Akazukin Chacha Club
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added by keinilene
Source: Akazukin Chacha
added by keinilene
Source: Akazukin Chacha
added by Jonesey132
Source: Make Your Own Akazukïn Chacha Cast Meme par Joshuat1306 On DevïantArt
added by keinilene
Source: Akazukin Chacha
added by keinilene
Source: Akazukin Chacha
added by keinilene
Source: Akazukin Chacha
Hope toi like it!
posted by tailsexe
when your watching chacha sometime they put a song toi don't know and look it but mostly there nothing that can help toi ,it so sad.

in ep 31 they sing this song that i like and i want to know the songs name.

if toi know song name tell me!

here are the english lyrics:

training training training all done
we're the toughest trio of the all, the evil lord is history aready
just toi wait,mother watch me father
training training training all done
we're the toughest trio of the all, the evil lord is history aready