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posted by lovingflame
As Morgan's clothes had been confiscated for research purposes, Yoda had instructed a young padawan named Ora to help. As morgan looked through the clothes donné to her, she stated."Do toi have anything less revealing? I'm afraid I'd feel as exposed as if I'd stepped out in my underware." Ora giggled as she handed morgan a brown robe."I can't possibly wear this. Everyone will get the wrong impression."
"Master Yoda says its plus important that toi should be a respected mystery for the moment. If the clothes don't suit you, maybe I can find one of the workers willing to supply less revealing clothes." As morgan went behind the curtain she'd pulled and asked,"How is it we can talk without a translator ou does english span galaxies?"
"You're right we don't speak this eng-lish. The Force translates for us, but I'm not sure if it will translate for the normals though."
"You mean like those needle loving creeps this morning ou was it last night." morgan stepped out from behind the curtain securely wrapped in the barrowed jedi robe."So how do I look?" She smiled turning in a circle. Ora smiled,"All toi need is a light saber and you'd be mistaken for a master." morgan fit her feet into the slipper like shoes and headed for the door. "Well what are we waiting for, l'm dying to see the rest of the ship I crashed on." morgan pulled the capuche, hotte up as added comfort for her nerves. No guards outside her door as yet, ou maybe they'd pulled them as she was under a padawan's eye. As the two of them moved through the corridor workers as well as stationed troopers bowed ou saluted in some small way."I've got to get out of this robe, before long I'll be the worst kept secret on this base." morgan peered down the front of her jedi robe."Just a shame, God gave me a figure my husband used to call vivacious." Then turned to Ora, who smiled as she wasn't so gifted."So tell me morgan where did toi come from? Are toi the monster that the medics make toi out to be?" morgan laughed,
"Little 'ol' me. Well only to them." After that they talked about both their homes. The differences, simularities, even the politics and histories. questions asked and sometimes answered led to only plus questions. As they had talked she had pulled back her hood."Good jour Master? You're not a master, are you." Came a hooded man's voice from in front of them. morgan leveled her eyes at the voice trying to place it."Master Windu, this is morgan Walk, Master Yoda's respected guest."
As Mace Windu revealed himself, distrust flared in his eyes."Is it wise for toi to be montrer her around the ship, padawan Ora? We know so little of her ou her purpose for arriving so abruptly." Ora stepped back in embarrassment.
"Look here, she hasn't done anything wrong. If toi want réponses you're looking in the wrong direction. God sent me here, so go ask Him. Maybe He'll talk to you, but I wouldn't hold my breath. God tends to act plus then talk these days.You're welcome to try, I know I have. Now if you'll excuse us Ora was about to montrer me the rest of the ship." morgan felt as if her face was on feu as she pulled the stumbling padawan from the master's presence. As she did so she felt something prick her spine, turning she saw the master concentrating. "Morgan, there's a mark on your cheek." Was the last thing that she heard Ora say before the black out.
"She's a danger. No matter how the Force seems to dog her every step. She should be under guard until we know for certain what her motives are." Mace Windu talked vehnimly, above her head."Padawan Ora, strange mark did toi see before she gave out?" Master Yoda quaried to the youth."Yes master, an armoured arm. Then the protective shield engaged itself around us."
"Threatened morgan felt, protect toi she did."
Ora nodded."Why confront her Master Windu? Not trust my judgement did you?"
"I trust your judgement master Yoda, but this girl is a threat. Even if she doesn't mean to be. How do we know that other's like her won't use the same means to take over not only our ship but others. We can't possibly take those chances."
"Much wisdom in what toi say, think on it I will. Place guards if it ease tension toi feel. Come let us part and disturb not what peace she has."
