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posted by jamette006
Chapter Fifteen; toi Promised plus Kisses XD

I winked at Kevin while they were talking to the last group of girls at the Meet and Greet. People recognized me too, of course, when I was around, so I had my own share of signatures to offer. He grinned at me as he hugged some girl, then signed her t-shirt and CD. Once everyone was clear, I walked over to them.

"Hey,"I smiled.

"Whoa! When did she get here?!"Joe exclaimed, a mock look of disgust on his face. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Real mature, Joe."

"Aww I was just kidding. Now come here and give me a hug,"he spread his arms out, coming towards me. I backed up, wrinkling my nose up.

"No way. You're all sweaty!"I laughed. He grinned, grabbing me and hugging me anyway. Gross.

"Joe!"I yelled at him, pushing him away. He just laughed, walking away.

"Kevinnn,"I whined. He shrugged his shoulders, causing me to frown.

"That's just Joe, Laura,"he chuckled, lifting some boxes. I followed him backstage.

"Sure it is,"I sighed. He looked up.

"What's wrong?"

"I was just thinking."

"Oh,"he said, taking his guitare off its stand and putting it into the case. "What about, exactly?"

"Just how cool your family is. You're lucky,"I smiled. He smiled back, then sat down on a chair, a bit out of breath.

"Well, toi get to see your family when toi go home."

"Umm...not really,"I frowned. He blinked, confused. I laced my figers around my side beltloops. "Well, see...my mom never did support my chant career. And I don't have any brothers ou sisters, so-"

"What about your dad?"he cut me off. I bit my lip, looking down.

"It's okay; toi don't have to tell me,"Kevin a dit softly. I shook my head.

"No; I should tell you. My dad died when I was 16,"I a dit quietly, then looked up to see his reaction.

"Oh...I'm sorry; I mean...I couldn't imagine losing my dad."

"Yeah, but your family is really close. I never had that,"I shrugged.

"Come here,"he a dit taking my hand and sitting me down on his lap. It made me a bit uncomfortable, but I stayed there. I turned my head slightly to face him.

"You're amazing,"he sighed, hugging me. I blushed.

"Why's that?"

"Well...you're just so selfless, and great, and...I guess you're just yourself. I l’amour that."

"That's sweet,"I chuckled. He nodded.



"I l’amour you."

He kissed my forehead. "Same here."

I stood up after squeezing his hand.

"You've got work to do,"I grinned, and he stood up, grabbing me par my waist and pulling me to him. I raised my eyebrows, a bit surprised, looking up at him.

"You promised plus kisses,"he pouted. I giggled, reaching my arms around his neck and s’embrasser him deeply. I think it was our best kiss. He pushed his tongue against my lips, asking for entrance. I hesitated for a moment, then let him. After a few minutes, he pulled back. My face dropped.

"I have work to do,"he grinned, then reached down and gave me a small kiss.

"And I have to get back to my hotel,"I rolled my eyes.

"I'll call you!"he yelled as I left out the back door. I smiled as I crouched down into my limo.

A/N Yeah, short chapter, I know. But there's a reson for it...which you'll find out suivant chapter! :)

Chapter Sixteen; Would toi Rather Have Cake, ou Sex On The Couch?

Two Years Later

I continued performing after Kelsey's death. It took me about half a an to get back in shape, though.

My threats disappeared. I haven't seen one around since, and I was so grateful because I was getting really scared and was already feeling guilty.

My debut album went off the charts, in Kevin's words. I'm a bit plus humble about it, but still excited and inspired. I'm constantly thinking about what I can do for my fans and musique career...except when I'm thinking about Kevin.

We grew a lot closer throughout the months following Kelsey's death. I actually ended up landing a small part in Camp Rock 3, which made all of us pretty happy. Sadly, it wasn't as Jason's l’amour interest.

After that, I ended up going on tour with them, which I had to admit, was pretty amazing. It was probably a factor of my album sales skyrocketing that fall. The boys had their fourth album out, and I was still amazed par how devoted their fans were.

