Comparative Religion Ask a Pagan forum )O(

southern-belle posted on Dec 04, 2011 at 02:18AM
Hello and welcome to the Ask a Pagan Forum (:
Inspired by the Ask some Atheists Forum and Ask a Christian forum this one has the same idea, to answer any and all questions in a respectful and open-minded way.
All questions are accepted (there's no such thing as a stupid question) and will be answered to the best of my (and anyone else who wishes to help out) ability. All I ask is that every stays respectful, however if this forum becomes a problem it will not hurt my feelings at all to delete it.
I have asked other Pagans and posted a link on the paganism spot for people to help me answer questions when I'm not here or unable to find a suitable answer.
As I said before, if anyone at ALL (whichever religion, whether asking a question or answering one) it will not bother me one bit to delete this.

I will also be posting an identical forum on the Christianity Spot.
Blessed Be )O(

Comparative Religion 13 réponses

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il y a plus d’un an southern-belle said…
Just posting this so that the forum will show up in the updates (:
il y a plus d’un an livetobefree said…
Hey Southern-belle! Do you believe in Jesus Christ? Or do you believe that He was just a man or that He was a prophet?
il y a plus d’un an southern-belle said…
Personally, I believe that Jesus is the son of God as much as Horus and Hercules are. The story of a son of God being born on earth is repeated in almost every mythology, I believe the Christian tale as much as any other (:
il y a plus d’un an livetobefree said…
Oh that's cool. I just didn't know because obviously the only parts of the pagan faith that I hear about is on TV and in school and when others say how evil it is. I honestly dont think it's evil I actually think it's a nice way for people to live. I'm glad your open about it :) God bless
il y a plus d’un an southern-belle said…
Yea I hear a lot of the same stuff, people who say that paganism is evil or that pagans worship the devil are just horribly misinformed though. I think a good deal of that comes from the fact that there are a few gods such as Pan and Cernunnos that some people pray to who have antlers or goat horns. A lot of people come to drastic conclusions about that as soon as they see horns and then they're never informed of the meaning behind them.
I wish I could say that I am open about my faith as you've said but the truth is it's only on the internet that I let people know, none of my close friends or family have any idea yet.
Blessed Be (:
il y a plus d’un an livetobefree said…
Oh, well I hope everything goes well for you :)
il y a plus d’un an bri-marie said…
I know this forum's a little old, but I thought I'd say that I'd also be happy to answer any questions people have :)
il y a plus d’un an fassmackey said…
why do Xtains think they have a god given right to mess with us?
il y a plus d’un an bri-marie said…
Technically, they're religion tells them they do. According their theology, their god is the One True God TM, and all other religions and gods are false. Aaaand anyone who practices those religions and worships those gods are going to Hell. Proselytism is also a huge thing in Christianity.

I think another big part of it is the Us vs Them mentality. Christianity is the majority religion, which means all other religions are the minority. Pagans (and other religions) are the "them". We're the outsiders, we're different, and that's a problem. You combine that with their theology and voila!, you have lots of Christians that feel the need to heckle different faiths.
il y a plus d’un an misanthrope86 said…
I agree with bri-marie. A big part of that 'Us VS Them' mentality comes directly from the christian religious doctrine. Some verses of the bible state outright that you should not enter into debates with non-believers, other verses directly state that you should defend god/Jesus/the bible. So the bible doesn't really give clear guidelines (lol what a surprise) as to how believers should approach non-believers in terms of coverting them (on the other hand, we know the bible encourages christians to kill/shun non-believers, so...). I would argue that some christians have picked up the half-assed 'preach-our-religion' message and coupled it with the first 2 (arguably 3) of the ten commandments which focus on belief in the christian god. The bible is, ironically, very, very clear about the belief in the biblical god being the number one (and number two) priority. I think if those are the main ideas driving a religion (particularly a religion with a massive, dense and contradictory doctrine), the followers probably feel like it is their duty to not only spread the word, but actively push that word into other people's lives.
il y a plus d’un an livetobefree said…
@bri-marie and @misanthrope86 I'm currently a Catholic although I am undecided what religion I am at the moment, but I completely understand what you're saying about Christian superiority. I came from a school where we were taught if you arent Christian you are going to Hell. However I've come to disagree with that and follow the Sikh idea that all religion points to one God one way or another. I always try to stick up for people of other religions :) so dont worry there are Christians on your side!
il y a plus d’un an bri-marie said…
@live: Oh, I know. But, unfortunately, when answering a question like that, you kinda have to go with the general majority :/
il y a plus d’un an livetobefree said…
I understand :/ it's a shame us Christians have that rep. As a Catholic I've gotten attacked by Protestant Christians saying that Catholics aren't Christian's at all. @bri-Marie