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Philosophy Question

How does the human mind work, why do we think the way we do?

I ponder on this question everyday...what are your thoughts?....you will find i have alot of ponders
 Giggle_lugo posted il y a plus d’un an
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Philosophy Réponses

MissKnowItAll said:
I, too, ponder this every day.

My first instinct would be to say that there is no set way of thinking- a person's individual life experiances will make up the way they view the world.

However, there seems to be innate ideas that human beings seem to agree on. These things...instruct us on how to live in a way. In a way, they are instinct.

So does the way we think depend entirely on instinct? I would disagree- there are things we do that wouldn't make sense from an evolutionary point of view, but we still do and can't explain.

In the end, I created a diagram to explain how I think the human mind-not brain- is structured:

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 I, too, ponder this every day. My first instinct would be to say that there is no set way of thinking- a person's individual life experiances will make up the way they view the world. However, there seems to be innate ideas that human beings seem to agree on. These things...instruct us on how to live in a way. In a way, they are instinct. So does the way we think depend entirely on instinct? I would disagree- there are things we do that wouldn't make sense from an evolutionary point of view, but we still do and can't explain. In the end, I created a diagram to explain how I think the human mind-not brain- is structured:
posted il y a plus d’un an 
dreams should be atop and bottom,great grid.9 of 10
writer67 posted il y a plus d’un an
Why? That wouldn't really make sense...
MissKnowItAll posted il y a plus d’un an
writer67 said:
once the mind wakes, and acustoms to the blessed day. natural consequence should permit, healthy mind to prepare her/his minds day,unless bedridden. thankful to awaken to another blessed jour to do good,according to ten laws.
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ashtizdale said:
Well, friend. We all ponder this question from time to time. It's an interesting subject. The human mind is full of emotions that people usually would connect with the heart. It then has the consience and all that vesch. We have so many thoughts and feelings it's hard to answer this simply on fanpop. email me at philosiphalthinkerbutalsohotbabe@hotmail.com

thank you
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vick2075 said:
First thing the Human mind does not work alone! Because humans are not simple, they are complex beings. Basically i have classified it in three layers which is reminiscent of the 3 brains. First is the Instinct level, secondly is the emotional level and third there is the intellectual level.

The first and seconde levels can be seen in certain animaux like dogs, dolphins, etc However the third level is currently known to be exclusively found in humans. It is with the intellectual level that we seek to understand and formulate ideas in words for communication. Our emotional level is just our ability to montrer anger, l’amour and fright in general. Our instinct is basically the drive to survive and to reproduce. However there are deeper levels in each of those three major layers that affect human mind. In the instinct level, there must be a deeper level where when faced with dire situation, all other consideration either from the emotional ou intellectual levels are suppressed and the need to survive ou (excel), the need to reproduce ou (romantic conquest) are donné free way. As with the instinct level so is with emotional level where some deeply buried traumatic ou childhood experiences are kept which resurfaces when the threshold of respectable emotions is exceeded. In other words, from the deeper recesses of our instinct level we have our deepest needs. From the deeper recesses of our emotional level we have our deepest desires. And finally from the centre of our intellectual level is buried our inflexible deep-rooted belief system ou worldview.

Consciousness means the activation of our five senses and the processing of same par our brain. However sometimes and normally during sleep our five senses are in a way "put to sleep" and our brain recreates the stimulation of our senses from our memories to depict some needs and wants and beliefs in our dreams.
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alicia386 said:
I recently asked myself that exact question. I found that the brain is hypthically divisé, split into two parts. One part is what i call the Egotistical Side (ES) and the other is the Higher conscious Side (HcS). The ES controls your limitations, greed, scarcity, fear, and jealousy. While the HcS controls what helps your mind to expand to bigger and better things. Like toi keep an open mind. This is why adults have a harder time with adjusting to things because their parents beliefs are installed in their brains while young people's brain haven't been completely installed. Everything toi believe in most likely comes from your parents.
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inversegravity said:
the way of the world is arrive to the perfection
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