Are there age limits to Cosplaying?

Something that's been bothering me lately is the age limits to Cosplaying.

Say that you're forty ou fifty and toi still enjoy Cosplaying, are there any age limitations ou could toi still continue doing it until toi die?

I mean, one of my biggest concerns is that if you're over fifty ou forty can Cosplaying still be alive for those people even if they are much older than the average young Cosplayer? I often worry that their Skins will montrer and it will be wrinkly ou crippled and will receive tons of hate and hurt. I'm not saying anyone in particular is still Cosplaying but I am just overly concerned about this fact.

So, what are toi opinions over it? Are there any "age limits" to Cosplaying ou not?
 AnimeFan66 posted il y a plus d’un an
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Cosplay Réponses

dontmindmeyo said:
Well, I've been cosplaying since I was around 11. I don't think that I'll be stopping any time soon! I go to plenty of cons and have met plenty of cosplayers. They're all a variety of ages! If it's something toi enjoy, I don't see why toi shouldn't be able to cosplay! It's just a fun hobby after all. Anyone can do it!
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