When the three left. The hurt and sadness pulled morgan from her lit as she contemplated their words. Now she would be left alone completely.Quickly donning the jedi peignoir, robe and she peered out the door. No guards yet.Maybe she could find her way to the hanger,and undo the mess she'd made and get back to finishing the job she'd started.Taking care not to draw undo attention, she walked at an easy pace nodding her head to anyone who saw her. At one of the four corners of the corridors she memorized the map. Finding that she only had a little ways plus to go before reaching the hangers. As she breathed an uneasy sigh she pondered her hurt. Never noticing the padawan who followed her. "Master," the padawan warned as morgan was about to run into a clone. Unforturnately she didn't notice until she nearly plowed the man over. As the clone caught himself he dropped his view monitor, turning he started to swear until he saw the hooded robe. morgan knelt down and picked up his I-pad."I'm so sorry I 'm not normally so clumzy." Her victim looked at her strangely. "Damn it." she whispered as she placed the machine back into his hands.Shoulders sagging she continued on her way. As Sargent Finger's studied the retreating jedi he questioned the padawan."Who was that padawan?" As he became frustrated with the language barrier."I don't know.Really." Dandy a dit as the clone gave him a frown."Never seen her before. Don't know if she is a master?" Thinking back to if there had been any new arrivals."Could toi understand her,at all?" Finger's inquired.The padawan nodded."Oh, yes she was apologizing for being clumzy. Such pain she carries." Dandy a dit softly as he caught the last glimpse of the robes turning a corner. Ora walking quickly towards them pulled Dandy aside,"Excuse us Sargent,I need to have a talk with my friend." Ora a dit calmly, dragging him slightly away."Have toi seen her come this way?" She whispered."Who?" replied Dandy. His white eyes blinked innocently. Ora shook him."Where is she,Dandy? toi know who. Master Yoda's guest." Dandy pulled her off."Why,what is she under guard." He a dit flippantly. Ora crossed her arms. "Stang it Ora. Yes she's headed for the hangers.What did toi do make a oreiller dummy?" Ora shook her head."Didn't have to, morgan did that, I lied to the guards." Dandies poisson like fins on his head began to quiver."Have toi totally Lost it! And now you've dragged me into it." As they walked towards the corner morgan had disappeared Ora felt uneasy."Why was that clone looking at Morgan?" Dandy snickered."She nearly plowed him under, and then went on to apologize all over herself. Poor man couldn't even make heads ou tails out of what she said." Ora grabbed his arm."That's not good. He'll talk and when he talks there'll be Hell to pay. Come on,I know what she's up to." Ora 1/2 dragged 1/2 ran with Dandy in tow.
As Finger's made his way towards the mess, he tried to make sense of the stranger's language. So deep in thought, he that he jumped when his captain laid a hand on his shoulder."What's bothering toi sargent?" Captain Rex inquired with some concern. The man blinked and rubbed his eyes."Have toi ever heard of a Jedi who needed a translator, sir?"Captain Rex nodded."Plenty.Why?"
"Maybe its just me," Finger's scratched at his shortened hair."But this Jedi just plowed me over, nearly cursed her out. Except I guess she tried to apologize." Rex stopped and held up a hand."Wait. You're telling me a Jedi ran toi down and then tried to apologize." Finger's nodded. "Craze right.But the kid a dit he didn't even think she was a master." Rex's eyes narrowed. Could it be some imposter."What did this master look like sargent?"Finger's smiled."What I could see of it was a curl of red hair, pale skin, and she definitly felt generous."
Rex frowned."We don't talk like that sargent,especially about the Jedi."
"Sorry sir. I'll make my apologies to her if she turns out to be one." The exquise didn't sit well with Rex but it would have to do for now.
"Where did this supposed Jedi go sargent?"
"It looked like she was headed towards the fighter hanger sir. Should we sound the alarm."
Rex shook his head,"Not yet,lets make sure she isn't what she seems first. Then we'll see."The two clones headed through a short cut to the hangers.
