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posted by VampRose
“Run, Blair, run,” I heard my mother scream. I didn't seem far away, but I couldn't figure out where it was coming from. salut didn't I pass that door like two minutes il y a I thought. “ Mom, I'm running trying to find you, but where are you? I can't see anything it's to dark.” toi know how toi get this sick feeling when toi know something bad is about to happen. Well thats the feeling I have right now and it stinks. Out of the blue I heard a voice saying, “run, Blair,run, your momma needs you.” No, where's my mom toi horrible monster what have toi done to her?!” I round the corner this time running at full speed. Their was a figure sitting in a chair, a spotlight flew over the figure. I looked closer to see who it was, me being a very nosy person and all. “Mother it's so good to see!!” As I a dit that her face seemed to swirl until there was a face that looked like it had just been cooked in a pot of acid. “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,” I screamed waking up in my bed. It was all wet and I noticed I was too. “What happened here,” I thought to myself? I looked over and saw that my clocked displayed it was 5:50. Good I thought I needed to wake up. So I guess the dream was good for something. Heading to the bathroom I wondered if the dream had stood for something. If so then what? ou was it just a normal dream, for entertainment. It wasn't very entertaining though. I had been having nightmares a couple weeks before school started. Ever since I bought that book from a store in Seattle on Mythology and other folktales. I have been having weird and scary dreams. Well, It is probably what I'm watching before I go to bed. “ First jour of senior an at Skyview High School.” I heated up the water wondering how this an would go. Well, at least I was going to school in the hottest car out there. The all new 2009 hot rod red SSC Ultimate Aero. It was the fastest car out there. It was a birthday present from one of my mom's friends. It just showed up outside with a red bow on it and a card wishing me a happy birthday. I knew it wasn't from my mom because she never would have been able to afford it. The water had finally heat up enough to wear it was comfortable as I started washing my hair. The water was burning hot when I finally finished with my shower. I stepped out grabbing a towel and walked back to my lit room to pick out what to wear. It was going to be a rainy first jour so I picked out a pick Cami with red polka dots. I put a white long sleeve v-neck over it and a rose sleeveless veste with a capuche, hotte over top. I wore blue jeans and accessorized with white hoop earrings. Throwing my Ugg boots I ran to the bedroom to put on my make-up, fix my hair, and brush my teeth. I look in the hallway mirror to make sure I look suitable. When I finished I checked the clock to see how much time I had left till I would have to leave. The clock read 6:50, Uh-oh I'm going to be late. It takes 20 minutes to get to school and I have to pick up Paris still. I ran down stairs grabbed my bag and purse. I hadn't had anything to eat so I grabbed a granola bar and a bottle of water out of the fridge. I kissed my mom good-bye on the forehead and a dit “bye,” as I ran out the door to the car. “Good it's not raining yet,” I thought. I put my key into the ignition trying to plan out how I was going to get to school in enough time to get to socialize and be able to get to homeroom in enough time. I flew down the highway pushing 80 I knew no one would pull me cause no one came down here. Not after someone was killed on the highway, but I wasn't afraid. I didn't get scared like that. I finally pulled into Paris's driveway as one of my favori band came on. Paris slid into the passenger siège and I pulled out of the driveway. We came into the city so I had to slow down to 50. I hated slowing down I liked going fast. It made everything plus enjoyable and scared Paris so bad it made her pee in her pants. Which always got a giggle out of me. I heard Paris's phone ring. I knew that ring tone! Guess Paris had got a text and then I got a text. It was from Catherine one of my cheer leading buddies. It said, Don't forget my party Friday and we have cheer leading practice today till 6:00 today.
I text back saying: Kwl I will be there.
I told Paris that practice has been moved to 5:30 and remindered her about Catherine's party on Friday. She told me she already knew and that was what the text was about. We talk about different things on the way to school. Mainly about the new school an and wondering if their were going to be any hot guys this year. We finally reach the school and I pull into the student parking lot. I grab my bags and step out of the car as a brand new yellow Bugatti Veyron pulled into the student parking lot right behind me. It was nice, but not as nice ou fast as my car. Mine was the best and fast out their plus the doors opened upward. I leaned over to Paris and hissed “Who is that?”

