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L.M. Montgomery Which of L.M. Montgomery's stand-alone novels is your favorite? (NOT INCLUDING SHORT STORY COLLECTIONS)

7 fans picked:
The Blue château
Jane of Lantern colline
Magic for souci, souci, marigold
Kilmeny of the Orchard
A Raiponce Web
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 AnnaKay19 posted il y a plus d’un an
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AnnaKay19 picked The Blue château:
Valancy Stirling has to be my favorite ADULT L.M. Montgomery heroine. Anne will always be my favorite from a series, but Valancy just takes the cake - especially when she stands up to her absolutely ridiculous relatives! :) LOL
posted il y a plus d’un an.
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ecpjll said:
ive never read any of those ( I should) . I have only ever read the Anne series (a million times over).
posted il y a plus d’un an.
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ExplodingStars picked Magic for souci, souci, marigold:
I loved Magic for Marigold! It felt like diving into a beautiful, sunny adventure!
posted il y a 4 mois.