But then...then something had to come along to ruin my picture-perfect life.


"I hate him,"Tony growled as he held the gossip magazine up to his face.

"Patience, Townes,"Jeremy rolled his eyes.

"Tomorrow, he's all mine. And she'll be too."

"Let's get out of here,"Jeremy smiled, grabbing the magazine from Tony and throwing it out the window. He started up the engine and they sped away.

A homeless man bent over to pick up their trash. He shook his head as he quickly scanned the magazine cover, montrer Laura Dean and Kevin Jonas arm in arm, and announcing their engagement.


"Happy birthday Nick!"we all yelled as Mrs. Jonas came out with the cake in her hands. 18 candles. Nick laughed, thanking us all, then blowing the candles out. Joe patted his younger brother on the back.

"You're finally legal, man!"he joked, earning a frown from Mrs. Jonas.

"Yeah, I'm 18 and you're still single,"Nick retorted. Joe gaped at him, then gave him the evil eye, causing us all to laugh.

"When are we going to eat the cake?"Ten-year-old Frankie piped up, reaching for the knife. Nick took it from him.

"Easy there, Frank. I'm a master at cutting the cake."

"Yeah. Like toi were last year,"Kevin rolled his eyes, remembering the ruined cake. Mrs. Jonas took the couteau from Nick.

"Just let me do it, sweetie. And the sooner we eat, the sooner toi can open presents."

"Mmm,"Sara, Nick's girlfriend, savored the taste as she took her first bite of cake. He smiled as he looked over at her. Kevin put his arm around my shoulder, giving me a quick squeezed. Joe was getting bored.

"Oh. I see how it is. Give your girlfriend the first piece, and leave your brother starving."

"Oh boy..."I sighed. I could tell this was going to take forever. Kevin took my hand, and we snuck off into the livingroom, snuggling up on the couch. Sounds of Joe and Sara arguing came from the dining room. Those two never got along.

I put my head on Kevin's chest, breathing in the smell of his cologne. He smiled, playing with my hair, and I placed a hand on his knee.

"Tired?"he asked.

"Just a bit." I had just gotten in from Chicago that morning, and hadn't gotten a chance to take a nap yet. I was desperate to get some sleep tonight.

"Big concert tomorrow."

"Do toi have to remind me?"I groaned.

"Well, I'm pretty excited. About toi performing with us. I want to see what the fans will think of it."

"They'll probably have someone asassinate me."

"How come?"Kevin laughed, s’embrasser my cheek.

"Because I'm marrying the best guy on the planet."

Yes. It was official. Kevin and I would be getting married this December. It was about time, after dating for almost three years...don't toi think?

"Ah. That could be a problem. But I'll protect you,"he grinned, s’embrasser me on the lips. I kissed him back, fully content at the moment, until I heard someone coughing. I raised an eyebrow, looking up to see Joe.

"Yeah. Mom says your cake is ready, but if you'd rather have sex on the couch..."

"Joe!"I threw a oreiller at him, blushing. He caught it and grinned at me.

"Whatever,"he shrugged, throwing the oreiller onto a chair and going back to the dining room. I rolled my eyes.

"Cake?"Kevin smiled at me.

"Yes...in a bit,"I giggled, s’embrasser him again. He kissed me back, then stood up, throwing me over his shoulder.

"Kevin!"I yelled, pounding his back lightly. Nick's head popped around the corner.

"Come on, guys, I'm about to open my presents!"

"Kevin, put me down!"I demanded, still laughing uncontrollably.

"Say please."



"I l’amour toi the mostest! Now, please, just let me down?"I pleaded. I finally felt my feet back on solid ground. I swayed a little from the blood that had rushed into my head, and held onto Kevin's arms for support.

"Come on!"Nick yelled, getting irritated. Kevin rolled his eyes, taking my hand.

