Real Banging News! : A’moun-Ĥotep_IV & Akhen-A’toun WERE 'TWO' PERSONS, NOT 'ONE'!! .2
In continuation of: Real Banging News! : A’moun-Ĥotep_IV & Akhen-A’toun WERE 'TWO' PERSONS, NOT 'ONE'!! .1
7. The Markable, Stark, Well-Represented and Very Sharp 'Superficial Changedness' – which was actually a 'Differentiation-By-Succession' – between the Earlier and the Later 2-D and 3-D Images of A'moun-Ĥotep_IV / Akhon-A'toun_I, In FACIAL FEATURES And BODY SHAPES AND DIMENSIONS, Have Suddenly Become Perceivable As ''Of-Course Very Natural, On Bi-Genderness And On Bi-Characterization''. Specifically, because the earlier images were for the 'MALE' PHARAOH/ A'moun-Ĥotep_IV, while the later images were for the 'FEMALE' PHARAOH/ Akhon-A'toun, Egyptologists have found this 'Differentiation' – which happened 'By-Succession' – or this so-called 'Superficial Changedness', that was/is always Markable, Stark, Well-Represented and Very Sharp, all-through and persistingly.
8. The 2-D and 3-D Images of The Queen/ Akhon-A'toun_I, In All, Prove that she had been of an absolutely Feminine 'Curvy' Physique, that had touched An 'INCRIDBLE' Attractive Level, to the extent that it 'Should NOT Have Been CREDIBLE' At All for the Egyptologists to deny her The Reality of her Impressive and almost Seductive 'Womanhood', and for All that decades-long past time (!!!). At times, her images show some 'near-ideal' standards of an 'intimidating' female-body characteristics (!!!), like: Plump Protruding Full Lips ; Long-Hair Collected In A Back-Shoulder-Draped Sac ; Fair Unbaked-By-Sun Skin ; Nippled Half-Full Breasts ; Pointed Left-Long Nails On Smooth Long Fingers On Gentle Hands ; Fat-Depot 'Fluffy' Folds In Lower Figure ; Bulbous-Shaped Meaty Belly ; Oval-Shaped 'Blown-Up' Lower-Trunk ; Round 'Conical' Quite-Thick Thighs ; And The Non-Existance Of Any Male Reproductive Organs (!!!).
9. The Detectable, Definable and Easily-Distinguishable 'Bi-Style Variations' – which were actually 'Alterations-By-Gender-Diversity' – In APPEARANCES-OF-COSTUMES in the earlier and the later 2-D and 3-D images of A'moun-Ĥotep_IV / Akhon-A'toun_I, undisputably signify: Obviously 'Masculine' Wearings of a Noble-Lord/King from the 18th Dynasty Period, and Obviously 'Feminine' Wearings of a Noble-Lady/Queen from also the 18th Dynasty Period, and all that are with Crystal-Clear Distinction. Specifically, because the 'For-Men-Only' Dress Images were for the 'MALE' PHARAOH/ A'moun-Ĥotep_IV, while the 'For-Women-Only' Dress Images were for the 'FEMALE' PHARAOH/ Akhon-A'toun, Egyptologists Have Found these 'Alterations' – which exhibited 'By-Gender-Diversity' – or these so-called 'Bi-Style Variations', that were/are always detectable, definable and easily-distinguishable, all-through and persistingly.
10. The 2-D and 3-D Images of The Female Pharaoh/ Akhon-A'toun_I, In All, Prove Solidly that she had been wearing absolutely Feminine Body-Revealing Garments And Wearable Accessory Beauty Items, almost All-The-Time, and in an Assertive and Consistant Manner that nearly gives Nobody any Chance to accuse her of 'Men-Imitating' (!!!). Very frequently, she appeared 'Putting-On' a silky/silky-like body-curved skirt, which absolutely 'No-Man' [ if we don't say 'No-Statesman' ] in the whole Near-East would Dare to Wear (!!!), and that is in addition to her special Long-Hair-Collecting 'Head-Sacque', that was left to hang loosely onto her upper-back. And all that could have been accompanied, though less frequently, with the typical arced shoulder-to-shoulder richly jeweled/ornamented chest-belt piece.
