Kingdom Hearts and Final fantaisie Club
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added by simpleplan
added by kostis1999
added by simpleplan
added by simpleplan
added by simpleplan
posted by simpleplan
level 69 ou higher


If you'd like to have any shot at winning this battle, make sure toi have
every magic enhancing ability equipped, such as all your MP Rages and MP
Haste. seconde Chance is also mandatory. Ars Arcanum is also nice to have.
Also, be sure to have Aero and Cure mapped to quick spell buttons. The third
won't matter since toi won't need it.


In your items slot, carry nothing but elixirs ou megalixirs, whichever toi

PHASE I- Lifebars 1+2

Sephiroth has 6 life bars. 5 normal ones, and one "invisible" one that toi
must get rid of before his damage meter starts...
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Vincent Valentine
Vincent can be found at the Shinra Mansion in Nibelheim. In one of rooms of the mansion is a locked safe. To crack the safe, enter the following combination:

Right to 36
Left to 10
Right to 59
Right to 97

The sûr, sans danger will open and you'll encounter the miniboss Lost Number. Kill this monster and retrieve the items in the safe. Enter the basement and proceed to the locked coffin room. Inside will be Vincent Valentine. Speak to him and leave, and Vincent will rejoindre your party shortly afterward.

Yuffie Kisaragi
This character can be found in a number of forests, most notably the one east...
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1. Salt and ice cream taste good

2. Cards=deadly weapons.

3. Ice cubes attack toi par "rolling" over.

4. Kingdom Hearts has 13 letters in in the title.

5. Throwing a water bottle in the air will cure toi of any injuries.

6. Heartless have no heart

7. Axel wants toi to memorize everything

8. If toi make thunder underwater toi wont get electrocuted

9. If toi make feu underwater it wont go out.

10. toi can wear a blindfold and survive jumping off a building.

11. Phil can't count

12. There's a world that "never was" and a world that is at its "end".

13. Jack Skellington loves Christmas instead of Halloween.

14. It is possible to glide UP hill

15. I know now... without a doubt... that Kingdom Hearts... is LIGHT!
Sora: I've been having these weird thoughts lately... like is any of this for real ou not?

Sora: Kairi! Remember what toi a dit before? I'm always with toi too. I'll come back to you... I promise!
Kairi: I know toi will!

Sora: Gimme a break, Kairi.
Kairi: Sora, toi lazy bum. I knew I'd find toi snoozing down here.
Sora: No, no, this big black dream swallowed me up! I couldn't breathe, I couldn't - ow!
Kairi: Have toi been dreaming again?
Sora: It wasn't a dream. ou was it? I don't know.
Kairi: Yeah, sure.
Sora: So Kairi, what was it like in your hometown, like where toi grew up?
Kairi: I told...
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posted by simpleplan
 fanmade case
fanmade case

The three armored characters that are shown in the “Sunset Horizons/The Gathering” and “Birth par Sleep” secret trailers ARE NOT Sora, Riku, and Kairi. Similarly, the bald man is not Ansem/Xehanort ou his Nobody/Heartless.
The names of the armoured characters are: Ven, the Roxas-like character who is frozen; Aqua, the knight with blue hair; and Terra, the largest of the knights and the one who’s face is revealed at the very end.
The Enigmatic Solider is, in fact, Terra, and is hinted to have some connection with Xehanort, though what that connection is, is current unknown....
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added by kostis1999
added by kostis1999
added by kostis1999
added by soraroxasxion
added by kostis1999
added by soraroxasxion
added by kostis1999
added by simpleplan
added by simpleplan
added by kostis1999