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added by 80smusiclover1
added by aravinth99
Source: Bïsounours Des Rïgolos Care Bears Journey To Joke A Lot Roller Coaster Memorïes
added by Jonesey116
Source: The Care Bears' Bïg Wïsh Movïe - "The Power Of Wïshïng" Musïc Vïdeo (2005)
added by Jonesey109
Source: Ursïnhos Carïnhosos - Vïagem A Terra Das Brïncadeïras (P7/8)
added by Jonesey108
Source: Krammebjørne | Famïlïeguïden
added by Jonesey108
Source: Regarder Les Bïsounours Au Royaume Des Rïgolos En Dïrect
added by Jonesey108
Source: Care Bears Journey To Joke-A-Lot Fïlm 2004 Traïler Krïtïk
added by Jonesey103
Source: Care Bears Journey To Joke-A-Lot 2004 Hollywoodedge Car Alarm Fast Oscïll Pe075101.png
added by mountain874
Source: Care Bears: Journey to Joke a lot
added by lichnguyen96
Source: Wïsh ours Colorïng Pages Care Bears Colorïng Pages
Long time no see, Birthday Bear! 🎂
care bears
unlock the magic
unlock the musique
surprise birthday party
musique video
added by 80smusiclover1
added by 80smusiclover1
added by Jonesey132
Source: Care Bears Movïe 2 A New Generatïon Part 8
added by Jonesey123
Source: Care Bears Journey to Joke a Lot
added by Jonesey113
Source: Care Bears Journey To Joke DVD
added by Jonesey111
Source: Care Bears Grumpy ours Evolutïon Facebook
 Заботливые Мишки: Путешествие в Шутляндию (2004)
Заботливые Мишки: Путешествие в Шутляндию (2004)
Usjdjdhruururu a red head and I Can Do that to toi and a friend who knows I have no way that toi can be here par me on my Lïttle Baby Bum Nursery Rhyme For me a jour and I Can Do It+More Kïds Songs Lïttle étoile, star In a great jour at work baby I l’amour u too much for me to be here par the time we Wïsh toi up to be there par the way that was my last jour of work was it a big jour and a great jour l’amour 💕 l’amour 💕💕 l’amour toi can 🥫🥫🥫 I Can 🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫 I have no time Meme
 Заботливые Мишки: Путешествие в Шутляндию (2004)
Заботливые Мишки: Путешествие в Шутляндию (2004)
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