“I have no idea,” she a dit “nice car though.”

I hit her in the back of the head. I was still infuriated; I had the best car out their and the decided to get the seconde best out their. Well we will see about that. “Paris lets go over their and see who that is.”


We walked over to see who in the world was driving this car as a siège Leon pulled in right beside the Veyron. Finally the owner of the Veyron stepped out of the car. He was a broad shouldered boy. That was really ripped, he had muscles all over his arms and he had freaking 12 pack for God's sake. He had on a tight long sleeve chemise with a Mayfair wool-cashmere topcoat on over top. He had blondish-brownish hair and green émeraude eyes that sparkled when the light hit them. He also wore a black watch like bracelet with a cygne like bird on it. The very attractive guy seemed quite familiar though, like I used to know him. Another boy stepped out from the passenger side. He had short black hair that was standing up because he put gel into it. He was really ripped also like the first boy. He wore a white chemise with a black leather veste over top. He also wore a black watch like bracelet with a cygne like bird on it just like the other boy. The didn't look like they were related, but maybe he had pick him up, like I had with Paris. The first boy ran his finger's threw his hair pushing it backwards out of his face. That's when I knew where I remembered him. He was Evan my old boyfriend that had moved to Canada. I was so excited to see him that yelled out his name. “Evan!!!”

    “Yes, that would be me.” He looked confused like who was calling my name. He turned around; probably look to see who had just called his name. He finally figured out who had called his name and made eye contact with me.

    “Blair, is that you,” he called out to me.

OMG!! He remembered my name from like 3 years ago. “Yes,” I called back.
He did the weirdest thing ever he came running up to me and gave me a big ours hug. I felt good to be in his arms again. I remembered back to when he left for Canada. He didn't tell me he was leaving till the jour before. He a dit that it was better that we be away from each other for awhile plus his dad was moved up in rank at his business and that they had to move. That was it he was gone. We were in his bedroom when he told me. I burst into tears as he finished even though he had just pretty much broken up with me he grabbed me hugging me while my tears ruined his shirt, but I couldn't stop crying. Finally after ten to fifteen minutes I finally stopped long enough for him to take me accueil and for me to make it upstairs. I called Paris and Eve and asked them to come over. I stayed accueil the suivant jour from school. My mom felt bad for me and I kept getting all these presents from one of my mom's friends. It was probably the worse thing that has ever happened to me. Me and Evan were so tight we were like best Friends we told each other everything. We were inseparable my mom would be all “ toi spend to much time with Evan, your excluding your friends.” I didn't work though I actually started spending plus time with Evan than I should have. Then it was like bam thats all over. I cried and cried for months everyone tried to make me feel better, but nothing worked. Until I met Luis he was like my soul mate, ou so I thought we went out for a good two years until he found out his dad was being sent to California and he had to déplacer with him. Then I cried for another mois ou two, but it wasn't as bad as when Evan left. I finally came out of my memories as I Lost the air in my lungs. I was able to squeeze out: “Evan, I can't breath.”

    He laughed his laugh that I had longed to hear for so many years. He finally put me down and I stared into those perfect émeraude eyes. He saw my happiness that shown across my face. I finally noticed all the other people that now stood behind him. I leaned up and whispered in his ear “who is behind you?”

     He just laughed like I was the funniest person on the planet. “These are my brothers and sisters.”

    “Brothers and sisters. When did toi get brothers and sisters?” When did he get brothers and sisters. Every time is was over at his house, which was quite often. No one was there accept him and his parents. Yeah he had a huge house, I'd been to every room and none were inhabited par any brothers and sisters. When did this happen? He must have saw the shock and confusion traverser, croix my face cause he started laughing again. I finally relaxed and let the shock and confusion leave my face. He stopped laughing and smiled the grin that I knew to well that Ha ha grin. I don't know if he was joking about is brothers and sisters ou if he was dead serious, but either way he was going to be dead soon enough.