"Where's Captain Rex and Sargent Finger's ?" Skywalker questioned Kenobi's image."From all reports they ran into a bit of trouble coming back from the medipost. Ran into an unscheduled meteor shower.They're getting the repairs done on Master Yoda's ship. Knowing your Captain Rex he shouldn't be too long. This fight is turning into one he wouldn't dare miss. "
"Sorry I had to ask. I've been holding Ahsoka back from the fight, she hasn't been taking it well. I promised her that when Captain Rex arrived she could go lone loup with Torrent Company."
The image shook his head."That's incredibly dangerous Anakin are toi sure she's up to the challenge."
"I have every confidence in her abilities."
"Its not that I'm questioning her abilities.Its her knack for finding trouble that worries me.She's getting as notorious as toi are."
Anakin laught,"Just as long as she doesn't have to rescue me, as many times as I've saved you." Kenobi smirked. "Tu che, Anakin.Til suivant we meet may the Force be with you."
"And with toi Master." Clicking off the monitor, Anakin faced an unhappy padawan."How long will it take them to repair their ship?"Anakin sighed."You know if Sargent Finger's can't fix it they'll barrow something. Even if its a flying mop bucket, their not about to miss a battle like this." Ahsoka crossed her arms and looked at the ground, like a petulant child."I know Skyguy, I'm just bored. toi think I can check on them." She lifted her head. "Not now Ahsoka,patience. Why don' t toi go meditate on that mark awhile. Who knows maybe this time you'll actually get an answer." Anakin pushed her out of the comm. tent. Anakin shook his head feverantly and hoped that Rex wouldn't keep her waiting much longer.
morgan hurried along the path after her run in with the trooper, as she knew he would probably rapporter her to his supieriors. Which would mean they would check her room and find the oreiller dummy she'd made. In the hanger she was left alone, no one took any notice of the Jedi moving through the fighter's. Probably think I'm just heading out myself, she thought. morgan saw the pieces of rendered metal and pulverized safety glass. Moving about the edges of the site, she hoped to some how pop back out as she'd popped into this lunacy.She was half-way around the perimeter when a voice announced.
"Morgan,what in the stang are toi doing here?" Ora breathless ran to her side.Morgan patted her back as the girl nearly bowed over onto the floor."You shouldn't be here. I've caused toi enough trouble. Remember I'm a threat." morgan laught as Master Windu's words sounded insane to her ears."I'm trying to go back.Were toi and your friend here to see where I poped out from?" The creature that had been in the hall along with the trooper,came up beside Ora."Up there.They a dit toi took a nose dive onto a parked fighter. You're lucky to be alive." Dandy a dit as he pointed up about 10 feet. As the three looked up,Captain Rex and Sargent Finger's found a spot to watch from. Captain Rex found it nerve racking that he could only understand the two padawan's. It was starting to give him a damned headache. Looking from their hiding spots they caught the padawans helping Morgan."You should feel something out of place ou maybe an actual hole." Dandy said."Yes but how do I feel this thing." morgan replied. Ora frowned at Dandy."Let me simplify it. Use your feelings as if they were an extention of your hand and reach out to the empty space." morgan nodded as she feeling silly reached out her hand. She began to think of home.What home,what life,there was nothing left to live for back there only death.The hole responded as she felt its touch,it shut with a yank. Her feelings instead of returning took her out into space. Something was coming, something that wanted to kill the ship and all on board. As it flowed back to her, morgan stumbled. "We've got trouble."