To be continued ...
In continuation of: Real Banging News! : A’moun-Ĥotep_IV & Akhen-A’toun WERE 'TWO' PERSONS, NOT 'ONE'!! .1
7. The Markable, Stark, Well-Represented and Very Sharp 'Superficial Changedness' – which was actually a 'Differentiation-By-Succession' – between the Earlier and the Later 2-D and 3-D Images of A'moun-Ĥotep_IV / Akhon-A'toun_I, In FACIAL FEATURES And BODY SHAPES AND DIMENSIONS, Have Suddenly Become Perceivable As ''Of-Course Very Natural, On Bi-Genderness And On Bi-Characterization''. Specifically, because the earlier images were for the 'MALE' PHARAOH/ A'moun-Ĥotep_IV, while the later images were for the 'FEMALE' PHARAOH/ Akhon-A'toun, Egyptologists have found this 'Differentiation' – which happened 'By-Succession' – or this so-called 'Superficial Changedness', that was/is always Markable, Stark, Well-Represented and Very Sharp, all-through and persistingly.
8. The 2-D and 3-D Images of The Queen/ Akhon-A'toun_I, In All, Prove that she had been of an absolutely Feminine 'Curvy' Physique, that had touched An 'INCRIDBLE' Attractive Level, to the extent that it 'Should NOT Have Been CREDIBLE' At All for the Egyptologists to deny her The Reality of her Impressive and almost Seductive 'Womanhood', and for All that decades-long past time (!!!). At times, her images show some 'near-ideal' standards of an 'intimidating' female-body characteristics (!!!), like: Plump Protruding Full Lips ; Long-Hair Collected In A Back-Shoulder-Draped Sac ; Fair Unbaked-By-Sun Skin ; Nippled Half-Full Breasts ; Pointed Left-Long Nails On Smooth Long Fingers On Gentle Hands ; Fat-Depot 'Fluffy' Folds In Lower Figure ; Bulbous-Shaped Meaty Belly ; Oval-Shaped 'Blown-Up' Lower-Trunk ; Round 'Conical' Quite-Thick Thighs ; And The Non-Existance Of Any Male Reproductive Organs (!!!).
9. The Detectable, Definable and Easily-Distinguishable 'Bi-Style Variations' – which were actually 'Alterations-By-Gender-Diversity' – In APPEARANCES-OF-COSTUMES in the earlier and the later 2-D and 3-D images of A'moun-Ĥotep_IV / Akhon-A'toun_I, undisputably signify: Obviously 'Masculine' Wearings of a Noble-Lord/King from the 18th Dynasty Period, and Obviously 'Feminine' Wearings of a Noble-Lady/Queen from also the 18th Dynasty Period, and all that are with Crystal-Clear Distinction. Specifically, because the 'For-Men-Only' Dress Images were for the 'MALE' PHARAOH/ A'moun-Ĥotep_IV, while the 'For-Women-Only' Dress Images were for the 'FEMALE' PHARAOH/ Akhon-A'toun, Egyptologists Have Found these 'Alterations' – which exhibited 'By-Gender-Diversity' – or these so-called 'Bi-Style Variations', that were/are always detectable, definable and easily-distinguishable, all-through and persistingly.
10. The 2-D and 3-D Images of The Female Pharaoh/ Akhon-A'toun_I, In All, Prove Solidly that she had been wearing absolutely Feminine Body-Revealing Garments And Wearable Accessory Beauty Items, almost All-The-Time, and in an Assertive and Consistant Manner that nearly gives Nobody any Chance to accuse her of 'Men-Imitating' (!!!). Very frequently, she appeared 'Putting-On' a silky/silky-like body-curved skirt, which absolutely 'No-Man' [ if we don't say 'No-Statesman' ] in the whole Near-East would Dare to Wear (!!!), and that is in addition to her special Long-Hair-Collecting 'Head-Sacque', that was left to hang loosely onto her upper-back. And all that could have been accompanied, though less frequently, with the typical arced shoulder-to-shoulder richly jeweled/ornamented chest-belt piece.
To be continued ...