“Um, since like forever.” He threw back at me. He was stilling smiling; he looked like he new something I didn't. Like and old joke that I should remember; I ran through my memories from being with him, and I couldn't remember anything that hinted that he had any brothers ou sisters.

“Okay, well how come toi never mentioned them then, and who is the boy that came to school with you.” That had ought to get something out of him.

“Well, the boy is Blake, and aren't we going to be late for class Blair?”

“Yes, but I'm not going to forget this. toi will end up answering my question!!” He was going to answer the question no matter what. We headed up to the school; it felt good to have Evan back beside me. I wanted to know if Evan missed me as much as I missed him, but I knew that he would tell me that he would tell me when he was ready. I still wish I knew though; we walked into school together, just like old times. I had Mrs. Garvin for homeroom; we heard she was a big old hag, and I figured out that as soon as the women stepped in to the classroom. We were already seated in are seats. It was like this: Me in the middle, Evan to left, the Paris to my right, Blake in front of me, and the mur behind me. The classroom smelled of old people and perspiration. We were all talking when she walked in and that was probably a bad thing, but today was the first jour of school. So everyone knew that the students would be catching up, talking about all that they did and who they dated. I guess she tried to make us be quiet, but I mean she still didn't have to do what she did. The old hag took her nails and brought them down the blackboard; making a eerie screeching Chair de poule down your neck sound. Everyone turned in attention, but not me I grabbed my stuff and ran out of the room. I hated that sound which means I now hated that women. I was heading to the office to see if I could switch homerooms. I wouldn't be able to stand another one of her crazy ideas to get us quiet, ou else someone would be leaving that room with a bunch of scratches and puke on them. I heard footsteps behind me in fact it sounded like two sets of footsteps. Oh great the principal and our Vice principal coming to give me detention on the first jour of school. I decided I would explain what happened and why I ran out like I did. I took a settled down breath and turned around to find Evan and Blake following me.

“Why did toi run out of class, Blair,” Blake asked.

Evan turned to him and a dit “that sound makes her go berserk.”

“Thanks Evan It's true that sound does make me go berserk and sick to my stomach, so I had to get out of that place.”

“Oh, okay well do want to ditch homeroom then?”

I giggled it was the first jour of school and we were already ditching are classes. “OK, sure, but what do toi want to do?”

Blake answered that one!! “Well we were going to go hang in the woods for awhile.”

“Cool!” We headed to the door to get outside. The warm air felt good on my arms; it did make me feel a little cold though. Evan must have saw that I was cold though because he laughed and shrugged his manteau off, and gave it to me. I hesitated and finally put it on. It smelled like pine and cinnamon, and since when did Evan like cinnamon. He hated anything with cinnamon. We headed into the forest; it was wet as usual, and it seemed creepier than usual. I spent a lot of my summer in the woods. I'm not a big woodsy person, I'm plus a of a cuddle up with a book type of person. Though this summer I did a lot of thing in the woods. It was a weird summer, I needed to do something to get Evan and Luis off my mind. All my Friends wanted to go shopping, but I thought I had enough cloths so I stayed home. I read and read until I couldn't read no more. So I decided to go in the woods. I also went ski a lot. I remembered when Evan told me not to do anything stupid. I took the hardest course they had and made it down without a scratch. Evan would have been so proud of me. We finally made it to a small clearing and sat down. The herbe had pine nettles scattered everywhere and it looked like a lake of green water. I found a spot where it didn't look wet and sat down. We talked a lot and I figured out that Blake had been at a private school with all of Evan's other brothers and sisters. I finally had my answer, but it didn't sound like an efficient one. It was a few minutes later when Paris called me from school. She asked me where I was and what happened in class and I told her I'd tell her later. When the call end I checked the time. It was 10:50. Whoa where did the time go? “Um, Evan toi do know that it is almost eleven.”

