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added by lol24
added by CrisBxFBxATxN
added by vagos
Source: Laika Entertainment/ Screencaps par Me
added by vagos
Source: Laika Entertainment/ Screencaps par Me
added by vagos
Source: Laika Entertainment/ Screencaps par Me
added by vagos
Source: Laika Entertainment/ Screencaps par Me
added by vagos
Source: Laika Entertainment/ Screencaps par Me
added by vagos
Source: Laika Entertainment/ Screencaps par Me
added by vagos
Source: Laika Entertainment/ Screencaps par Me
added by vagos
Source: Laika Entertainment/ Screencaps par Me
added by vagos
Source: Laika Entertainment/ Screencaps par Me
added by vagos
Source: Laika Entertainment/ Screencaps par Me
added by vagos
Source: Laika Entertainment/ Screencaps par Me
added by vagos
Source: Laika Entertainment/ Screencaps par Me
posted by ALetterToElise
The Corpse Bride

Once upon a time there was a young man who lived in a village in Russia. He was to be married and he and his friend prepared to go to the village where his bride-to-be lived, two days walk from his own village.

The first night the two Friends decided to set up camp par a river. The young man who was going to be married spotted an unusual looking stick in the ground that looked like a bony finger. He and his friend started joking about this bony finger sticking out of the ground and the young man who was going to be married took the golden wedding ring from his pocket and put it...
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added by Kashmere1646
Source: kashmere1646
added by Spookyprincess
added by CrisBxFBxATxN
added by Fyrwenn