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Ten minutes later the door opened and Meg appeared in the doorway. Cas’ cœur, coeur jumped up, but Dean walked to the door and pushed Meg outside.
“What are toi doing here?” he hissed.
“Sam called me. He a dit Cas wanted to see me before he died. Are toi really going to deny him his last wish?” Meg asked disbelief.
“It’s for his own good” Dean a dit heartless and he grabbed Meg’s arm, dragging her to the stairs, leading to the ground floor.
“For his own good? He’s dying!” Meg exclaimed.
“And who’s fault is that? You’re the one that introduced him to Heather. toi left that crack whore alone with him” Dean yelled accusatory.
“And toi let him escape. I tied him up for his own safety. toi let him go and ran off to that crack whore! You’re just as guilty” Meg defended herself. She took a deep breath. “Look, it’s not about what we want. It’s about what Cas wants and he wants to see me. Just let me go in for five minutes. Then, I promise I’ll disappear forever”
She tried to déplacer past Dean, but he grabbed her arms again.
“Dean, let me through!” Meg screamed and she struggled to free herself. She tried to hit him in the face. “Let go of me!”
Dean could barely keep a hold of her and his grip loosened.
For a seconde Meg stared him scared in the eye. Dean tried to grab her hand, but she fell down the stairs.
Dean stared upset at Meg, who groaned and held her stomach. He wanted to go to her, when Anna appeared suivant to her.
She turned to Dean. “Go back to Cas, Dean” she commanded, before she helped Meg stand up. She supported Meg, looking for a doctor, leaving a trail of blood.
Rebekah and Stefan were walking hand in hand in the shopping rue when Rebekah squeezed Stefan’s hand and nodded in front of her.
“Isn’t that your friend?” she asked. She nodded at Elena who was walking their way, though she didn’t seem to notice them. They accelerated their steps until they reached her.
“Hi, Elena” Stefan said.
Elena startled and put out her earphones. “Stefan, geez, you’re going to get me a cœur, coeur attack someday”
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you” Stefan apologized with raised hands. “Rebekah saw toi walking”
Elena looked at the girl who smiled at...
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Caroline was walking down the stairs with her phone held against her ear. “Look, Bonnie, I really don’t care what reasons toi have for ignoring my calls, but call me back ASAP”
“Everything okay?” Liz asked, who was standing at the bottom of the stairs and couldn’t help but overhear.
Caroline nodded. “Yeah, sure”
“Was that Bonnie?” Liz pointed at the phone.
“Her voicemail” Caroline corrected.
“Hmm” Liz frowned. “You two have a fight?”
“No!” Caroline exclaimed.
“Then why is she ignoring your phone calls?” Liz continued, blocking Caroline to go to the kitchen....
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Damon opened his eyes, but couldn’t see a thing. He tried to get up, but couldn’t move. “Elena?” Then he realized Elena was in the room suivant to his, probably fast asleep, so she wouldn’t hear him. He felt a sudden weight on the bed, but couldn’t rotate his head to check who it was that was crawling towards him. But it was Elena. Of course it was Elena. Who else would it be? She hooked her fingers in his and cuddles her face in his neck. He felt her warm breath on his cold flesh.
“I can’t move” Damon a dit hoarse.
“Sssh…Everything’s going to be fine”
Damon’s eyes widened...
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Cas walked inside the same café he had been the night he found out Meg was human, too. He looked around and noticed to his great delight that the same three men were sitting at the same table, tableau as last time he had seen them there.
He stared at them, until they felt it and turned their heads to him. He smirked as if he wanted to say: ‘Come and get me’
He turned around and left the café. The three men looked at the bartender. “Come on, he’s asking for it” one of them a dit disbelieving. The bartender shot them a warning glance. He allowed it once, but not again.
“I will call the cops...
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Since there was no way any of them was going to get any sleep, they packed their bags and loaded the Impala. Dean placed himself behind the wheel, Sam sat suivant to him and Meg on the backseat.
“First stop: Pontiac, Illinois” Dean said, as he started the engines and drove ahead. As they drove Dean turned on the radio to break the silence.
Meg stared out of the window. She felt utterly powerless. Had she still been a demon she would’ve just zapped herself to him. But then maybe she wouldn’t have felt this way and she wouldn’t even bother to go find him.
Maybe this was a sign. Maybe she was supposed to let go and go back to her old life.
