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posted by vanillamoon08
Chapter 5- The Shop

    “UGH!” Toph complained. “This is so boring! I forgot how much I hate flying.”
    “You’ll get used to it again,” Aang assured her. “Besides, we’re stopping for a break soon, right Zuko?”
    There was no reply from Zuko. He didn’t even turn around. He just stared in front of himself, concentrating on where he was going.
    “Zuko?” Aang asked again. “Are toi okay?”
    Zuko took a few secondes to answer.
    “I have a lot on...
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Hey toi guys!
This chapter is pretty simple. Kind of a filler, actually. XD But I hope toi enjoy it!
Oh! And there's a picture at the haut, retour au début of my dog, Teddy, who is mentioned in this chapter, and a picture at the bottom of the upcoming Sisters Grimm book that will be released in May. It's called The Inside Story and toi can also get a good look of it under images. :D It looks good to me!!!! :D I bet toi can guess who those two girls are in the picture. ^^

Chapter 5- First Chat

    That night I secretly cut on my DS. It was best not to let my family know that I had one. They...
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Hey toi guys! it is. The last chapter of the True Heart. :/ Sad, I know. But there's a two-parter epliogue to look vers l'avant, vers l’avant too! :D
Enjoy! :D

<b>Chapter 37 – The Final Answer

    Being with Katara after he thought he was going to lose her was the best feeling in the world to Zuko. This moment was even better than the times that they kissed. He loved her with all of his heart.
    When they separated, Katara placed her hand on his cheek, tears glistening beautifully in her eyes. The sunlight bounced off of her skin, and Zuko looked at her...
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Chapter 34 – The Ring of Blue Fire

    Katara watched Zuko block the feu par making his own. The feu that Azula made dissipated once it hit his. Then he sent the feu that he made at her. She jumped out of the way and went for Katara. Katara quickly water-bended the water she had in her pouch and whipped Azula’s hand with it, which was pointing at her face. Azula pointed two fingers at her with her other hand, but she whipped that away too.
    While they did that, Katara saw Zuko run to his mother to get her out of the ring of feu she was surrounded...
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Enjoy!!! I'm deciding to post two of my stories on here today to get them out of the I've been busy lately so there isn't a lot of time to be on here. So, here's a chapter of The True cœur, coeur and I just posté up a Moonlit Darkness chapter which I'm sure that most of toi couldn't WAIT for that one. ;) haha well, enjoy!!!!

Chapter 28 – The Plan

    Katara sat on the living room canapé playing with her clothes half-heartedly. She wasn’t confused at all anymore; she just still had a lot to ponder.
    She just about jumped when she heard and urgent...
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posted by vanillamoon08
First I'd like to thank jellybeans4life for commenting on the other chapters. Thank toi so much!!!

Chapter 4- The chercher Begins

     Katara was getting married to Aang outside in a garden, and she couldn’t wait to meet him at the end of the aisle. Her father was escorting her in her Water Tribe dress. She smiled at Aang from the other side and he smiled back. He looked handsome in his tux.
Suddenly the weather turned dark. People in the audience stood up and gasped as they stared wide-eyed at Katara. Toph pointed at her and started to laugh. Then everybody started to laugh....
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posted by vanillamoon08
Chapter 3- Zuko’s Decision

    Zuko enjoyed Suki’s waffles. He was glad he didn’t eat Sokka’s pancakes. Though what he was really thinking about was Katara. When she had touched his arm, what felt like sparks crawled up his arm. He never felt this way about a girl before, especially a girl who is just supposed to be his friend.
    When he got back home, Mai greeted him in the huge doorway.
    “Where were you?” Mai asked, walking along with him.
    “I went to Aang’s house for breakfast,” Zuko answered....
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posted by vanillamoon08
Chapter 1- Zuko

    Zuko woke to a start in cold sweat. He breathed fast. This was the fifth night in a row he had dreams about his long Lost mother. He could still hear her voice ringing painfully in his ears from his dreams, “Zuko…help me Zuko…Where are you? Why haven’t toi searched for me?”
    “Because I don’t have the time,” Zuko a dit aloud.
    He sat up in bed, close to tears. Ever since he became Firelord, he and Avatar Aang have been working for what seems like non-stop. He truly...
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Well, apparently I've heard from a reader of mine that this chapter is one of her favoris par far!!!!! :D I'm not sure if this is THAT good, but I know toi guys will l’amour this one. :) So, enjoy! And tell me what toi think.

Chapter 25 – Confessions

    Zuko paced across the living room floor that same night. He got caught staring romantically at Katara par Katara herself. What was he thinking?! She was with Aang. And what was with Zuko’s stupid blush as he turned away? He wondered what Katara thought.
    Zuko’s pace turned into sprinting back and...
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posted by vanillamoon08
Chapter 1- New Students

    It was very strange at first… great… but strange. I couldn’t believe my luck. Ever since I started lire The Sisters Grimm livres I loved it. They are my really my younger sister’s books, but I didn’t care. I got obsessed with the series and hooked was an understatement for me. I knew that these livres were just stories and are not real… that’s what all of us thought. Though I couldn’t help but feel that somewhere in my cœur, coeur I believed that they were true. I wanted to meet the characters, become best Friends with them, hang out...
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Hey, guys! So...I know I haven't been posting a lot lately...I have major exams coming up very soon and I'm working on my novel so I might not post as much. Plus, my mood has been jusy okay lately. :/ I'm thinking about a lot of stuff. However chapters will come out eventually! :)

