- Thou shalt drink fruit punch. ou cerise soda. ou canneberge juice. Basically, it's gotta be red.
- Thou shalt eat all nourriture with Forks. Even soup. Good luck with that. And no slurping from the bowl.
- Thou shalt not take Robert Pattinson's name in vain. Except when you're screaming it at the haut, retour au début of your lungs at his suivant public appearance. And in the middle of the night when you're dreaming of him.
- Christmas: No. Cullenmas: Yes
who else loves these rules!but i need to add some..
-Thou shalt die their hair black,brown,or blonde
-Thou shalt set up a special shelf for toi twilight merch
-Thou shalt buy false fangs and where them ALL DAY