arc en ciel Brite Club
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I am new to this web site and I have numerous arc en ciel Brite poupées plus a arc en ciel brite toy box and arc en ciel Brite herself. They are from the early 80's and I want to find someone who is interested in purchasing them . These have been in our attic for 20 years. They are in like new condition. We also had the complete cuisine set, and I was cœur, coeur sick when we sold it. I'm sure someone out there would l’amour to have these toy's. Please contact me at to coment ou to ask questions. The toybox itself is very nice. It's a siège also. and very colorful. I also have fraise short cake sheets and other collectables. Would l’amour to hear from anyone who loved these toy's.
posted by RainbowBriteUk
Here in arc en ciel Land, we like to keep others creative, and we want toi to create a picture to be featured here on the website as well as win a prize!

Here is how it works:
go to link.
Select the "Games and Activities" section and go to the Coloring Book.
Select: arc en ciel Brite.
Print your own page and decorate it!

You are welcome to color your picture with any way toi like, including but not limited to: Crayons, markers, ink pens, digital/photoshop, etc

After toi are finished decorating your picture, email us the finished image, ou mail it to us (address available in the official rules linked...
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