Quinn and Rachel Wall

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1Dniallcrazy a dit …
410 fans WHAT THE HELL PEOPLES I l’amour Glee I l’amour QUINN I l’amour RACHEL WHAT THE HELL WHY ARE THERE LESS PEOPLE LIKING Glee WHY posté il y a plus d’un an
lez4life a dit …
i am patiently waiting for faberry posté il y a plus d’un an
piperlovegood commenté…
Aren't we all :) il y a plus d’un an
piperlovegood a dit …
It's dead on here. Hello is anybody home? posté il y a plus d’un an
RealismHurts a dit …
The finale was all I could ever hope for and more. Quinn/Puck closure, Finchel closure and of course Faberry's beginnings. <3 posté il y a plus d’un an
piperlovegood a dit …
I think I can hear crickets on this spot :( Where is everybody posté il y a plus d’un an
piperlovegood a dit …
"Stop making out with Berry!" OMG that had to be my favori line from the episode. posté il y a plus d’un an
RealismHurts commenté…
AHHHHHHH SAME il y a plus d’un an
HAPPY_HG a dit …
The other jour I waz watchin an old Glee from the 1st season. There waz a part that showed Quinn drawing Rachel but even though she wrote LOSER on it she drew HEARTS on it too!!! posté il y a plus d’un an
piperlovegood commenté…
toi have to l’amour faberry il y a plus d’un an
HAPPY_HG a dit …
They are meant to be together<3 posté il y a plus d’un an
Edwardism9 commenté…
<333 il y a plus d’un an
HAPPY_HG commenté…
It's true that they are meant to be!!! There was a website where it was talking about Racgel & Finn getting married but they put Quinn instead of Finn! When my older sister watched one of the episodes she asked if they were girlfriends<3 il y a plus d’un an
Crime-Drama-Bee a dit …
Quinn and Rachel have moved past subtext and into the world of full-on text. Because there is no way that someone would ask 'You sang that to your boyfriend, and only your boyfriend, right?' if they weren't hoping that they'd be chant to them too. And no way someone would hold her wedding for her somewhat friend who wasn't even supportive until recently, and ignore their fiance telling her "now ou never" to check a text from his ex-girlfriend. posté il y a plus d’un an
RealismHurts commenté…
Ahhhhhhhhhhh. Bless toi for stating the obvious. <3_<3 il y a plus d’un an
Crime-Drama-Bee commenté…
IKR. And there's even some non-Faberry fans that are picking up on this... like "It's about time!" il y a plus d’un an
RealismHurts a dit …
They are so canon it hurts. posté il y a plus d’un an
Crime-Drama-Bee commenté…
It does. il y a plus d’un an
Crime-Drama-Bee a dit …
This spot is beautiful. I ship them so hard!!! posté il y a plus d’un an
Ilovegleeandjb a dit …
I l’amour glee!!!!! OMG!!!!!! One of my favori songs in Glee is pretty unpretty, it is amazing both Quinn and Rachel are amazing in that song!!!! l’amour toi Glee foreverxoxo posté il y a plus d’un an
WillowMaraTweee a dit …
thought it was interesting they intercut the faberry scene with brittana AND klaine......... :D
&loved that rachel ran after quinn not finn ou jesse
oh Glee toi troll you...i mean if they really wanted to make faberry canon (even though they pretty much already are :P) they SO have the groundwork to do so but they won't do that because..well honestly idk why BUT they can at least give me a faberry friendship and stop backtracking :/ posté il y a plus d’un an
Movie_BUFF024 commenté…
Indeed, I know they will never be a couple but at least give us friendship! il y a plus d’un an
iamfeeby1234 commenté…
i dont really want a couple.. faberry could be such a cute friendship. il y a plus d’un an
Movie_BUFF024 a dit …
Does anyone know who the owner of this spot is, as i'd like to contact them to change the icone and banner. posté il y a plus d’un an
Movie_BUFF024 a dit …
Saw the prévisualiser for suivant week's episode.. Quinn slapping Rachel :( My Faberry shipper cœur, coeur stopped. Let's hope Quinn will finally breakdown into Rachel's arms :D posté il y a plus d’un an
gleekforlife commenté…
Thats ok , so i hear toi like Glee? :) il y a plus d’un an
Movie_BUFF024 commenté…
haha that i do (: il y a plus d’un an
Ilovegleeandjb commenté…
Ike w.ho dosn't like Glee ( weird people) can't wait till it comes back on!!!!!!!! l’amour toi Glee foreverxoxo il y a plus d’un an