2. Cards=deadly weapons.
3. Ice cubes attack toi par "rolling" over.
4. Kingdom Hearts has 13 letters in in the title.
5. Throwing a water bottle in the air will cure toi of any injuries.
6. Heartless have no heart
7. Axel wants toi to memorize everything
8. If toi make thunder underwater toi wont get electrocuted
9. If toi make feu underwater it wont go out.
10. toi can wear a blindfold and survive jumping off a building.
11. Phil can't count
12. There's a world that "never was" and a world that is at its "end".
13. Jack Skellington loves Christmas instead of Halloween.
14. It is possible to glide UP hill
15. I know now... without a doubt... that Kingdom Hearts... is LIGHT!