Road Runner & Wile E. Coyote Club
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added by delangdon
Source: Delangdon
added by delangdon
Source: Delangdon
added by aldrine2016
Source: Bubbles © Cartoon Network, Road Runner © Warner Bros.
added by australia-101
added by australia-101
added by delangdon
Source: Delangdon
added by australia-101
added by australia-101
added by australia-101
added by aldrine2016
added by rosyn_cullen
added by australia-101
added by AnimationValley
added by rosyn_cullen
As usual, for Wile E. Coyote, we see him chasing the Road Runner down the road; napkin, couteau and fork ready. Everything froze as if being stopped par a pause button, and their labels appeared below them; "Coyote - Pursuitus Roadrunnerus" and "Road Runner - High Speed Hotrodicus". Then everything unfroze and the chase recommenced for a few seconds.

Road Runner, however, with pure luck, took a left turn and went into supersonic speed, disappearing into the distance at only 3 frames of animation. Wile E. was now very, very, very tired, panting very heavily and falling flat on the road.

Just then,...
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added by lamborghinistar
added by AnimationValley
added by rosyn_cullen
Road Runner, the coyote's after you! Road Runner, if he catches you, you're through!
wile coyote
road runner