EPISODE 1 Lilly, Do toi Want To Know A Secret?
Miley: "I say this because I care about you: get some help!"
Jackson: "Oh believe me, she's screaming in the inside."
Robbie: "This it this way Miley, he goes out with a girl, they fall in love, they get married and he moves out."
EPISODE 2 Miley, Get Your Gum
Miley: "Yes, and maybe just maybe that's insane!"
Miley: "Do u hear what you're saying ou is there a big roaring in ur ear?!"
Miley: "Look at toi all upside-right"
EPISODE 3 She's A Supersneak
Robbie: "Look at the size of this bad boy. We had quite a battle ou two. First it was him, then...
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