Mark has told Addison that she's the only woman he has ever loved.
Mark was the one who made Addison see that Derek was in l’amour with Meredith not her.
Mark told Addison that he came to Seattle for her because he wants to be with her.
Addison is the only woman that Mark loves and Mark knows that she loves him.
Mark told Addison he doesn't l’amour anyone else but her.
Addison is the l’amour of Mark's life and the woman he wants to make Mrs. Mark Sloan.
Addison is the only woman that deserves to be Mrs. Mark Sloan.
We l’amour it when Mark is with Addison and we hate it when he's not with Addison.
Mark deserves to be happy and Addison makes him happy.
Mark loves Addison just like Addison loves Mark.