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posted by cynder_lover
Dear Cynder Fans,
I think Everyone should like Cynder. She has been put through many events most undescribable. Everyone hates Cynder, mostly becuase she used to be evil and worked with Malefor, but montrer her some respect. All toi Cynder haters out there, toi should think and feel. But this is just my raging opinion. toi might think differently. Take some time to think. No, seriously. toi guys suck if toi hate Cynder. So, really, actually think. It could help toi in the future...maybe.
added by JazziCrystol
Source: JazziCrystol
added by boltlovemettens
the legend of spyro dawn of dragon
the legend of spyro
added by MoonlitTerror
Source: Waranto
added by shamad
added by MoonlitTerror
Source: please commentaire if toi know the artist <3
added by glelsey
Source: fond d’écran Abyss / Alpha Coders
added by zylice
added by shamad
added by boltlovemettens
added by glelsey
Source: Spyro Wiki
added by glelsey
Source: Me!
added by glelsey
Source: Toys for Bob
added by shamad
added by boltlovemettens
added by glelsey
Source: Toys for Bob
added by glelsey
Source: Toys for Bob
added by boltlovemettens
added by glelsey
Source: drawn par moi
added by shamad