No!, she reproached herself. You’re not going back to killing for fun. toi didn’t get this far to throw it all away. You’re going to find Cas and get him back.
“Everything okay, there?” Dean asked.
“Yeah, I’m good” Meg replied with a mischievous smile.
Dean entered the café Cas had left an heure ago. Cas had called him par using speed dial, but then his phone dropped and all he could hear was a struggle and someone saying ‘I know you’
Dean had looked almost everywhere. He had been asking for him in eat café’s, restaurants, coffee shops, while he tried getting him on the phone.
He walked to the bar and tapped on it.
“Good evening, I’m looking for someone. A man, tall, dark hair, wears a trench coat” Dean described Cas.
The barkeeper, who knew who Dean was talking about, peeked at the three men who had returned. Then he turned back...
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Cas appeared outside Dean’s room, ignoring the short shrieks of the nurses. He opened the door and Sam looked up.
“You came” he a dit relieved.
“I’m sorry I left” Cas said. “There were things I needed to take care of”
“Yeah, sure, but can toi save that for later?” Sam said. “Right now we really need your help”
“What’s going on?” Cas asked numb.
“Zoey didn’t just shoot Dean. She also shot Jo” Sam said.
“Jo’s dead?” Cas asked soft. Sam shook his head. “No, not yet” he said. “But her life’s hanging par a thread and toi might be her only hope”
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Elena was lying fast asleep, much to Damon’s relief. Something really wrong was going on out there and Damon dreaded the moment he’d have to tell Elena. She already had so much pain to go through, he didn’t want to make it any worse.
But Damon knew Elena had seen right through him and when she’d open her eyes she’d demand to know what was going on and he wouldn’t be able to lie again.
He took his coffee and brought it to his lips, when he felt a sharp, burning pain in his head. His cup fell on the floor as he moved his hands to his head. He fell on his knees as he screamed.
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Damon walked through the aisles of the hospital when he bumped into someone.
“Aaah, hot coffee” Bonnie groaned. She had two paper cups of coffee in her hand, only now there was not much left of it.
“What are toi doing here?”
“I wanted to see how Elena’s doing. Caroline a dit she wasn’t feeling very well and then Jeremy told me toi brought her here” Bonnie explained a little out of breath. “I thought she might like some coffee, but actually I’m not sure she’s allowed to drink it. Well, I guess it doesn’t really matter anymore”
“No, I mean, what are toi doing here?”...
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Elena had pulled up the sheets. She was getting cold. After Damon had left she’d started crying again and her face was wet from tears. Was this one of the many side effects chemo had? ou was this part of the cancer?
“Hi, there” a small voice a dit from the end of the bed.
“Go away” Elena a dit with heavy voice. “I don’t want anyone to see me like this” She added as she tried to dry her eyes.
“I know, which is why I brought this” Caroline a dit secretive and she lifted a bag. She walked towards the bed. “I’m going to make toi all pretty again. Now, make some room”
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It was early morning, Saturday and Liz was gone to the office. Caroline rose from her lit and put on her dressing robe and slippers.
She walked to the window and opened to let the fresh air ventilate her room.
Bonnie, who was still asleep, felt the cold wind and shivered. She opened her eyes and frowned.
“Sorry” Caroline said. “Sometimes I forget people get cold”
“Don’t worry about it” Bonnie replied, getting up as well. “I used to be a lot colder, when all those spirits where inside me”
“How are things with toi and Elena?” Caroline asked careful. “She didn’t seem to...
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Rachel stared at her eldest daughter, crying of happiness and grief. The last time they had seen each other Rachel had told Kelsey about her true nature and things didn’t end well between them. Now all Rachel wanted was for Kelsey to become solid so she could take her in her arms like any normal mother would.
“Are you…a ghost?” she asked. “Why haven’t toi try making contact with me? Why now?”
“We tried, mom” Amber replied. “When Derek dug up our graves on Veronica’s command, he didn’t just release our bodies, but our spirits as well. We tried to reach you, but like Jeremy...
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“I’m the one getting toi out of jail” Stefan pointed out.
“And I’m the one still waiting for that to happen” Rachel responded with raised eyebrows. She tried to look beside Stefan. “How did toi get in here? I mean, with all the deputies and the sheriff”
“I used the backdoor” Stefan smirked mischievous. He took the bars and wrecked them. He took Rachel’s hand and pulled her out of the cell. “Let’s get out of here”

“Where are we going?” Rachel asked when Stefan dragged her along at a rapid pace.