“Yep. I guess it is time to get back to school today though.” He seemed upset at the thought of going back to school. We headed back to school; it seemed to take longer coming back from the clearing than going to the clearing. Evan took my hand as we walked back to the school. It was just right at that moment; like he never even left it was like it had all been a bad nightmare. Then of course reality kicked back in and I remembered Evan did leave me. I slipped my hand out of his; I was able to live without him for three years. I was planning on keeping my promise that I would not fall back in. I knew it hurt him for me to pull away, but I couldn't do it, not now. We made it back to class right before lunch started. I sat with all of my other Friends while Evan went and sat with his brothers and sisters. Our lunch time was chaotic; everyone was stilling trying to see there friends. I meet up with my old Friends that I hadn't seen in forever. Paris, Isabel, Eve, Catherine, Sunnie, and me sat a table, tableau together. Some boy came over to my table, tableau and gave me a note.
salut it's Landon. Will toi come over to my table, tableau for a second. I want to ask toi something.
I stood up to headed over to talk to Landon when all my Friends looked over to see what I was doing. I pushed my chair in, took a deep, and headed over to see Landon. I wonder why Landon wants to talk to me. I mean yeah I've known him for like six ou seven years, but we have never really been friends. Most people would think that it is weird that the senior quarterback and the varsity head cheerleader aren't really friends, but it's the truth. When ever me ou Landon had a party we didn't invite each other. I would go to them though; I would hang with all the other cheerleaders ou the football players that I did know. I finally did make it to where he was sitting with all the other football players.

“Hey Landon, what did toi need?”

“Oh salut Blair. Come sit beside me I have to ask toi something.”

“Okay” I wonder what he wants. He's never wanted to talk to me before now. He pulled the chair out for me that was suivant him I guess for me to sit in. I sat down and he pulled me closer to him.

“Blair will toi go out with me?”

Whoa what he wants to go out with me this is so weird. This has been a very weird jour though.

“Um, Landon let me think about and I'll tell toi in gym okay.”

I stood up to walk back to my table, tableau when I saw Evan staring at me. He looked furious with a hint of worry. I hope he isn't worried about me, ou furious with me. I got back to my table, tableau and all the other girls were bombarding me with questions. If I told them what it was really about the news about Landon asking me out would be all over the school. I thought about it; it would be nice to go out with someone. I hadn't dated anyone since Luis so it would be good to get my mind off of worrying about if Evan liked me ou not. I decided I would go out with Landon and I wouldn't worry about what everybody would be thinking. Lunch passed quickly and gym came really fast. I walked with Paris into the locker room; I told her everything that happened and I told her my answer “Yes.” I came out of the locker room. Paris was throwing questions at me like crazy, I answered them to the best of my ability though.
Someone came behind me and asked “Have toi found your answer?” I turned around and found Landon staring down at me with a big grin on his face.

I turned around and kissed him, Paris giggled beside me. “Does that answer your question!!”

He took my hand and led me over to the bench and sat me down. After I was seated he sat down suivant to me. He took my face in his hands and a dit “You don't know how happy toi have made me. I have been wanting to ask toi that question for toi don't know how long.” He kissed me then Coach 1 blew the whistle telling us to cercle around him.

“Okay students today the boys will be going outside to play baseball and the girls will be staying in and playing volley-ball Blah, Blah, Blah.”

I didn't hear the rest of his sentence cause all I could think about was Landon s’embrasser me. He still had my hand in his. I wondered why he had ignored me for all these years, and now he decided he wanted to go out with me. He never paid me any bit of attention even when we would be standing around and talking to his friends. He never even noticed me when I was wearing my short shorts and t-shirt that I wore at cheerleading practice. Was it a dare that one of his football Friends made him do while the were playing truth ou dare. ou maybe it was a prank that one of his Friends and him were pulling on a blond cheerleader. I don't see how that could be though. He looked like he truly loved me. Ugh! This is all so confusing, but we had to look like the cutest and the happiest couple on earth. Everybody started to separate to get ready to go outside ou play volleyball. Landon gave me a hug and jogged away to catch up with his friends. Of course as Landon left Paris ran up to me with this huge grin on her face. She must have been watching with Eve from over at the other side. Because she ran up screaming.

“Oh my God, Oh my God!!! toi two look like toi have been dating for three months not three minutes.” She was screaming now, and I wasn't so sure I could calm her down now.

