GUNN: what if we can't manage it all? the job, the romance,...emotions are tricky. they can nuage our judgement, toi know, like the carosel last night. what if it doesn't work?
FRED: so we're back to that?-what if wesley makes us choose?
GUNN: iv'e been fighting vamps and demons since i was a kid. that sence of doing good - of waking up in the morning and making the world safer-better... i've always had that
(Fred looks down. A smile appears on Gunns face as he looks at her)
GUNN: but i never had a Fred before. If we had to, i choose you-i came on too strong, didn't i?
FRED: No. toi came on just right
FRED: so we're back to that?-what if wesley makes us choose?
GUNN: iv'e been fighting vamps and demons since i was a kid. that sence of doing good - of waking up in the morning and making the world safer-better... i've always had that
(Fred looks down. A smile appears on Gunns face as he looks at her)
GUNN: but i never had a Fred before. If we had to, i choose you-i came on too strong, didn't i?
FRED: No. toi came on just right