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posted by Minimania
August: A Special mois for Minis

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Julius Caesar had a mois named after him, July, so when his distant relative, Augustus, defeated Liz Taylor and Richard burton to become emperor of Rome, the Senate figured they’d better ante up for him, too. So, the mois of Sextillis was changed to Augustus which eventually morphed into August.

Fast forwarding about a couple thousand years and the mois of August takes on a special meaning to those of us in the world of Minis. It was on August 26, 1959, that the Mini was officially introduced to the public.

We could start with Issigonis’...
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posted by mattiniero
NYC Shuttle design Competition

design the roof of a MINI Clubman shuttle for the MINI Rooftop NYC event.
The three winning designs will be seen par VIPs, press, media and all the guests at the Rooftop! PLUS the winners will be featured in MINIInternational Magazine and on MINI Space.

The three winning designs will be printed on the rooftops of the MINI Clubman shuttles for the MINI Rooftop NYC event. The winners and their artworks will also be featured in MINIInternational Magazine and on the MINI l’espace website. Winners will also receive the event documentation book par renowned photographer Michel Comte. There will be just 1000 copies of this limited edition publication.

If your dream is to design a roof for the new MINIclubman and to montrer your work to the media attention at the MINIrooftop party in NewYork

Check this out: link