“Hmmm, how interesting, was all I said. let's go play some volleyball.” I wanted to be sure this wasn't a prank ou anything that was like that. So I decided that I would ask Landon if this was a prank ou dare of some sort. Eve ran up to me suivant and congratulated me.

“OMG! This is so cool. toi to look so happy and I'm happy for toi both.”

“Thanks Eve. I'm really glad he asked me out.”
posted by patrisha727
I garantee that some of toi will faint when toi read this! Last one for today!

Bella's POV

Alice and Edward was completely still, as statues. Their eyes were completely wide. I looked at each of them in confusion. What's going on? Finally, ALice tunned back into the present.

Alice took a step closer to me.
"What did toi see?" I asked.
Alice's eyes narrowed. I flinched, what did she know? What did Edward know? I looked at Edward briefly. His face was full of agony and betrayal.
I frowned. I didn't like his expression, it got me worried.
"Bella?" Alice whispered.
"What's did toi see, Alice?" I asked....
continue reading...
added by patrisha727
I memorized the lyrics... Just such a beautiful song! <3 <3
Carrie Underwood
take the wheel
I have 2 camps today, so I will only post 1 for now. ^_^

Bella's POV

I stared ahead of the road in shock. They were here!?!? What are they doing here in Mexico?
"How did toi find us?" I asked.
"Uh... did toi forget that Alice have visions?" Leah asked back.
"Oh..right." I said.
"Ok, toi two are familiar..." Tom said.
"We met before." Alice answered.
"Right, toi are Alice and she is Leah." Tom said.
"Yup." Alice answered.

"Huh, it feels awkward... to be in a car full of vampires." Tom muttered.
Alice's and Leah's eyes widened.
"You told him!?!?! Are toi crazy!?!?!?" Alice shouted.
"Well, it's already...
continue reading...
I feel like I'm falling behind on Evening étoile, star so I will post one today. ^_^

Did Bella think I insulted her? She looked angry. I was getting a little worried after a few minutes when she didn't speak. Then I put one finger under Bella's chin so she would pay attention to what I was saying and I want her to know that I didn't mean what I said.
"Sorry. Really." I told her sencerely.
She looked at me, with a frustrated expression, which confused me. But then she spoke.
"I know. I know it's not the same thing. I shouldn't have reacted that way. It's just well, I was already thinking about Jacob before...
continue reading...
One for today! PS: I couldn't think of a better title. :S

Bella's POV

Volturi... they sound so familiar. My sisters told me stories about them many years back.
Volturi... Volturi... I'm trying my best to remember them. Then something snapped in place in my head.
"Ok, I know who toi guys are now. toi guys live in Volterra, Italy right?" I asked looking at Aro.
He looked at me, questioning.
"May I hold your hand for a minute dear Bella?" Aro asked, while holding his hand up towards me. Jane hissed. I ignored her.

I can feel that I looked confused. I looked at Edward for answers.
"You know that I...
continue reading...
added by patrisha727
added by patrisha727
One of my favori songs made into a twilight video!!!!
HA HA! My favori was when Dumbledore did the "Elder Sware" ROFL!!!!
This is always stuck in my head!!!! :S
Sorry this took so long. I had to go to 2 camps in a row and I had to go to a fancy dîner place for my parent's 20th anneversary. So now I will be writing. If toi check in Forums, it will tell toi guys why I'm écriture an article for you. ^_^ ♥

Bella's Life

"Tom?" I whipsered, still shocked.
My undercover father dropped his camera, but it didn't break.
"Bella?" he asked, shocked and confused.
"It's me." I said.
Then Tom's face turned to Edward.
"Edward?" he asked with the same tone.
"Hello Tom." he a dit politely, though, he wasn't smiling. I don't blame him, I wasn't smiling either.

My emotions...
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Robert Pattinson on Ellen Degeneres montrer to promote Twilight.
Robert Pattinson
ellen degeneres montrer
YAY!!! I WIN THE BET!!! Whooo!!! Now to get some sleep, I'm exhausted!

