Harry et Hermione need a nickname for Hermione from Harry

Harmony_234 posted on May 20, 2011 at 10:27PM
Idk if this is where i ask. im new to this but whatever. I am writing a fan fiction and i got screamed at cuz i used baby for Hermione from Harry. You are the perfect people to ask because your a huge Harmony fan... I need a nickname that fits Hermione (minus 'Mione) that is romantic and something Harry would say. I am a creative writer its just nicknames and titles i lack creativity. if you guys do this i will love you for life (JOKING) but i will be really happy and you are the best if you do. Thanks and i need this ASAP.

Harry et Hermione 10 réponses

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il y a plus d’un an Tasha1993 said…
How about Hermy, lol. (Just kidding) I can't really think of a nickname from the name Hermione. It's kind of hard. Maybe other Harmony fans would have a good one.
il y a plus d’un an OnlyHarmioneHJP said…
What's wrong with baby?? It's one of those terms that's specifically reserved for affectionate couples. Hermy is terrible, no offense Tasha!, and Mione is adorable, but it's been used. What about just Mi (my), short for Mione, and sort of sounds like Harry is referring to her like she is his. Kind of cute. Other than this, there isn't a whole lot you can do with her name. Unless you just want any nickname. Then you can start looking at personality traits.
il y a plus d’un an Tasha1993 said…
None taken OnlyHarioneHJP.lol. I was just kidding about Hermy. (That's what Grawp called her.)
il y a plus d’un an Tasha1993 said…
Mi sounds good actually:)
last edited il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an emilykuru said…
I think mi is perfect! I dotn think i have any ideas for now
il y a plus d’un an Harmony_234 said…
i love it! im going to use it thanks OnlyHarmioneHJP.
il y a plus d’un an OnlyHarmioneHJP said…
big smile
Oh no problem!! Glad I could help!
il y a plus d’un an OnlyHarmioneHJP said…
And thanks guys, I thought it was cute too!
il y a plus d’un an Stargaryen said…
What about "Mine" (pronounced as "Miny")?
il y a plus d’un an ChiffaniChan said…
Most people just use Mione.