"I'd say toi do." Master Windu's form appeared accross the taped off wreckage
"Captain Rex and Sargent Finger's." He a dit without having to look. The two troopers came out of hiding."Please escourt our guest back to her quarters. Make sure she stays there this time."Please wait." morgan pleaded."There's something coming and what ever it is isn't good."Sargent Finger's wrapped his hand around her upper arm. Her eyes flashed like a glowing saber. All three wrist comms lited up on the men."Sep.'s ship coming in hot. Its a biggy boy's, possibly a head hancho on board." Finger's loosened his hold on Morgan. Tearing away she confronted the Jedi,Captain Rex held out his pistol."I'm right aren't I?" morgan ignored the pistol."That's beyond the point, get yourself back. We can't waste good men babysitting. To your station's padawan's." Ora and Dandy started to walk back towards the enterance."Station's. toi can't be serious, they're just kids." Windu looked into Morgan's eye's truely for the first time. He sagged his shoulders."I wish I didn't,but I do. War doesn't make a distinction between the young ou old. Now please just go to your room." morgan looked at Ora and Dandy, kids that's all they were."No,not until I've played my part." Windu frowned nodding to the captain,but morgan ran off towards the edge of the flight deck.Ora was on her heals."Morgan what are toi up to?" morgan didn't even stop, Rex caught Ora as she nearly went over the edge herself. Ora screamed as Rex came to a halt. Where was that crazy woman? Rex thought she should of floated in space. Instead the body had dropped
like some load stone.Suddenly a white blurr winged out towards the approaching enemy ship.Rex dropped the padawan roughly. "What the stang is that?" Sargent Finger's a dit as everyone approached the flight decks shields.Rex pulled off his casque and wipped his eyes. Blinking hard,"Looks like some damned Zilo beast.But where did it come from and how is it surviving without oxygen?"
Ora being helped up par Dandy replied excitedly with a smile."Its Morgan.Can toi feel her Dandy? Its really her." Rex looked down unbelieving at the two."True it is,protection she gives." Master Yoda's voice floated towards them. White flames turned the rockets on the sep's ship into ice. Then as they watched jaws big enough to crunch an army tore the ship into chunks of wreckage. The creature then fed the wreckage into the planets atmosphere. Until all had been consumed par re-entry flames.
Winging back the creature encountered trouble."Stand down everyone, hold your fire." Master Windu ordered. The creature crowed, montrer its open mouth.Making a grisly image. Droids not caught between her teeth floated out into space,teeth once been white were blackened and chipped. Turning she decreased in size, until she was less then 1/2 the length of Yoda's flagship. morgan flapped her wings rushing around the ship, looking and sniffing at the windows. Scaring everyone on board who didn't know who it was.Even some who did. Sargent Finger's whispered to his captain."Could make us obsolete."Rex furrowed his brow at the subordinate."Don't count on it.They'll always need boots on the ground.This Morgan,is impressive.But I don't trust anything that looks like and acts like a Zilo beast.A lot of good men ended up dead,because of that bastard."Yoda intoned,"cautious toi are to trust such a creature.Even when it comes to protect."Shaking his head Rex replied,"Trusting in the wrong person ou thing can get toi killed." Master Windu nodded his aggreement. As the creature disappeared underneath the ship,it poped an eye alongside Ora's small body.Rex pulled her back,Ora stomped on his foot.Swearing under his breath he let her go. Rushing back to the shield's edge.Ora knelt, wagging a finger to the padawan sized eye."Morgan toi come in right now." Yoda approached her with Dandy in tow."Have need she will of this." Yoda patted Ora's shoulder,looking up from the eye. Ora saw that another Jedi peignoir, robe had been provided.
Blushing she excepted the peignoir, robe and waited for morgan to board. The creature flapped back into l’espace reducing in size yet again til she could fit inside the hull. As she boarded,Ora quickly surrounded her with the robe. The creature pushed at the padawan,softly.Noticing that the beast's chest refused to breath, Rex quickly flung the girl into his sagrent's arms. morgan triped and caught the trooper par his chest as he fell. With her lungs crunched and near bursting she turned towards space, as men rushed in alarm towards them. She unleashed the held breath, flinging herself and the captain into the boxes of parts.