"Wait, let me fix my hair real quick!"I exclaimed, snatching my hand away and running both hands through my hair.

"Better?"I raised an eyebrow at Kevin.

"Beautiful,"he nodded in approval, taking my hand once again as we headed into the dining room.


Kevin drove me back to my apartment that night. After saying goodbye to him, I almost crashed on my bed, until I saw something white on my pillow. It was a piece of paper. I opened it, my hands shaking.

Hello again Laura.

Long time, no speak. But things will change soon. Sooner than toi think. If toi want your little 'boy toy' to remain alive and well, it would be best to annuler dates for December. Do it for me, dear. Because I have better plans for you.

I sat down on my bed, noticing how silent my apartment was. Sure, my bodyguards were right suivant door, but still...images came flooding back to me of Kelsey's funeral...and Kevin, no, they couldn't hurt Kevin!

I was still sitting there about an heure later, in shock, when I realized how badly I was shaking. This time, toi need to call Kevin.

I dug my cell phone out of my purse. It was 12 am, and we had a concert tomorrow...but I really needed to talk to him. I barely breathed as the phone rang. On the third ring, there was an answer.

"Laura?"A groggy voice questioned. Kevin.

"K-Kevin?"my voice shook. I gulped, trying to calm myself.

"Is everything okay?"he asked, his voice a little plus clear now, and worried.

"Kevin, can...can toi come over? Please?"I asked, biting my lip afterwards. I could hear the fear in my voice.

"Yeah, sure, I'll be right there, okay?"

"Uh, okay,"I replied then we both hung up. I grabbed a oreiller and hugged it, waiting for him. Soon the doorbell rang, and I jumped, startled, then took in a deep breath, forcing my feet to walk to the front door. I looked out the window before opening it, and it was Kevin.

"Are toi okay?"he asked as he stepped in, slipping his shoes off.

"No, not really,"I hugged him, still shaking. He hugged me back, then led me over to the couch.

"What is it?"he asked, running his fingers through my hair. I remembered that I had left the note in my room.

"It's...it's on my bed,"I told him. He nodded, walking back to my room.

I waited for it...

He came back, looking angry and worried.

"We have to call the police!"he exclaimed. I cringed. I didn't know what to do. Kevin saw my obvious fear, and sat down beside me, scooting me onto his lap. I started sobbing into his chest.

Kelsey had died, and they were after Kevin now.

Chapter Seventeen; Hold Me

I woke up the suivant morning with my eyes still puffy from crying. The first thing I noticed was that I was in my bed. Kevin must have moved me in here. Then a sense of fear overtook me...was Kevin gone? What if someone was watching me?

"Kevin?!"I yelled out. Nothing. I shivered a bit, then pulled my covers out, wrapping a peignoir, robe around my cold body and walking out to the livingroom catiously.

And there was Kevin, laying down on the couch, mouth wide open and snoring. I chuckled softly to myself, then went over and tossled his curly hair. He awoke with a start, then looked up at me, confused.

"You snore,"I a dit softly. He grunted, sitting up. Okay, so Kevin wasn't a morning person.

"I don't know how I'll be able to stand that when we're married,"I crossed my arms. He yawned, then looked up at me.

"It's just because I have a cold,"he a dit in a croaky voice, then laid his head back down on the couch.

"Sure,"I raised an eyebrow then headed into the kitchen. He came in soon after.

"Coffee?"he mumbled.

"Sorry, hon, I still don't have a coffee pot. You'll have to go to Starbucks ou something,"I chortled. I hated coffee, I couldn't even stand the smell of it.

I slowly poured my Cheerios out of the box, then put lait on them.

"Yum,"I smiled, sitting down at the counter. "Help yourself,"I encouraged him.

"I need coffee,"he growled. I just laughed at him. He was grumpy in the morning. I soon finished my breakfast, then headed back to my room to get dressed. After dressing, I came back out to find Kevin watching musique vidéos on TV, remote control in one hand and PopTarts in the other.

