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 well okay maybe these finger nails are interesting
well okay maybe these finger nails are interesting
salut gals and guys.

This article is basically bits and bats on what i think make a brilliant pick just that little bit extra sparkly...i don't suppose it has any real purpose but hopefully some of toi will find it useful....or a amusing read :)

5. haut, retour au début tip number five, pick something interesting...I'm pretty certain no one really has an opinion on what color everyone's teapots are ou finds the length of your finger nails amusing. It may seem like a obvious thing but don't ask a pick for the sake of just asking a pick. Ask a pick to hear people's opinions ou to entertain.

4. haut, retour au début tip number four,...
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posted by 18marras
Look at your first option.

-Is it convinient
-Is it appropriate
-Is it neccesarry
-Is it a good choice

If no to two ou plus of the above questions, skip that option. Look at the suivant and ask yourself the same questions. toi may find the other option similar, inappropriate, unnessary, not a good choice and inconvinient.
So, if the other choice is worse than the first option, skip that choice, and just go with option no.1.
If the seconde choice is as good as ou better than the first, consider it.

It should be convinient for toi and others through change. How and will it benefit people, how, and will?...
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posted by miiamya
My latest pick pet peeve is not opinionated picks. They have been popping up frequently and are beginning to irk me almost as much as repeat picks. In case toi don't know what I am talking about, not opinionated picks are picks that ask questions to which there is only one answer. These can range from inquiring when the suivant episode of a montrer in airing to asking what the full name of a character is.

I assume that the people who create these picks just don't understand the purpose of a pick. Picks are not trivia questions nor are they a way to ask for factual information. If toi wish to know when a new episode airs, I suggest posting it as a forum.

I'm sorry if this was at all offensive, but I figured that écriture a soapbox was easier than giving the same spiel to every auteur of a not opinionated pick.

Also, I am trying to think of a better name for this variety of picks rather than 'not opinionated picks'. Catchy names were never my forte.
posted by IsabellaAzuria
k, this is a little something for fun - enjoy - just write down before toi look at the text below:

1. an adjective

2. A room in your house/flat

3. A person

4. a color

5. an adjective

6. an adjective ou color

7. a verb

8. a place

9. a person

10. a noun

11. a number

now add the words toi wrote down to the right numbers in the text - and tell me what toi got:D


A (1) dream
I was sitting in the (2) and thought about (3) I drew a (4) picture of her/him. Her/his face looked (5) And the eyes were (6).
Anyways, I wanted to throw that picture away but suddenly (3) came in to shout at me.
He/she seemed kind of angry and shouted: "(7)!"
I was confused.
Only wanted to run away - so I did that.
I ran to (8), sat down there and cried.
Somebody else came.
It was (9)
(9) came to hug me.
and (9) gave me a/an (10)
"Happy (11)st/nd/rd/th Birthday!" (9) said
What a (1) dream
posted by Priscilita22
I know this has been a dit before, but it has been bothering me for a long time, and when something builds up I have to get it out somehow :D

Let me start par saying that I l’amour when people add réponses to the picks I make...It's awesome that we have that option because often times I forget an answer, ou someone comes up with something plus creative, etc...
But, there are a few things that I've been noticing about adding réponses for a while, and I wanted to put it out there.

I understand that the point of a pick is, well, to pick something. Therefore it's a bit annoying when someone adds an answer...
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Copied and edited from: link



I really mean it! What would toi be able to do if SOPA/TPP censors the internet? What would toi be able to do if écriture fanfics and drawing fanarts become illegal? What would toi do if it's illegal to do a cover of your favori song on YouTube? What would toi do if downloading things from the internet (music, movies, TV episodes, etc) became illegal? What would toi do if SOPA/TPP wins the war and takes away internet freedom? Net Neutrality is already dead so far, we can't risk the freedom of internet...
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posted by leuron
Well, following Vanessa example, I decided to do another one of these, let's have fun then. :P write the words, then put them on the text on the corresponding number...

1-Part of body












Here's the text:

(3) was very (7) that day, he/she stared at my (1) for (4) secondes and then he/she asked me to (5) and called me (11). I had to walk around a bit and (10) 'cause I couldn't believe it. Then out of the blue (6) appeared and gave a/an (2) to (3). I screamed "(12)!!" and went to (8). My special spot, where I like to (9). (3) was always on my thoughts, (5) he/she said... Yeah it's for the best...
posted by alice_cullen_12
Yes. The titre is true. To pick ou not to pick. That is my question. It is your job, dear fanpoppers, to answer. After lire this article/guide/storybook, when toi are educated picker, decide whether toi will fanpick ou not.

Pros and Cons of fanpicking.

Pros: Let's toi share your opinion. Let's toi get out your anger. Has cool icons. Has cool answers. Made par fans, not the government. Not Obama ou Corporate America. THE FANS!

Cons:Takes up your precious time. Hurts your head when toi think about your decision too much.

Story Time!

There once was fanpicker named Sue. Sue was having an internal...
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 Real world bullying: we see it everywhere
Real world bullying: we see it everywhere
We all remember it, though we say we don't. Those in school still see it everyday, maybe are victims, ou even perpetrators, of it. In workplaces, schools, colleges, sports organisations- this happens in all walks of life, for all manner of reasons.

I am, of course, talking about bullying. We've heard the stories of teens driven to suicide par bullies, people forced out of jobs par abusive employers, coaches victimising players. Tragic stories, definitely.

This is not the bullying I am talking about today. We move, for this soapbox, from the real world to the cyber world. Today, we talk about Cyber-Bullying....
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posted by Gabitha
Ok everyone this is a funny email thats been going around my mums office so i though i might share! MDR

This is to come up with a sentence to like describe toi ou something anyway give it a go!

Pick the mois toi were born:
January-------I kicked
February------I loved
March--------I karate chopped
April----------I licked
May----------I jumped on
June----------I smelled
July-----------I did the Macarena With
August--------I had lunch with

September----I danced with
October-------I sang to
November-----I yelled at
December-----I ran over

Pick the jour (number) toi were born on:
1-------a birdbath
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posted by ilovehinder
As amazondebs a dit before, the "all" option can get annoying at times, but it's okay to add it if toi are actually losing your mind trying to choose.

But if there is a choice missing that really should be there, even if toi aren't going to pick it, toi should add it anyways. i. e., "Who's your favori office character?" If the "Kelly" option is missing, even if toi like Jim, add Kelly anyways. toi don't have to pick Kelly.

And something else pointed out in Deb's forum, combination options can be annoying too. If toi can't decide between Jim and Pam, choose one randomly and say in the comments...
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