We all knowed how Harry Potter is since we picked up the book ou seen a movie. Harry was the greatst hero of all time. we l’amour him since jour one.We wachted him grow up and lern that he has something to do. He know freinds were import to him and to them to and they would rick any thinng to save one in other even if it meant to lose there own lifes. That is why harry is the best and Fred and groge there good to. Harry define his Friends when they was in toudle and could not get out.
That is why Harry is the best
Harry Potter 4 ever
That is why Harry is the best
Harry Potter 4 ever
These are some of my own citations about the series. Feel free to add your own.
How can Harry Potter not be real? After all, reality is made up of what toi believe in.
Words have great power. If two words can kill a person, I'd hate to see what a sentence can do.
Which is safer: Quidditch ou football? Me, I'd say Quidditch. toi can't break an ankle while on a broom.
Wave a stick around. It looks like magic.
Well of course Muggles can't see dementors! No one can see despair until it's right on haut, retour au début of them.
There's a spell for that.
Who'd be dumb enought to eat whatever Fred and George offer? Oh, wait, I can't say it's rhetorical. Crabbe and Goyle are that dumb.
If toi stand up for what toi believe in, someone in this world is going to call toi crazy.
If toi go to Hogwarts, saying school is boring is an outright lie.
How can Harry Potter not be real? After all, reality is made up of what toi believe in.
Words have great power. If two words can kill a person, I'd hate to see what a sentence can do.
Which is safer: Quidditch ou football? Me, I'd say Quidditch. toi can't break an ankle while on a broom.
Wave a stick around. It looks like magic.
Well of course Muggles can't see dementors! No one can see despair until it's right on haut, retour au début of them.
There's a spell for that.
Who'd be dumb enought to eat whatever Fred and George offer? Oh, wait, I can't say it's rhetorical. Crabbe and Goyle are that dumb.
If toi stand up for what toi believe in, someone in this world is going to call toi crazy.
If toi go to Hogwarts, saying school is boring is an outright lie.