drewjoana <3 Club
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posted by drewjoana
The First montrer I ever watched: Allo Allo!
Most récent One I Watched (and loved): Teen Wolf
My favori Type Of Shows: Drama Ones, I admire powerful and well written Dramas.
films I recall to watch the most as a Kid: E.T. and Jurassic Park.
Most récent One I Watched (and loved): The Hurt Locker
My First Celebrity Teen Crush: Devon Sawa
My Other Teen Crushes: Kevin bacon and Nicolas Cage.
My favori musique Band as a Teen: Savage Garden.
My favori Classic TV Shows: Beverly Hills 90210, Cheers, Alf and Quantum Leap.

to be continued...
posted by rakshasa
Season 2 Episode 12: "Donnie ou Marie"

Holder: Minimum wage ain't worth fighting the popo.

Jamie: Now if that's it, "bro," I've got a campaign to resuscitate.

Holder: No late fees on those DVDs, right?

Season 2 Episode 8: "Off the Reservation"

Jack: Why can't toi come with me?

Holder: Just got to row with the flow, like my man Bruce Lee.

Carlson: Nothing personal detective, but I don't like you.

Season 2 Episode 7: "Keylela"

Holder: Damn, now I know what that guy meant when he a dit the casino is business in the front and party in the back.

Holder: Easy there Thunderheart, we don't got a safety...
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posted by drewjoana
Name: Joana

Age: 28

Country: Portugal

Favorite TV Shows: Homeland, Castle, NCIS, Rectify, One arbre Hill, Doctor Who, New Girl, Teen Wolf, Girls, Misfits and tones Of Uk Comedy Series like Coupling, Absoultely Fabulous, Extras and The IT Crowd.

OTP Shippings: Carrie & Brody// Homeland and château & Beckett// Castle

Other Shipping that I also Adore: Tony & Ziva// NCIS, Jim & Callie// The Glades, Booth & Bones// Bones, Derek & Jennifer// Teen Wolf, Hal & Alex// Being Human, Grayson & Jane// Drop Dead Diva, Branson & Sybil// Downton Abbey, Holder & Linden// The...
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posted by HaleyDewit
This is my first rap song. It's about my co-worker. It's not very nice. Also, somewhere there's the line 'i don't mind being the hottest chick around' I usually don't say those kinds of things. She just really pissed me off.

Talking shit like a twit
That’s all toi can do
But when it comes down to it
Nothing gets through to you
You’re all big talk
But toi got no game
And this poor me crap
Is really fucking lame
Who the hell are you
To play victimized
We’ve all got issues, bitch
But I guess yours are worse than mine
If you’d be the honest person
You claim to be
You wouldn’t talk third
person singular...
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