"Dracina, my l’amour are toi alright?" Orin's worried face blurred into focus.Coughing she sat up, her head pounding."Get me something for this headache, please." Orin nodded to the servent at the door."What happened out there?" Sitting up on the edge of the narrow lit she replied."She just barrowed my gift. Must of been in serious danger,otherwise her shield would've been enough." Orin kissed his wife's brow. "Did toi get a fix on her location?"
"No, the poor creature blacked out soon after she started to relinquish the form." Dracina laid back on the lit looking up at her husband.
"Don't worry we'll find her I'm sure, I'll have my contacts chercher the transmissions for any peculiar events. Shouldn't be too hard too find.
Aha, here's the medicine." Orin handed it to his wife who downed it quickly. "Now get some rest we're almost home." Dracina nodded as she closed her eyes.Orin gently covered her with the quilt and left for the command deck.
Ahsoka meditated quietly feeling the flow of the Force.Building up the image of the mystery woman hoping to some how make a connection. As hunger started to get the better of her she chewed on her bottom lip.This wasn't working,but what else was she going to do. Practice and sparring could only keep one's attention for so long. As she began to extract herself from her trance, a cough sounded inside her mind. There in front of her was the woman on all fours."God I'm so tired." The woman let herself fall flat on her belly. Ahsoka rushed to her side."Are toi alright?Who are you?" flipping the woman onto her back. Stretching the woman winced holding her back as she sat up."Hey you're that girl.What the hell happened last time?" Ahsoka frowned.
"You're asking me?You're the one who dropped in on me and when I reached out to help toi all I got was this." Holding up her hand montrer the red hand imprint on her palm.The woman shook herself,"and toi think I know all. Hmpf, sorry to tell toi sister I don't. God plopped me here. God gave toi the problem and He's donné me enough of my own I don't know what end is up. So when you're praying don't forget to ask Him what's up."
The stranger took her for a loop. How could she not know her own reasons for giving her the imprint. Which God was she talking about and what problem ou problems did they have.
Getting up the woman took to looking around,
"Aha,a chair." The woman sat down and rolled her neck cringing as it cracked. Ahsoka went and sat down in the opposite chair."My name's Ahsoka Tano.You are?" The woman opened her eyes, blushing."Sorry. I'm morgan Walk, galaxy extrodinar." She smirked at the joke.
When Ahsoka didn't respond she told her little story."That's impossible." morgan laught,
"You're telling me,but here I am. So it must be possible.Unless you're hallucinating, but then we'd both have to be. I know for a fact I'm not."
"So if this is true then Captain Rex is possibly hurt." morgan paled,"Is he the dude with the blue pointy eyes on his helmet?" Ahsoka anger flashed as she nodded."I best be going then. I'm so sorry, he was in the way. I did my best to protect him." Before Ahsoka could respond the woman vanished. Finishing her meditation she thought about Morgan's strange story. Skyguy might have some idea what the hell she was talking about.
"Oh God, is this ever going to get any easier. I thought one trip was enough,guess I was wrong." morgan wreched out as she found herself belly flopped on a hard surface.As she regained herself she looked about,"who the hell is this anyway?" Her voice echoing in the darkened hall."That's the 100,000 credit question I should be asking isn't it?" A roughened voice vibrated back from the suddenly lighted desk. Folding her arms morgan retorted,"Who gets to answer first, ou did my reputation procceed me." A clap sounded as the voice moved from behind the desk. Hundreds if not thousands of alcoves appeared in a strange green light. montrer men dressed like the one's she'd seen on the ship. Except these were dead. Each alcove holding some image of them in a living memorial. Her face was turned as the man came to stand in front of her, his arms crossed and frowning. He coughed. morgan confronted him and smiled."Thank God you're alright. Thought I might have hurt toi when I exhaled. Thanks for saving Ora, I don't think she understood why I pushed her away." morgan held out a hand to him. Rex scowled at her,"I didn't want innocent blood on anyone's hands."
