poisson Your poisson

tiz posted on Jan 23, 2008 at 02:41AM
Do you have any fish?

What kind? And Names?

poisson 10 réponses

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il y a plus d’un an tiz said…
Well since this is my question I supose I'll go first... :D

I have two goldfish.. named Edward and Flounder.. they are the cutest things ever! :D
last edited il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an Lars said…
We have over 200 fish. Too many to name.
il y a plus d’un an DrDevience said…
Yep. What my husband said. Way too many for names... although, one in the Koi pond I do call 'Sharky' because of his markings.
il y a plus d’un an Snerkie said…
i have some goldfish...well they were my sisters and she moved out so i have to feed them, lol, they're quite big :) proud of them ^_^

oh and i used to have a fish like ages ago in a pond, i called him Big Lips 'cause he had huge lips...my mum told me he was hiding in this little cave at the back of the pond...he wasn't hiding :( lol
il y a plus d’un an fishypup said…
Currently there's...
Renshaw the common pleco
Riesen the corydoras cat
Penny the silver dollar
Joe the black skirt tetra

How ya like those names? xD
My favorites are plecos...my first two, Mercedes and Alan, were truly awesome fish with real personality. In fact I've particularly adored every catfish I ever had, they're the best!

Last ones we bid sad farewells to were Melvin and Denali (freshwater sharks) and a few Freds (neon tetras.)
il y a plus d’un an 123cosmo4 said…
I have 15 fish. I took them home from my school library. Here are a few of them that I know by name
1. Spots:orange and white goldfish
2. Bob:little gray goldfish
3. Cally:Rosie ROcket
4. Tiger:black and white goldfish
il y a plus d’un an 123cosmo4 said…
1.Spots-orange and white goldfish
2.little gray rosie rocket, smallest fish in the tank
3.Cally-pinkish white goldfish
4.Tiger-light orange goldfish with an orange spot
5.Shade-gray rosie rocket
6.Marina-whitish rosie rocket
7.Mort-light orange fish, biggest fish in the tank
8.Java-dark orange goldfish
9.Goby-pure white Rosie rocket
10.Gary-pale orange goldfish.
last edited il y a plus d’un an
il y a plus d’un an 123cosmo4 said…
A whole year has passed and I still have 6 of the 15. I just got two new guppies!
il y a plus d’un an -x-Lou-Lou-x- said…
I have one! i used 2 have 2 the one who died:( woz called Bubbles'z but now i have one fish he is so gorgeous; called Mike!!
il y a plus d’un an zidayne said…
Hello i have
2 bettas-Zayn and Ne
2 goldfish-sadie & sparkle
1 pleco-leon