“I need toi to meet someone” Stefan responded. He stopped at Mystic...
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Damon looked pissed at Veronica while he pulled the vervained Arrow out of his shoulder. He scribbled up and looked around to see if he recognized anyone. He didn’t. Veronica aimed her crossbow at him and fired again. Damon screamed, but managed to stay on his feet.
“What’s going on?” a familiar voice a dit agitated. Derek pushed some people aside and looked at Damon, who looked back betrayed.
Veronica handed the crossbow to Derek and her eyes still pinched on Damon she said: “Go ahead. Finish the job, Derek”
“What?” Derek asked confused.
“Kill him” Veronica said. “He killed...
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Bonnie was sitting in Indian style on the floor of Caroline’s room. A book was lying open and three candles were surrounding it. She vowed her hands and whispered the words on the pages.
The front door slowly opened and someone slowly walked upstairs. The latch of the door in Caroline’s room went down and the door slowly opened.
“I thought toi couldn’t do magic anymore”
“Oh my God!” Bonnie shrieked. She quickly got up and turned on the light. She bent and blew out the candles. “What the hell are toi doing here?” she whispered loud and reproaching.
“I missed toi at the Homecoming...
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Bonnie and Damon were in the living room of the Boarding House. Bonnie was placing white candles in a triangle. As she lit each of them she mumbled Latin words. When she was done, she blew out the match and looked at Damon.
“So, here’s what we’re going to do” Bonnie said. “You have to step into the triangle and sit down”
“And what are toi going to do?” Damon asked, quite insecure.
“I’m going to stay outside the triangle” Bonnie answered. “I will put toi under some sort of hypnosis. I will be with toi in your subconscious”
“Very reassuring” Damon a dit sarcastic.
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The suivant morning.
A buzzing sound, coming from Caroline’s pedestal cupboard woke her up and she opened her eyes. She took her phone and opened it. She had received a message from an unknown person.
“I know what toi are and we will destroy you” she read aloud. She swung her legs off the lit and searched for her ring. When she had found it she put it on and walked to the window. She shoved the curtain and stared outside.
The sky was grey. It seemed like it was going to rain.
Caroline opened the window and climbed over the edge.
“Game on, bitch” she mumbled, before she jumped and landed gracefully on the pavers.
Stefan and Katherine glared at each other, not sure what to do now, but Damon made it easy for them.
“Get out” he a dit trembling.
“Damon, I didn’t know” Katherine started. “I swear I didn’t know”
“Just go away, Katherine” Damon said. “You, too, Stefan” he a dit without looking at his brother.
Stefan vowed his hands and made a step towards Damon. “I really thought toi knew. And I really didn’t mean to let it happen. All I know is that Rebekah gave her blood to Elena and that I couldn’t interfere. If I could’ve, I would’ve, toi know that” he pleaded.
Katherine looked...
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“Where’s Barbie?” Katherine asked when Stefan was standing on the front porch of the Boarding House. She had gotten used to the sight of him with Rebekah.
“She’s out, doing something” Stefan explained vague. “Can I come in?”
Katherine shrugged and let him pass. Stefan turned around. “I’m looking for Elena. Is she here?”
“No, she’s at school. toi should know that” Katherine a dit uninterested.
“Not anymore she isn’t” Stefan said. “School’s over”
“Then she’s probably at the Grill” Katherine said, a little annoyed. “What do toi need her for anyway?”
“I want to apologize for what happened last time she came over” Stefan said. “And I want to make sure she’s okay. I mean, I know Rebekah’s blood already left her system par now, but still, it must have freaked her out”
He looked at Katherine who stared at some point behind Stefan. Stefan quickly turned around and saw Damon standing in the doorway.
Damon poured himself a glass of bourbon and drank it out. He spit it out.
“Yeah, I put vervain in all your drinks” a familiar voice said. Damon turned around and saw Katherine standing in the doorway of the living room. “I told toi toi had to drink vervain again. I thought Elena would’ve convinced toi par now”
Damon looked away.
“That’s right. Trouble in paradise” Katherine said. “If I were toi I’d try really hard to make things okay. We don’t want her to run back to Stefan, do we?”
Damon looked up angry. “She wouldn’t do that. Elena isn’t like that. I just…need to...
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