Invader Zim FanCharacters The Doom Allience!!!!

invaderlin123 posted on Feb 12, 2011 at 01:13PM
leader: ida

captains: saber,belatrix

members: ida,saber,belatrix,kerri,brisky,moon,may,k­ai,­vio­let­,ni­ght­mar­e,t­imm­y,s­adr­i

hello my children your leader,ida, speaking here.
now you might be wondering why i started a allience with just cannibals and killers in it. well, you see the tallest dont understand how hard we killers try to make irk and the armada safe because they are stupid.STUPID! now, their daughters, fantashia and lyla have a better chance of leading. we work our way up and kill the tallest granting the permission to the daughters. but after that mission is done we get rid of all the resistys/vorts! thank you if you understand but till everything is peaceful again....we will be hungry >:) ida signing off

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