Cory Monteith & Chris Colfer Club
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added by ForsakenMoon19
Source: chasingthestormposterPicnik collage.jpg
added by ForsakenMoon19
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added by ForsakenMoon19
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added by ForsakenMoon19
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added by ForsakenMoon19
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added by ForsakenMoon19
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added by ForsakenMoon19
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added by CoryGirl_19
Source: tumblr_m442n7SKmg1r84z8eo1_250[1].
I'm really excited about this interview because it just goes to montrer that Cory Monteith's talents (vocally) can't be denied, especially if this haut, retour au début musique producer thinks he's a hell of a lot plus impressive than Lea Michele (which says a lot about this man). So those of toi who continue to flaunt your jealousy, bash him and doubt his talents as a singer well...not to be offensive but toi can just Kiss Adam Ander's ass! Read after the jump:

THR: Who from the cast has impressed toi vocally?

AA: "I knew Lea [Michele] was going to impress me. I knew Amber [Riley] would blow me away. I think Cory...
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OMG I can't get over how amazing he looks!! Two weeks without a word and we get this sexy beast lol?!?!? l’amour it!!
live montrer
cory monteith
bonnie dune
I didn't write these reasons but I sure as Hell thought of them and completely agree with this person 100%!! I could add plus reasons as to why this is the worst ship on the montrer but I'd rather just save that for another arguement, anyway check out what this gleek had to say after the jump:

1) Rachel: “Does this mean you’ll be competing against us at sectionals?”

Your best friend is crying. Everyone else is crying. He is about to leave everything he knows and you’re worrying about a stupid chant competition? Real friendship right there, yo.

2) The entire Blame it on the Alcohol episode....
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added by ForsakenMoon19
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added by ForsakenMoon19
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added by ForsakenMoon19
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added by ForsakenMoon19
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added by ForsakenMoon19
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added by ForsakenMoon19
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added by CoryGirl_19
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added by CoryGirl_19
Source: tumblr_m43j7zrZaE1qd8m4do4_250[1].giftumblr_m43j7zrZaE1qd8m