished with haut, retour au début ten Disney films. The Lone Ranger deserves to be #1, because it's awesome.
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Am I the only one who wishes he had Daniel Baxter's (how it should of ended series) voice?... Along with a liste of many other voices (it's listed on my club)
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salut there, bro! I hope toi don't mind, but I posté a few pics here, that toi might like. Most of them are the same style as the pic of Rarity toi posté on my club. :)
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Hi! Since it seems toi like trains, I decided to construct a little photo dump of our trains we have here in Hungary. I hope you'll find it interesting. Yeah, I know... they are not the prettiest, not even the fastest, but most of these locomotives were manufactured between the mid '60s and '80 and have been in service without any problem ever since. The "V" and "M" locomotives (except for M61 and M62) are 100% Hungarian, were built here, thus can only be seen in Hungary! I hope toi like it! :)
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You're welcome! :) If you're interested, I have plus pics, cos a good friend of my works at Hungarian State Railways as a locomotive engineer. :)il y a plus d’un an