Bruce Lee Club
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added by colintrey
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added by queen_gina
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added by thompson2016
added by thompson2016
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added by queen_gina
added by queen_gina
added by queen_gina
added by queen_gina
added by queen_gina
"With any luck, i hope to make Multi level films here - the kind of films where toi can just watch the surface story if toi like ou toi can look deeper into it. Most of the Chinese films to rendez-vous amoureux, date have been very superficial and one dimensional".

Bruce Lee's original concept for The Game of Death, was to attempt to educate the movie audience. Creating awarness of different types of Martial Art and the advantages each of these may have in certain environments and situations.

Bruce Lee also wanted to place on film his personal expression of Martial Art. jeet Kune Do. he wanted a movie that would...
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added by draganl
added by queen_gina
added by BellaMetallica