Beyond Birthday Wall

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Lawlipop_Chan a dit …
Quite a big fanbase toi have, Beyond -almost smiles- posté il y a plus d’un an
IllusionDolls a dit …
I made it onto the contributors list. Win! ^-^ posté il y a plus d’un an
blahblahx13x a dit …
Beyond is so creepily sexy that he is irresistable! Man, does that mean i'm sadistic ou something? o.O posté il y a plus d’un an
LAWLEIT123 a dit …
Who doesn't l’amour BB? I wish I could see his real animé figure! posté il y a plus d’un an
LilyPup commenté…
BB is a jackass dipshit motherfucking whore and u know it u bitches! It doesn't make sense!!!!! > :-( il y a plus d’un an
JesterThePest commenté…
BB's real name is Beyond Birthaday, I'm not sure but I think that his stage name for his murders is Backyard Breakin. And Lilypup, BB only does it because he's insane. il y a plus d’un an
IllusionDolls commenté…
@LilyPup: What kind of nonsense is that? il y a plus d’un an
-BB a dit …
I am......the real Beyond Birthday posté il y a plus d’un an
Ryuzakiluver18 commenté…
And there is one below this post. O_O Henh. il y a plus d’un an
Castalinia commenté…
That's......creepy......WHY ARE THERE TWO BB'S?????? il y a plus d’un an
purekaos commenté…
sure...and I'm nosferatue T_T (not sure if u could sense the sarcasm...) il y a plus d’un an
B-B a dit …
i have my own club...hmmm......i don't know what to say about that...... posté il y a plus d’un an
I-Luv-L commenté…
say YAY!!!!! il y a plus d’un an
Ryuzakiluver18 commenté…
Henh Henh. >:3 il y a plus d’un an
animegurl23 a dit …
??? who is beyond birthday??? im confused.... is he L? or... L's brother? HUH posté il y a plus d’un an
Kawwi-chan commenté…
Beyond Birthday Is the " Dark Side" Of L. He is a Psycho killer. .-. That likes fraise jam. il y a plus d’un an
Kawwi-chan commenté…
Beyond Birthday Is the " Dark Side" Of L. He is a Psycho killer. .-. That likes fraise jam. il y a plus d’un an
animegurl23 commenté…
kk thx :) il y a plus d’un an
I-Luv-L commenté…
fraise JAM!!!!!! il y a plus d’un an
I-Luv-L a dit …
BB is so EPIC!!!!*whisper*don't tell L I a dit this ou on this club posté il y a plus d’un an
LawlietXBB a dit …
I l’amour BB! posté il y a plus d’un an
LovelyLL commenté…
me too. il y a plus d’un an
Insectakill commenté…
Me 3 :D il y a plus d’un an
ShadowProve13 a dit …
BB is sooo cute^^ <3 posté il y a plus d’un an
Insectakill commenté…
<3 yep il y a plus d’un an
TormentedSoul a dit …
Please join.
link posté il y a plus d’un an
SnapeSoulmate a dit …
Years ago, I thought BB was just a Creepypasta off of L xD Until I found the book in my local bookstore |D I freaked xD <3 posté il y a plus d’un an
ILoveL2 commenté…
where do toi people find theese livres X( il y a plus d’un an
KlovesL commenté…
amazone, amazon have them :) il y a plus d’un an
Aoharu commenté…
I can't believe that tomorrow is Beyond Birthday's deathday.... No, not his deathday, his rebrithday!!! I'm going to get him a cake. il y a plus d’un an
LovelyLL commenté…
ha..... me too! il y a plus d’un an
ShadowProve13 a dit …
I l’amour BB<3 posté il y a plus d’un an
KlovesL a dit …
i though he was something a fan made up then i kept on searching facts untill i relised he is in te boook XD
posté il y a plus d’un an
izbia150 commenté…
BB-chan! il y a plus d’un an
KlovesL commenté…
i l’amour BB i just finished the book il y a plus d’un an
KlovesL commenté…
aww kk when u do get it tell me XD il y a plus d’un an
SnapeSoulmate a dit …
Beautiful beast <3 posté il y a plus d’un an
larrah111 a dit …
Beyond birthday Is Totally awesome and kinda hawt :) posté il y a plus d’un an
I-Luv-L commenté…
Definitly! il y a plus d’un an
Trainofdoom a dit …
for the longest time I thought he was a fan's interpretation of a 'crazy' L. I am sadly mistaken.<3B.B!!! posté il y a plus d’un an
Hidan71 a dit …
"Don't worry I'm a top" BB. "A Top?" Misora. "An Aggressive top" BB, "I have never once been submissive. One of the things I can boast about" BB posté il y a plus d’un an
Lawli-gagger a dit …
Um...the headline should change.
BB is not crazy...he's actually pretty sane. posté il y a plus d’un an
Spinner13 commenté…
Yeah! Plus, I don't like the impression it gives - that he's somehow defined par the fact he's a serial killer. In actuality, he's only a serial killer par a very certain definition, and there is no evidence to montrer that he needed to kill ou even particularly liked killing - in fact, it's stated in LABB that he didn't particularly care about the killings, that they were simply an incidental part of his plot. il y a plus d’un an
Lawli-gagger commenté…
Exactly. Its like saying because I watch TV a few times I'm a TV addict. >_> Wrong. BB may be off a little but crazy he is not. It does make him look like something he isn't. HE is NOT the serial killer of the series. *coughs* We all know who that is. il y a plus d’un an
Spinner13 commenté…
*coughcoughLightYagamicoughcough* il y a plus d’un an
Lawli-gagger commenté…
lol!!! il y a plus d’un an
Spinner13 a dit …
"I have never even been submissive to a traffic signal." posté il y a plus d’un an
Lawli-gagger commenté…
I still wonder if that was copied...or was he really really serious about that. il y a plus d’un an
Spinner13 commenté…
I think he was serious. Hold on, I'll see if I can message something to you... il y a plus d’un an
Aoharu a dit …
link posté il y a plus d’un an
Hidan71 a dit …
"I'd Bet my confiture on it!" posté il y a plus d’un an
Lawli-gagger commenté…
I die at this everytime I read it! xDD il y a plus d’un an
Hidan71 commenté…
yeah that was a funny part! xD il y a plus d’un an
ekwyxrm8 a dit …
the live between his eyes are so sad... posté il y a plus d’un an
LOLerz25 a dit …
Ugh! I'm dying to know who BB is! I've read the whole manga series & the animé eps of Death Note but I never saw & heard "Beyond Birthday" being mentioned! Damn! I so wanna know about him! ♥_♥ posté il y a plus d’un an
night-rain commenté…
Read the los angeles bb murder cases il y a plus d’un an
Spinner13 commenté…
When Misora and L mention the Los Angeles BB Murder Cases? That's our Beyond's famous murders! And toi know how L was so freaked out when Misa mentions the Eyes on her video? One can only surmise that, since it came right after the dissapearance of Naomi Misora, it was BB, because he possessed the Eyes. L's scared of B! il y a plus d’un an