Rosario Vampire Club
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This guy bought the who box set of the manga! Looks amazing!
added by mokad
Source: s
added by Kechas
added by saeko_killer
added by joonie4ever
added by solitaryman88
Kurumu's and Mizore's moms. 2 of my favori characters they are hilarious
stacy's mom
added by darkmintoutau
Source: the otaku
added by joonie4ever
added by angeldark13
 Kurumu tells Moka how it is!
Kurumu tells Moka how it is!
Admit it.
How many of toi think Tsukune is going to pick Moka?
Probably most everyone, right? It is the most logical thing after all, ou so it seems.
My first reason for why I think Kurumu and Tskukune will end up together is this:
Moka thinks of Tsukune as...? Some people say a boyfriend, some say a friend, and some say as a snack(lol!!)
Personally, I think they have a best friend relationship. I mean, Moka always sucks Tsukune`s blood, but beforehand she acts like she is going to Kiss him. If she did like him, wouldn`t she Kiss him?! Aside from casual flirting, I don`t think Moka shows any signs...
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added by ForsakenOutcast
added by Chirikamo
added by Legend_Jared
added by akumatenshi
added by akumatenshi
added by JatearBlackRose
added by Dale9918
Source: Akihisa Ikeda
posted by MotherConfessor
I don't know about any of toi who may read this, but I want to know about Moka's family. Judging from Moka-sama(when I say -sama I ALWAYS mean inner Moka) and her sister's that we have been introduced to, Kokoa and Karua, their family life MUST be a little...different. The one I'm dieing to know about is the last sister, the eldest. The sisters seem to grow extremely plus powerful from the youngest to oldest. I'm practically jumping out of my siège to know the last. I don't know if anyone for sure knows her name ou what she looks like but I'm been lire fanfictions about R+V and found one...
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added by Kechas
Source: koslab