"You are such a guy,"I rolled my eyes as I sat down suivant to him. He quickly put the remote control down and switched hands with the PopTarts so he could put his arm around me. I snuggled against his chest.

"I was thinking last night,"he a dit after awhile.

"Hmm?"I asked, a bit curious.

"I really think toi need to tell the police about this."

I looked up at him, and bit my lip.

"I'm scared."

"I know, babe,"he gave me a tight squeeze,"and that's why toi should rapporter it. They can help."

"Could toi do it for me?"I frowned.

"Anything to get it done,"he let out a sigh of relief. "Besides, if toi didn't, my mom would've."

"You told her?"I raised an eyebrow. He nodded.

"Sorry, but she called and wanted to know where I was at. I had to have some reason for staying the night."

"Okay,"I pressed my lips together. He smiled and kissed the haut, retour au début of my head.

"I just don't want toi to get hurt." I gulped.

"I don't want toi to get hurt, either,"I a dit in a small shaky voice.

"I won't. Promise."

"You can't promise something like that, Kev,"I told him, tears on the edge of my voice. He frowned and sighed.

"Just...hold me,"I told him. Kevin smile. That was something he could do, and he did.

Chapter Eighteen; Danger

A/N: Let's rush along a a bit, shall we? I really want to get this story done, the ends going to be exciting. I've already spent about 4 months on this story! I started it on Xanga. Be sure to check out my Youtube www.youtube.com/laurakaymusic and myspace www.myspace.com/laurakay006

I l’amour meeting new people, so don't be shy!! If yo guys didn't read my profile, I will be trying out for American Idol in the near future :)

But, please, talk to me. I'm bored. toi can also email me. thegreendandylion@yahoo.com ou laurakaymusic@yahoo.com

Okay, end of Author's Note, sorry it was long. ;)

We told the police; therefore, it leaked out to the media, and so on. America's eyes were on me for over 6 months, and they never did find the culprit; actually, they never even found a suspect. But what they did find terrified me.

I was being spied on 24/7. There were hidden cameras and tape recorders all over my house and limo, even in my bathroom. I finally moved out of the apartment and bought my own house, because I couldn't sleep at all in my apartment.

I was so depressed duing those months. Our wedding had been postponed, even though there were no new threats. I was scared, to be honest. Of everything.

I didn't have a single concert during that time, either, and it wa killing me. I loved performing, it was my passion. I would sometimes stay in lit the whole day, crying at different times. It was horrible.


A an later

I woke up early that morning, but I didn't open my eyes. I smiled to myself. Two days. Two days until my wedding. Then I opened my eyes, frowning. How could I be 23 years old already? Ridiculous. It was scary, every aspect of it.

I stretched, throwing my covers off, and hopping onto the floor. Today was...a good day. I could already tell, because I had an usual burst of energy this morning. Oh yum!

After eating a small breakfast and watching my morning shows, I decided to take a quick jog. I needed to run some energy off, ou I would be out of whack the rest of the day, and over-hyper mode would turn on. I put my hair up in a quick ponytail, not bothering to put on makeup ou tell anyone where I was going. I mean, it was just around the block, I was sure I'd be fine.

I grabbed my iPod before I went out the door, laughing at the song that came on. 7 Things par Miley Cyrus. Of course, it was only on my iPod because Ciara had basically made me put it on there. I quickly switched, knowing if I didn't, the song would be stuck in my head for the suivant week. Miley just had the amazing talent of annoying me without trying.

And, of course, it would have to be another stupid Ciara-choice song that came on. I kissed a girl and I liked it? Oh, what an original title. Why, oh why, did I ever let that girl touch my personal belongings?

I burst out laughing uncontrollably as I flipped to another song. How this got on my iPod, I don't even know. Nor do I want to.

