WHY DOES EVERYONE SAYS BRAT BETTER THAN ME!!!!blossom says that dont belive them but buttercup says rude things in front me.But i can calm down.well im going to have a rendez-vous amoureux, date with boomer..yay ive been waiting for years and he finnaly asked me!!!yays.Brute almost punched me at school..but Buttercup saw the fist go to my face and blocked it.Buttercup cool sometimes not alaways.But i wished she didnt picked on me so much.Blossom is bossy and is smart.i got to eat dîner bye!Later Buttercup looked at it."so toi wrote everthing about us?"Bubbles puches Buttercup.'bring it on then'..Blossom hears Bubbles crying.Blossom flys in the room and breaks up the fight.then the professer came in and grounded Buttercup.