Host Club - le lycée de la séduction Club
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added by demon_wolf
Haruhi Fujioka
Haruhi Fujioka (藤岡 ハルヒ Fujioka Haruhi?) is the main character of the series. She was born on February 4[2] and is 15 years old at the start of the series.[3]
As an intelligent first-year student of the exclusive Ouran Academy that comes from a poor family, having a cross-dressing father and a deceased mother, she is required to achieve academic excellence and rank first in class to maintain a special scholarship. She comes across the Host Club while looking for a quiet study place and accidentally breaks a ¥8,000,000 (80,000 USD in the English edition of the manga) vase...
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added by 4vonlea
added by 4vonlea
added by Nini97
This... was random... Enjoy!
Host Club - le lycée de la séduction
added by Tofee
added by Lulu_Kururugi
added by estrellajl
Source: luz
added by 4vonlea
added by haleybryn
Source: I don't own the pictures.
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: photobucket
added by xxXsk8trXxx
added by rockzsanders
Source: Google images
added by hetalianstella
Source: Tumblr
If you're lire this I know it's because your a fan of the OHSHC. Maybe you've read the Manga, if that's the case you'll know all this. If toi haven't read the manga then this will be very informative to you.
In the manga the story goes so much farther. I'll give the best details :)
Kaoru realizes that he, Hikaru, and Tamaki are all in l’amour with Haruhi. Haruhi was hanging out with Kasanoda (the dude with the red hair that knows Haruhi is a girl) and Hikaru gets really jealous. He tells Kaoru that he doesn't understand why it makes him so mad to see Haruhi with another guy. Kaoru smartly tells...
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added by Hidan71
Source: not mine
posted by smileyAqua
Mitsukuni "Honey" Haninozuka
Mitsukuni Haninozuka (埴之塚 光邦 Haninozuka Mitsukuni?) was born on February 29 and is 17 years old at the beginning of the series. The auteur has joked saying he only ages every four years because his birthday only comes on leap years.[6]
Honey is depicted as a childish and cake-loving boy who is much older than what his elementary school appearance would indicate. He is also a strong fighter who can send people flying with one kick. When Haruhi is warned about his legendary fighting skills, the point is illustrated in the animé par a champignon nuage erupting...
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posted by Kai1Seto
I looked around me the redrose sky was sure beautiful tonight just like the perfect rose garden I was in! I may have had to stay up all night doing thouse host club bill's but it all worked out I thought.I looked around me the garden was so carm and peacefull that annoying Tamaki isn't here to disturb me my mind cried out! But he can be rather funny in his own way!Bang my cœur, coeur thumped, my whole brian swirled, blackness coverd my vision.I was up later than this before and they never closed the rue lights down before."Kyoya" a faint voice cried...but it must have been loud because whoever...
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added by tinkerbell66799
Source: Original Owners (NOT ME!!)