Disney Fanfictions What do toi think of Brianna Garcia's fanfiction "When Curiosity Met Insanity?"

Pick one:
I l’ amour it! It&# 39; s so cute.
I l’amour it! It's so cute.
I like it. It&# 39; s interesting
I like it. It's interesting
It&# 39; s alright. Not one of my favorites.
It's alright. Not one of my favorites.
Ugh. I don&# 39; t like it.
Ugh. I don't like it.
I don&# 39; t know. I&# 39; ve never read it.
I don't know. I've never read it.
I&# 39; ve never even heard of it.
I've never even heard of it.
 GypsyMarionette posted il y a plus d’un an
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