Uh Uh Uh Uh

Go Joe
Go Joe
Go Joe
Go Joe
Go Joe

Yo Listen I'm Joe Jonas [Go Joe]
I'm your best friend
Open the fridge,
Eat a chicken
Wassup oh
7/11 might be down the rue
Beatboxin' with my two feet
Brand new feet
When I was born I walked out of the room I was like
"ptchh brrrrrup"
My mom was like
"Yo that's crazy"
And I was like
"Yeah, I'mm a baby"

Uh my name's Mufasa I'm the king of the land
I'll come claque, smack toi with the back of my hand

Yo get out this is my song
My song
Everybody where toi at?
The whole world behind us

Yo I'm behind him
yo check it out I'm behind him

He's behind me
He's behind me

"What's so funny?"

I swirled around to see a man behind me. He was handsome, but...there was something about his eyes that creeped me out. Something sinister.

"Uh...funny song,"I laughed nervously. He gave me a smile, revealing perfect white teeth. But the smile never reached his stone cold eyes. I stood there awkwardly as he stared at me, his eyes trailing up and down my body. He looked so...familiar.

"Well, uh, bye,"I a dit nervously, ready to leave.

"Hold it,"he snapped. I gave him a confused look, then saw what he meant. He was holding a gun under his shirt. I froze.

"Laura, I'm on your side,"he a dit quietly. I bit my lip.


"You're gong to have to come with me."

I almost panicked. He was going to kill me, I knew it. My mind was debating whether ou not to run, but he had the gun in his hand, so I decided to stay.

"Good,"he smiled, thn grabbed my right arm, guiding me towards a blue sports car.

"Get in the passenger eat,"he ordered, gun still in hand. I did it, but didn't put my seatbelt on. I might still be able to get out of this. Unfortunately, he noticed once he got in the driver's side.

"Put your seatbelt on,"he said, authority covering his voice. I put it on, and fast, my hands shaking.

He then drove out of my block, not saying a word. I gulped slightly.I just didn't hope it would hurt too much when he killed me.

A/N: Cliffhanger, I know, guys. I'll update asap, maybe even tonight, okay? Leave reviews, they make my cœur, coeur smile. And also please add me/talk to me somewhere on the liens at the top.


Laura Kay <3

<i>Chapter Nineteen; Kidnapped With A Gunshot</b>

Kevin was driving around with Joe and Nick when he got the call. On Caller ID, it came up as 'Unknown Caller'. He frowned, but decided to answer.


"Kevin Jonas?"a deep voice asked on the other line.

"Yeah. Do I know you?"

"Yes. I have your fiance, Laura, with me."

"Umm...why? And who are you?"Kevin asked, starting to become slightly worried. He then found out he had reason when he heard my voice in the background. I had found out that my kidnapper was talking to Kevin.

"Kevin! It's me!"I yelled frantically. My kidnapper chuckled.

"She'll be alright, I promise, it's for her own good. You, on the other hand, might be in danger."

"What are toi doing with her?!"Kevin exclaimed angrily.

"I'm keeping her safe. If I didn't kidnap her, she would be dead par now. But we'll talk about that another time. Right now...where are you?"

"Why?"Kevin snapped, his knuckles white from his grip on the steering wheel. Joe and Nick were exchanging confused looks.

"Are toi driving? toi need to get off the road. Someone's trying to kill you."

Thoughts reeled through my mind. Was this a trap for Kevin? ou was this guy actually being serious?

"You better not hurt him,"I snarled. He rolled his eyes, then reached over and opened the gant compartment, getting some sunglasses and slipping them on. I immediately recognized him.


"Laura, what's going on?!"I heard Kevin on the other line. Mr. Sunglasses sighed.

"Yes, me. Please, just trust me on this one. I never gave toi reason not to."

"Yeah, except for the kidnapping me at gunpoint,"I stated sarcastically, panic entering my voice.

"You what?!"Kevin yelled. I rolled my eyes and snatched the phone from Mr. Sunglasses.

"Listen, Kev, just do what he says. It's the best chance toi got."