Insulted morgan removed her hand."So my rep has procceeded me. May I know yours if you'd be so kind." She sneared."Captain Rex,of the Republic Alliance." The woman nodded"what no last name? Just Captain Rex. What about your brother's, cousins and who ever else on that ship. There seems to be quit a lot of family on board."
This woman had no clue that they were clones.
Rex was momentarily speechless."We are clones, mame." morgan frowned at the words."Number one don't call me mame, I don't care if its regulation ou not. Makes me feel old. Two,was there some disease that killed off the rest of the human race. I mean why go to clones if there are still enough to enlist and fight." Rex couldn't answer her, morgan asked questions most of them stayed away from. It bred problems. morgan looked at the man, seeing she'd put him in a sticky spot. "Come Captain lets hacher, hachage out our little problem's shall we." She walked over to the bureau which now held two chairs, a bottle of something brown and two glasses."Where did that come from?" Rex questioned. morgan shrugged."Where ever it did, I've learned not to ask to many questions. Most never get answered as quickly ou as we thought they'd get answered anyways,
right captian." She poured the brown liquid into a glass and handed it to him. He cautiously smiled taking a wiff."You don't trust me, I can understand that completely. I wouldn't trust me either if I was in your place." Rex took a taste finding the liquid biting as it slide down his throat. He set down the glass."Why are toi here? How can I understand toi when my sargent couldn't?" morgan straddled the chair backwards, her glass disapearing from the table."You're not my first visit sorry to say. I ended up in some Ahsoka Tano's head, first."
Rex stood up coming around the bureau as Moran quickly jumped back."What did toi do to her?"
"Nothing, she came looking for me. God obliged her,except He doesn't prepare me. She told me to check up on toi when she heard my side of the story." Rex backed off feeling that she was telling the truth. morgan sighed rolling her eyes."As for the rest of your question,beats me. God's in charge I'm only the lowly messenger.Not even very good since I don't know what He wants me to do."
"How do toi not know?"
morgan sneared at him."How. How! If I knew that answer I wouldn't even have been there. I'd of been a brain dead corpse in a car ramed up against Stone Hinge." Her face was a blaze of hurt and shame. He felt guilty in some small way. She wiped her eye's clear."I'm sorry. I shouldn't of exploded, but really I don't know."She sat back down in her chair, Rex sat across from her."How did toi pull that off par the way?" morgan smiled,"Don't know. It seems there's a lot I don't know. All I knew was that I could do something. Not exactly what it was but something." Rex smirked."Leap of faith." Morgan's glass appeared, pouring herself a healthy dowse she downed it."See toi later."Morgan coughed as she disapated from her siège leaving Rex questioning his sanity. The bottle and the glasses remained to testify.
Clicking off the light he headed for his cot in the corner. As he approached it, he went over her story about how Ahsoka had sent her to him. An image of the padawan laying on his cot suddenly appeared.Stang it! When was he going to learn. All it took was a thought and she'd appear, he'd get no sleep tonight. His own passions would see to that. Ahsoka's knowing smile had him building a mur all around her. Rex's subconscious frowned knowing it wouldn't hold too long, he forced himself into sleep. His conscious mind would have to deal with the rest of the mess.
posted by lovingflame
Sharp knocked on Ahsoka's door. "Come on ou we'll be late." Ahsoka leaned heavily on the door jamb as she opened up the door.
"Stang it.You're not going anywhere. Get back in there, I'm calling the doctor." Sharp helped her sit on the tub's edge as he put the call into the doctor. As Sharp went out to wait for the medics, Ahsoka grabbed a look at herself in the refresher's mirror.
"This doesn't look so good. What's going on with me?" She a dit as blood was starting to bead and her stomach turned.Turning her a very pale shade of green." Where's the patient private?" The resident doctor a dit making...
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added by estherliquid
Source: estherliquid
added by estherliquid
Source: estherliquid
added by estherliquid
Source: estherliquid
posted by mhs1025
Nakoma was doing her hair one night when she heard a knock on the door. She got up and went to answer it. "May I come in?" Anakin asked. Though confused, Nakoma let him in. He sat down on her bed. "Can I talk to you?" he asked. Nakoma was still confused why Anakin was at her quarters this late, but she nodded.

