Greyson Chance Club
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Greyson has been packing like crazy for his tour and Anna has been calling him every jour to ask when and where are we going and Greyson would tell her and she would get over excited but Greyson thought it was cutest thing ever. Today Greyson and his girlfriend Anna are going to the plage with his buddy Cody:
Greyson: I just l’amour the beaches here!

They get out of the car:

Anna: Me too! The beaches here are so pretty!

Cody: toi guys have to see the beaches in australia now that's where it's at....

Greyson: Well where touring in the U.S. but maybe we can make it a after touring vacation.....

Anna: Can...
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added by talia_bieber
added by lermanlover
added by ice2504
greyson michael chance
added by lermanlover
added by lermanlover
added by ecclesia
posted by MoonlightSeeker
~25 Greyson Chance's Secret~

A - Augustana
He is a big fan of this rock band from America. Because of that, he uploaded his video which he sang a song of Augustana (Fire) on YouTube. Greyson admitted that Augustana's songs are his inspiration.

B - Black cerise ice cream
When he buys his favori ice cream in Bahama Ice Cream, he always orders black cerise flavor. And there's Greyson Chance Snow Cone, which is the name of an ice cream in that stand based on Greyson's name. Maybe that ice cream tastes as sweet as Greyson. ^^

C - California
Greyson had ever felt an 5,4 scale Ritcher earthquake at California...
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added by lermanlover
added by Hot_n_cold
added by ecclesia
Source: :)
added by ecclesia
Source: somewhere....
added by ecclesia
Source: somewhere....
added by talia_bieber
added by ecclesia
Source: Our Greyson Chance
added by Keondra
Source: wildlife