"Did he hurt you?"

"No,"I said, then Mr. Sunglasses took the phone back from me.

"Satisfied?"he asked Kevin.

"No,"Kevin bit his lip,"not at all. But I don't have much of a choice. Just, who's trying to kill me?"

"Dude!"Joe exclaimed from the passenger seat. Kevin mouthed him to be quiet.

"Listen,"Mr. Sunglasses began,"you need to get off the road-now. I don't care where toi go, a police station ou somewhere public is preferred, but this guy is intent on getting toi out of the picture."

"Okay,"Kevin sighed,"I-"

He was cut off par Nick.

"Kevin, watch out!"

There was a bang, then the line went dead.


"Satisfied?"Mr. Sunglasses asked Kevin.

"No,"Kevin bit his lip, anger still surging through his veins,"not at all. But I don't have much of a choice. Just, who's trying to kill me?"

"Dude!"Joe exclaimed from the passenger seat. Kevin mouthed him to be quiet, trying desperately to concentrate on what Mr. Sunglasses was saying.

"Listen,"Mr. Sunglasses began,"you need to get off the road-now. I don't care where toi go, a police station ou somewhere public is preferred, but this guy is intent on getting toi out of the picture."

"Okay,"Kevin sighed,"I-"

He was cut off par Nick.

"Kevin, watch out!"

Kevin looked up just in time to see the red sports call containing a man in black. In his hand was a gun, pointed straight at Kevin's head.

He shot, then the line went dead.


"Why don't toi have her?!"Tony growled, shaking his accomplice par the collar.

"Jeremy got her, first, dude. I tried, I'm sorry. He must have been spying on us this whole time."

Tony shoved the smaller man back into the wall, muttering obscenities. The smaller man was shaking.

"I took care of her boyfriend, at least,"Tony a dit sullenly, then strapped on a gun. He walked out the door, the last words out of his mouth being,"now all I have to do is make her mine."


I gulped as I heard the bang, then the phone went dead. Mr. Sunglasses looked over at me, a small frown on his face.

"Where was he?"I asked.

"I don't know."

"You don't know?! toi have to know! toi asked him like, twenty times! We need to find them!"I yelled, slightly hyperventilating.

"Calm down; we don't know the facts,"he said, but I could hear the tension in his voice.

"Calm down?! How am I supposed to calm down?! Kevin could be dead!"

No response. I turned and looked out my window, hiding my tears as I shook violently. A few minutes later, that seemed like hours, I felt the car stop. I looked over at Mr. Sunglasses, confused.

"We're here,"he nodded. I was still shaking. He sighed, getting out of the car. I opened my door, stepping out. He was already there, and took me par my arms, guiding me into the small house we had stopped at. He directed me into a small bedroom, where I immediately passed out.


Nick slowly regained conciousness, opening his eyes painfully. It was dark, but there was enough light to make out Joe's features. His brother's face was covered in blood. He groaned as he remembered what happened. Kevin had been shot.

Nick forced himself to sit up, his muscles screaming in protest. The left side of his head ached where he had hit it on the side of the car.

"Kevin?"he croaked, his voice dry. He noticed Joe stirring slightly, but no sounds came from the driver's seat.

Nick's legs were trapped under the seat, so there was no possible way for him to check on Kevin. He tried Joe next.

"Joe, are toi awake?"he asked, his voice a bit stronger now. He felt tears at the corner of his eyes. What if Kevin was dead? But he snapped out of it when he heard Joe groan.


"Nick?"Joe looked up, his voice almost inaudible.

"Joe, can toi see Kevin?"

Joe sat up slowly, grunting slightly. Nick saw his face go pale.

"J-Joe, what's wrong?"

"I t-thought he was dead. He's breathing,"Joe nodded, then slumped back against his seat, passing out. Nick let out a sigh of relief, then felt himself slipping back into unconciousness as he heard sirens coming in the distance.
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