Anakin was going through alot. His stress and anger had doubled since Ahsoka's suicide. "Afew months before toi became my Padawan, Ahsoka... Lost her will to live." Anakin croaked. Nakoma put her hands over her mouth in shock. "She was on her home-world Shili at the time of her passing."...
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added by estherliquid
Source: estherliquid
added by estherliquid
Source: estherliquid
added by estherliquid
Source: estherliquid
posted by mhs1025
Nakoma sat nervously in the Jedi head quarters. She knew she was in DEEP trouble. Anakin was angry at her for doing such a thing. Obi-Wan couldn't believe she didn't listen. Padme tried her best get over the shock. What exactly DID Nakoma do, toi might ask? Secretly go out with a Sith Lord!

Dontel seemed to be nice. He was on an undercover mission for the Sith when he met Nakoma. The plus the two got to know each other, the plus Dontel used her as bait for his evil plans! Dontel was just bad news all around. That's just sad because Nakoma liked him. Here's what else is sad, because he only used...
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added by estherliquid
Source: estherliquid
added by estherliquid
Source: estherliquid
posted by mhs1025
Anakin and Nakoma were on a mission to recover something that was stolen par a terrorist. It wasn't long before they were in battle with guards, though. There were about 10 guards. Anakin battled 5 and Nakoma battled 5. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Anakin collapsed! "Anakin!" Nakoma yelled in terror. Then...Anakin awoke.

He was breathing heavily as he realized it was all a dream. "Ani, what's the matter?" Padme asked. "I had this dream...where..." Anakin stopped short as he continued catching his breath. "Where what?" Padme asked. Anakin thought. "Where...Nakoma could talk!" he answered after a...
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added by estherliquid
Source: estherliquid
posted by mhs1025
Nakoma was nervous. She was to meet Padme for the first time. She was so nervous, the whole thing got the best of her. Padme on the other hand was excited about meeting the new Padawan. Nakoma was in a dark room taking care of a sick Obi-Wan. At one point, she thought plus about this meeting. And, she started to shake her leg.

"Can toi please stop shaking your leg Nakoma?" Obi-Wan asked in a hoarse voice. Nakoma stopped shaking her leg feeling worse. She let her nerves get to her way too much. "It's alright." Obi-Wan reassured her. Nakoma gave a small smile. There was a knock at the door and...
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added by estherliquid
Source: estherliquid
added by estherliquid
Source: estherliquid
posted by mhs1025
Nakoma was badly injured in a battle and was taken to Coruscant Hospital for immediate treatment. She was unconscious, but breathing. While unconscious, she went to another world. Another world like...the heavens. She looked around for a minute ou two. "Nakoma." called a little voice. Nakoma turned to see who called her name. And she couldn't believe who it was. It was her little brother, Rafe!

Nakoma ran to Rafe and hugged him like there was no tomorrow. Rafe did the same. "Open your mouth." he said. Nakoma got confused. "Open your mouth, you'll see!" Rafe pleaded excitedly. Nakoma did what...
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THe RESOLUTE came out of hyperspace not far from S'alebac. Admiral Yularen frowned at the lire on the clone officers' consoles. Even though S'alebac was still aways off it could be seen that the planet was in trouble. It appeared to be wobbling on its axis. Dark clouds covered the surface and flashes of lightening shown through the maelstrom.
"S'alebac," Master Sinube a dit as he closed his eyes and opened himself up to the Force.
Anakin and Ahsoka watched him and did the same thing. What they felt through the Force was not unlike being hit par a blaster bolt.
Ahsoka began to sob and even though...
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added by estherliquid
Source: estherliquid
added by estherliquid
Source: estherliquid