Chapter 32 – Aang’s Decision

In the morning Katara sat on her lit in her room par herself. She stared at the mur in front of her, pondering deeply.
Maybe Zuko was right, she thought. I should make up with Aang and be happy with him.
But the one thing that she could never do was forget Zuko. Whenever she thought...
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Enjoy!!!! :)

Chapter 24 – The Special Visitor

You can’t tell him toi l’amour him because you’re not in love with him.
    Katara mulled painfully over Zuko’s words. She had thought of that once for a brief seconde when she and Aang were on a date. They just sounded plus real coming from his lips.
    Maybe you’re mistaking your prideful and happy feelings for him for being in love.
    Was that true? Was that how she was feeling when she saw Aang suivant to Zuko a few months il y a at Zuko’s coronation? She remembered she did feel mostly...
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Hey! I think toi guys are really going to like this cahpter a lot! I read it over and it got my cœur, coeur pumping in spots myself!
And, this may seem like it's close to the end of the story, but it's so not! We're only half-way through the True Heart!!! :D

Chapter 18 – The Attack

    The Kiss was a mistake, Katara decided.
    Ever since she and Zuko kissed she’d been around Aang 24/7, trying to get it off her mind. She also refused to make eye contact with Zuko. She wasn’t going to talk to him until she felt better. s’embrasser him put a heavy amount...
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Chapter 8 – The Drawing

    In the morning, they packed everything up and went back to flying on Appa again. All they had to do now to reach the Earth Kingdom is to traverser, croix hours of ocean. Appa didn’t need any flying direction for they were headed straight. Zuko decided to sit with the rest of the group in the saddle. Katara was glad to have her good friend beside her.
    “So, what are we going to do now once we reach the Earth Kingdom, Zuko?” Katara asked.
    “I’m not sure,” he answered. “It’s not like we can go to...
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Chapter 33 – In the Land of No Water

    After a while of running, Zuko came to a large clearing at the end of town. It wasn't like Lon Lon at all—lush and green. It was dry and dusty with aléatoire piles of foins, hay everywhere. He continued to run vers l'avant, vers l’avant across the desert, his eyes traveling all around. It wasn't long until he heard a voice from somewhere near him.
    “Well, well. toi did montrer up!” a girl's voice cackled.
    Zuko stopped and faced where the voice was coming from. His sister Azula was sitting upon a trône made out...
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Heeeeeyyyyy! :]
So here's a new chapter of the True Heart! I'm going to post up another chapter of Nothing But Song later for those of toi who like it. :]
By the way, like my new icon? Yeah, I do too. XD I l’amour Taylor Lautner!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
At this point we're getting closer to my up-to-date écriture too. Thank GOODNESS! lol. XD

Chapter 29 – The Threat

Zuko wasn’t afraid of Azula. Though if she wanted to fight, he wasn’t going to do it alone. Katara was right: Azula was dangerous. As long as they knew her weakness, they would be okay.
That evening...
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First I would like to adress the new readers to this story! Thank toi so much! ;)
Okay, now this story, from here on to the end, is going to pick up. TEN plus chapters left! That's it! And then we'll see about an epiloge (sp?). ^^

Chapter 27 – Warned

    Zuko wasn’t sure if it was a good thing Katara knew that he loved her. It wasn’t like he didn’t want her to know, he just didn’t want to put plus confusion on her back. Though Katara was usually a strong woman and she could get through almost anything. So he still wasn’t exactly sure why she was so befuddled....
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I like this chapter a lot, so hopefully toi guys will like it too! Thanks for the support on the last chapter! :D I haven't gotten three readers in a while on a single thanks!

Chapter 26 – Comparisons

    Katara trembled with extreme shock. Zuko was in l’amour with her. Zuko.Firelord Zuko. Her best friend. Before that, he had fought against her. He was the person she viewed as “the face of the enemy”. He was apart of the feu Nation, the nation she despised for years and years. And now her ex-enemy, her best friend, the rich Firelord, was in l’amour with...
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Chapter 23 – Furniture Date

Zuko stared at Mai talking quietly to his mother from across the living room. He wondered to himself if he would ever be Friends with Mai in the future— let alone speak to her.
    Ursa nodded and Mai started to walk to the front door. Zuko noticed that Mai was carrying a letter in her hand. Once she left, he asked, “What was that about?”
    “Mai’s sending a letter to her friend Jackie to tell him to come and get her,” Ursa answered, a frown on her face. “By the way, dear, don’t rush things too much with...
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Hey! I have nothing else to say besides thank toi for lire and enjoy! This chapter is one of my favoris and I'm pretty sure it'll leave toi speechless in the end. ^^

Chapter 21 – It Ends Tonight

    Everyone’s mouth’s dropped open as they watched Suki. Her mouth was open too, but soon her lips turned into a smile. Tears streamed down her face as she a dit softly, “Of course I’ll marry you, Sokka.”
    She stood up, her eyes glued to Sokka. She was just a couple of inches from his height. He walked behind her and wrapped his arms around her,...
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