Bella's POV

I started running and I was Edward running away from me. I managed to run fast enough to catch him.
"Edward, wait." I a dit while putting both of my hands on his chest.
"What Bella? I heard what toi said. toi don't want to marry me." he a dit with an agonized expression.
"I was speaking to someone.. someone who I speaks to my problems with everyday. And now, for toi to be at my side, ever since we met in Forks.. that's something I've already decided. I decided that I can't live without toi and I promise, I will marry...
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Ok, ONE plus to go!!!! YAY!!! For this one time, I will put this in Edward POV because this is the 50th chapter! *cheers* And also, I think we need to see this in Edward's perspective. ^_^

Edward's POV

"BELLA!" a voice called. Alice.
Bella leaned away from Mitch and let go of him. He automatically fliched back and took steps back away from her.
"Isabella Swan?" he whispered.
"What?" she growled.
"Thanks for letting me go." he said.
"Like I actually wanted to." she muttered.
"You have changed alot since the last time I met you." he said.
"Is that I compliment?" she whispered.
"Yes, it is."...
continue reading...
Wow! 2 plus to go... IN YOUR FACE RENESMEBLACK! *chanting "I'm going to win the bet" over and over again* ^_^

Bella's POV

"BELLA!" a voice called. Alice.
I leaned away from Mitch and let go of him. He automatically fliched back and took steps back away from me.
"Isabella Swan?" he whispered.
"What?" I growled.
"Thanks for letting me go." he said.
"Like I actually wanted to." I muttered.
"You have changed alot since the last time I met you." he said.
"Is that I compliment?" I whispered.
"Yes, it is." he a dit and ran away into the dark.

Then I realized what I have done, I almost killed someone. I looked...
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posted by patrisha727
Wow... things are getting violent! Let's see how high Bella's temper is.. shall we? 7 of 10 articles! 3 plus to go! ^_^

PS: Those who are Avatar the Last Airbender fans, the way how Bella is talking to the man is familiar.....O_o

Bella's Life

"What do toi want from me? Do toi want my money? Go ahead, take it. Just please leave me alone." he a dit terrified.
"I don't need your money." I growled at him.
"So what do toi want?" he pleaded.
"I need to ask toi one question." I said.
"Yes. Anything!" he said.
"Look in my eyes and tell me toi don't know who I am." I a dit while grabbing his chemise and put his...
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4 plus to go!!! Whooo!!!! ^_^

Bella's POV

"No Bella." Edward a dit while wrapping his arms around my waist. But as a newborn, I was stronger than him, so I was able to break free from his hold.
"Edward. This is something I promised to do. I didn't bother to do it before, because I was too weak. This is a favor I'm doing for Lilly." I said.
It was still raining.. and my whole body was completely wet, not that it mattered to me.
I sighed and change the subject.
"Let's hunt." I said.
Edward nodded, without saying a word.
While walking away, I couldn't ours the silence any longer.
"I'm sorry.." I whispered...
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posted by patrisha727
I'm halfway there! 5 of 10! 5 plus to go! ^_^

Bella's POV

"What?" Edward said, shocked.
I moved away from his touch.
"I was stupid. She was just 6 years old, and I let her roam around the area as if she was 13 years old! I was supposed to babysit her... I spent my time on the phone and smoking stupid drugs!" I yelled to the sky.

"How did your cousin die though?" Edward asked.
"It was nightime when we were here. It was dark. There were gangs of teenagers out having drugs... just like me. Though, it was just an early stage. I started using drugs just a few week ago. But then I didn't realize the...
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posted by patrisha727
3 of 10 articles. 7 plus to go.... *groans loudly*

Bella's Life

"Nightshift?" I asked confused.
"You know we don't sleep." Alice said.
"Right." I said.
I looked out the window, and it was completely dark. But with my new eyes, I could still see clearly.
Then suddenly my throat burned a little bit. I auomatically cupped one of hands on my throat.
Edward eyed what I was doing.
"Is something wrong?" Edward asked.
"My throat burns a little bit." I said.
"What?" I asked.
"Let's go hunting Bella." he said.
"Hunting? Did toi bring weapons?" I asked a little confused.
He laughed softly.
"We do have weapons."...
continue reading...