Amy & Rory Amy and the Doctor might be an item in Series 6...

Pick one:
im ok with that...
If Amy ditches her loyal, loving husband... then...
If Amy ditches her loyal, loving husband...then she's an idiot.
Added by Dearheart
Ah just what? Oh dear I dunno what to think.
Added by Alexi95
I l’amour Rory, and it probably will happen but I don't want it to. Good on toi arth
Added by zzz38
AMY! How dare toi ditch Rory!!!!!!!- !!!!!!!!!
AMY! How dare toi ditch Rory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They stay together!
They stay together!
Added by tardisgirl101
is the choice you want missing? go ahead and add it!
 ladychazabc posted il y a plus d’un an
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