Eternal night Club
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added by _madz_
Source: everyone on the twilight spot
posted by _madz_
pretty much a aléatoire New Moon one shot as the titre suggests. set after Bella becomes Friends with Jake but before the bikes are finished.
the italic bits are lines from a play done at the 2009 Tony awards about a depressed woman. i thought it was appropriate. if they sound farmiliar, it's because they have been used on this site previously in a House fanfic.
hope toi enjoy, feel free to commentaire :)

Another day. Without thinking I look towards my window, always unlocked but never opened.
I curled tighter into myself. This wasn’t the way to start my day.
Do toi wake up in the morning and need...
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posted by _madz_
about time!! lol
i'm so sorry, i planned to spend much plus time on this bit but my homework has caught up with me and i had to work 9 hours today, so i was a little short of time. hope toi enjoy it anyway :)

part 23
“Well, about that...See, I found that...when I was doing something dangerous ou stupid...I could remember toi plus clearly.” She said, looking like she was confessing to murder. “I could remember how your voice sounded when toi were angry. I could hear it, like toi were right there suivant to me. Mostly I tried not to think about you, but this didn’t hurt so much—it was like...
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posted by _madz_
im sorry i took so long but i wont bore toi with excuses. i know this is very short but i didnt want to leave toi guys hanging.the suivant one should be longer :)

Bella must have felt me hesitating. Her beautiful face looked up at me, her gorgeous, melting chocolat brown eyes shining, even though she was faint from exhaustion. The crease between her eyebrows showed that she was slightly irritated. I wanted to raise my finger to her brow and smooth it out, but before I got the chance, Bella started talking.
“Please, Edward.” She whispered, the words slurred together.
Anything, I wanted to...
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added by princessbella
posted by _madz_
feu and Ice
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
Robert Frost.

I glanced up at the clock, even though I knew exactly how long had passed. I should know; I’d been counting the seconds.
I was sitting in my car around the corner from Bella’s house, trying vainly to hear Charlie. He was so quiet it was hard to make out. Of course I would much rather be listing for my precious Bella, but with...
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added by princessbella
added by _madz_
Source: everyone on the twilight spot
added by princessbella
added by princessbella
added by princessbella
added by princessbella
added by princessbella
added by princessbella
added by princessbella
added by _madz_
Source: everyone on the twilight spot
added by princessbella
added by princessbella
added by princessbella
added by princessbella