Dir En Grey Club
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added by MrOrange16
Source: vinushka.net
added by MrOrange16
added by MrOrange16
Source: vinushka.net
added by MrOrange16
Source: psycho-coffee.tumblr.com
added by MrOrange16
added by MrOrange16
added by MrOrange16
added by zanhar1
posted by MrOrange16
Just some facts about the Dir En Grey members....

京 Kyo (Vo.):

Basic info:
Full name: 西村 亨 (Nishimura Tooru)
Height: 5'3"
Blood type: B
Birth place: Kyoto
Birth date: February 16, 1976

Fun facts:
- He has the worst luck when it comes to eyebrow peircing. He tried to peirce one of his eyebrows. It got infected. Then, he tried his other eyebrow. Same thing happened....
- He hates to be called "kawaii" ou "Kyo-chan". However, he likes to be called "Kyo" ou "Kyo-san".
- One time he was fighting with his father (over his grades, Kyo wasn't a very good student) and at one point Kyo a dit he'd leave...
continue reading...
added by MrOrange16
added by MrOrange16
added by zanhar1
added by MrOrange16
added by MrOrange16
Source: natsuwat.tumblr.com
added by MrOrange16
Source: fuckyeahdirengrey.tumblr.com
added by MrOrange16
Source: fuckyeahdirengrey.tumblr.com
added by MrOrange16
added by MrOrange16
added by zanhar1