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added by SAdryana
This is my longest chapter yet and is deddicated to my sister who told me to post my stories on the net. Enjoy!

Nahul was standing opposite me and the rest of us but there was a problem, behind Nahul there was a pack of sixteen blood thirsty, red eyed vampires.
“It’s just like Victoria,” I heard dad mutter, automatically placing himself in front of mum and I. I had heard about Victoria before, the crazed vampire who had wanted to kill my mum when she was human; she had created an army of newborn vampires and my dad had eventually ripped her head off with the help of Seth (my best wolfish...
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Here is chapter 3 of My True Love. Please go to my profil to rate and leave commentaires THANKS!!!

I was shocked at the sight I saw when I woke up. Everybody was rushing around carrying heavy bags and fancy looking equipment to the cars outside.
“Jasper?” I called, I was anxious to know what was going on and I knew that he was the only one who would give me a straight answer. He was at my side before I could blink.
“What is it that toi want Nessie?” he asked with a warm but not quite genuine smile.
“What is happening?” I whispered “I just woke up and I can’t see mum ou dad...
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added by MiSaDalinda
added by MiSaDalinda