Les Contes de Grimm AfterBirth: Minnie

Zombie_Queen posted on Jul 20, 2011 at 04:30AM
Ok now, you know how AfterBirth is supposed to be about how Minnie feels all sad and stuff because she lives in a child's body and want to adventure with Jr or something like that, right? Well if she doesn't want to be a child then why doesn't Sally make her an older body? You know?

Les Contes de Grimm 8 réponses

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il y a plus d’un an stratus said…
that would be a good idea, there might be some explanation for why they havent tried asking sally about it. they could write that it was too dangerous, or sally could be dead, or in a coma. but i think they just cant make it easy for minnie so that there will be more story. i dont like seeing Minnie suffering :'( happy ending plox
last edited il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an Zombie_Queen said…
ya, you're right
il y a plus d’un an stratus said…
in one of the after birth previews i think Minnie will have to join some evil people to get her original body back, but she might have to be enmeies with Jr grim and mandy. she wont be allowed in the family anymore. :'(

Minnie will have a lot of emotional turmoil and struggles. things will be very unfair for her. she will feel weak and useless. a women who wants to be respected and set free but cursed to live as a child. and Jr probably cant support and comfort her because he must save the world.
last edited il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an Zombie_Queen said…
Hmm, i haven't thought about that. Could be a possibility.

YA, I agree sister. Or... dude.
il y a plus d’un an stratus said…
i think her problembs with being trapped as a child and having little to any powers will be one of the major conflicts in afterbirth. i think Jr. has mastered the nergals by then an wont need her training him anymore. so it will be like shes small weak and useless. i think the evil boss guy in afterbirth said Mandy might even replace her :'(
il y a plus d’un an Zombie_Queen said…
Wait, Mandy will replace her? What do you mean? She cant replace her own daughter.
il y a plus d’un an stratus said…
i believe mandy loves her but i think she wants to have powerful children as weapons. so now that minnie has no powers and cant even grow up physically. shes like a dead end in mandys eyes, a failed subject, and mandy will focus on the other children.
last edited il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an MahnameisNikkie said…
Well I guess it becaus the soul transferring process is a lot more difficult than wat u may think it is