le choix des fans: Anastasia
le choix des fans: Julie Andrews as Dowager Empress Marie
le choix des fans: The way they looked in the animated film
le choix des fans: Aaliyah
le choix des fans: The yellow one
le choix des fans: The blue one
le choix des fans: Once Upon a December
le choix des fans: Anastasia and her grandmother are reunited
le choix des fans: this one
le choix des fans: Yellow
le choix des fans: Redhead
le choix des fans: Both are equally good looking.
le choix des fans: "Once upon a december"
&# 34; Once upon a december&# 34; |
&# 34; Journey to the past&# 34; |
le choix des fans: Anastasia from Anatasia the movie
le choix des fans: Grow-up
le choix des fans: i luv him he is hillarious
i luv him he is hillarious |
i hate him cause he is an... |
le choix des fans: once upon a december
le choix des fans: Her golden dress ("Once upon a December")
le choix des fans: No i dont think a sequel would work i would just stick to the classic
le choix des fans: Anastasia
le choix des fans: yes- they better be
le choix des fans: Yes! (Ivan)
le choix des fans: Once Upon a December
le choix des fans: OMG YAY! I l’amour IT! Thanks!
OMG YAY! I l’ amour IT! Thanks! |
le choix des fans: No. It's a perfect beginning.
No. It&# 39; s a perfect beginning. |
toi were the boy, weren&# 39; t you... |
le choix des fans: That's what I hate about this government. Everything's in red
That&# 39; s what I hate about this... |
I don&# 39; t know, but there goes... |
le choix des fans: Bartok, get me a comb, find some cologne. I want to look my best!
Bartok, get me a comb, find... |
I am calm. I am heartless. I... |
le choix des fans: I'd give her a HA! And a HI-YA! And then a OUU-WA!
I&# 39; d give her a HA! And a... |
everything he says is funny |
le choix des fans: If we get out of this alive, remind me to thank you.
If we get out of this alive,... |
I hate trains! Remind me... |
le choix des fans: Do toi really think I'm royalty? ... Then stop bossing me around!
le choix des fans: With unbuttoned vest
le choix des fans: Partway in a ponytail
le choix des fans: Her dark blue dress
le choix des fans: One of my favoris
le choix des fans: Yes. She was the real Anastasia.
No. I thought she was an... |
le choix des fans: Hilarious
le choix des fans: image 4
le choix des fans: Yes, a new one would be nice.
Yes, a new one would be nice. |
le choix des fans: Anastasia
le choix des fans: i like his personailty
what&# 39; s not to like?! |
le choix des fans: i loved it
What` s up with all the... |
le choix des fans: yeah it was funny
le choix des fans: No, the songs were super like the movie!
No, the songs were super like... |
After the third song it began... |
le choix des fans: Yes,it's the time!
Yes, it&# 39; s the time! |
le choix des fans: She is the prettiest!!!
le choix des fans: I liked both styles.
le choix des fans: OH YEA HE IS! I thought I was the only one!
OH YEA HE IS! I thought I was... |
He&# 39; s hot, but not the hottest... |
le choix des fans: Anastasia
le choix des fans: Once Upon A December