MacGruber Club
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posted by rydakota16
Will Forte as MacGruber

Kristen Wiig as Vicki Gloria St. Elmo

Ryan Phillippe as Lieutenant Dixon Piper

Val Kilmer as Dieter Von Cunth

Maya Rudolph as Casey Janine Fitzpatrick

Powers Boothe as Colonel Jim Faith

Timothy V. Murphy as Constantine Bach

Chris Jericho as Frank Korver

Nas as Big Rich

Shaun Sipos as Josh Skran

Krysta Rodriguez as Roxie Paige VanZant

Maggie Lawson as Starlet Piper, Dixon Piper's imaginary girlfriend

Lacey Sturm as Austyn Rain

William Wagman as Magic Mystery Mack

Rick Charrette as Duke The Dragon

Laurie Berkner as Charlie The Octopus

Rachel Platten as Miranda The Mermaid

Tyrone Keogh...
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