Noah and Katie Club
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posted by TDITrentgirl6
Noah couldn't help but let his gaze rise from his book and drift over to the couple that, whenever in view, made him sick to his stomach. Katie and Jason. Ugh, how he hated the sight of them. Well, in all honesty it was only the sight of him that made his blood boil. He hated how he was just so...perfect!

Jason Anderson was tall with shaggy dark brown hair and as most of the girls put it 'steamy' light brown eyes that made every girl swoon whenever it was turned on them. His smile was near blindingly white and he was smart, even have beat out Noah for student council president and was in nearly all of Noah's advanced classes.

Jason had moved to the area about eight months ago, a little after Sadie had moved away. Katie and Noah, being slight Friends already, had been hanging out until he arrived. The way he acted reminded him of Justin from the Total Drama series. The way he was so handsome and pompous about himself drove Noah nuts. What drove him nuts even plus though was the fact that Katie claimed she loved him.

Ever since he had stepped foot in their high school Jason had caught every girls attention, but had found l’amour in none other than one of his friends, Katie Travers. Noah had at first not cared, heck he'd been, in a way, thrilled to have the normally squealing girl off his hands. But it was before Katie had grown used to Sadie never calling her and being alone. It was before Katie seemingly had a makeover and became a whole new person. It was before Noah even realized that he had fallen in l’amour with her.

Katie had, after Sadie left, ditched the clothes (she had also redone her whole room which was basically filled with pictures of her and Sadie). Since Sadie kept no contact with her, Katie wanted nothing of Sadie ever in her life. The clothes and the pictures on her walls were the first things to leave. suivant came the hairstyle, at first she just took out the pigtails and wore it down ou back in a ponytail. Eventually however she got it cut in layers and bangs so that it framed her face better.

When this seemingly 'new' Katie had first walked into school and a dit hi to Noah in a class it had caught him fully par surprise. The Katie he remembered had pigtails, wore different clothing, and usually had someone conjoined at her hip. This Katie though was different...she was, in short, beautiful.

Jason Anderson had made his déplacer fast though. Katie and Jason started going out and were still going out, making them one of the most loved couples in the entire school. Again, something that made Noah jealous and sick at the same time. Noah never realized until plus recently that it was jealously that was making his stomach churn as he would watch them during lunch, sitting together ou standing par one of their lockers (both of which were unfortunately close to his own) chatting away, ou whenever he saw them holding hands, but to Noah the worst part of it all was watching them kiss.

Oh how he wanted to strangle Jason so badly whenever he saw them entwined together and when they would break apart with those dopey grins people always have after a Kiss on their faces. It made Noah furious.

So furious he sometimes had every notion to stamp right up and hit Jason hard, harder than he could even probably manage. He wanted to be the one that held Katie's hand, that kissed her, that called her beautiful.

But that wasn't him. Noah couldn't hit a oreiller and hurt it, let alone march up to the most populaire guy in school, coup de poing him and then not get killed par some other populaire goon ou even Katie herself. He didn't have the nerve to tell Katie how he felt, not when he saw how happy she always looked whenever Jason was around. Noah couldn't ruin her happiness, even if it meant sacrificing the feelings he held so dearly for the girl. She was his friend and even though he despised Jason with every ounce of his being, he was going to be supportive.

That support never actually got a chance to be used, because after lunch that very same day, as Noah was sitting in class when he caught part of the conversation between the two girls sitting behind him.

"Can toi believe it?" One of the girls, Carly, was saying.

"I know!" The second, Michelle, was gushing. "I can't believe he dumped her, for Julianne Powell nonetheless," Michelle said. Noah rolled his eyes. It wasn't a normal week when Julianna Powell, the school slut and all around boyfriend stealer dated another boy. Most of the time it was usually a boy that had dumped the girlfriend he'd been dating to go out with her only to be tossed a few days later.

"That was such a terrible thing for Jason to do," Carly added. Noah nearly jumped out of his seat. Jason? As in Jason Anderson? Noah reminded himself that Jason was a common name, there were probably tons of Jason's in the school. "I feel so bad for Katie," Carly continued. Okay there may be a lot of Jason's in the school, but not a lot of them are (or apparently were) dating a Katie.

"I know!" Michelle said. "I heard he dumped her and then kissed Julianne right in front of her face," Michelle whispered.

"I heard that to," Carly agreed and Noah could imagine the stupid blonde nodding her head like she had a tendency to do. "Poor Katie apparently ran away in tears," She added.

"Well wouldn't you? If your boyfriend of like seven months just dumped toi and then went on and kissed another girl right in front of your face?" Michelle said.

"Yeah, I'm not surprised she never showed up for class," Carly said. Noah looked up and sure enough the siège across the room where Katie sat was empty. The chair two seats over where Jason sat was empty as well.

"I'm not surprised Jason didn't montrer up either," Michelle a dit angrily. "What a bastard."

"Yeah," Carly agreed. Noah tuned out of the conversation at that point. Anger flared inside of him, but he remained calm on the outside just waiting and then finally when the cloche, bell rang he dashed from the room. He arrived at his locker and pretended to be packing some livres inside when in reality he had his eyes on Katie's locker. After five minutes he was beginning to think she wasn't going to show, but then she came out of nowhere, hurriedly opening her locker. Noah watched as people walked past and shot her looks, most of them sympathy looks. Noah finally decided to talk to her, he closed his locker and made towards her.

"Katie," Noah a dit finally reaching her. Up close Noah could see the fading red around her eyes.

"If you've come to say you're sorry about what happened, save it," Katie snapped bitterly.

"I-I wasn't going to say that," Noah stuttered. "Necessarily," He added.

"Then what do toi want?" Katie demanded. Noah let his anger get the better of him.

"I was only going to say that Jason was a bastard for doing what he did to toi and that toi deserve much better, but since you're going to be a snotty little witch about it, forget I ever talked to you," He snapped before storming away. The minute he turned away form her he regretted saying what he did, but he knew she would probably yell at him ou hit him ou something if he turned back. So he kept walking.


"I'm sorry Noah, she's not feeling very good," Mrs. Travers lied. Noah knew Katie's mom and, just like Katie, she was a terrible liar.

"I know what happened, I just want to talk to her for a few minutes," Noah a dit and after a moment contemplating the idea she opened the door wider and invited him in. "Is she in her room?" Noah asked, but Mrs. Travers shook her head.

"She's out back," She a dit and pointed him outside. Laying on a blanket in the grass, face turned towards the sky was Katie.

Katie had told her mom the bare minimum, to not let anyone in if they came par to talk to her, and set herself up in the backyard. She loved looking at the sky, especially as the sun was setting. It was honestly beautiful and it was always relaxing to her. At the sound of footsteps Katie tilted her head back further to catch a glance at the person who was approaching her. Disappointment and anger flashed through her when she saw it was Noah.

"Oh, it's you," Katie a dit turning her face back up to the sky just wishing that she could be left alone. She'd already had to turn off her phone because of all the calls and text messages she had been receiving. She just wanted everyone to shut up and let her cry and deal over Jason's betrayal without their sympathy getting in the way.

"Yeah," Noah a dit standing there awkwardly. Katie tilted her head back once plus to glance at Noah.

"You can sit down toi know," Katie a dit patting the empty l’espace of blanket beside her. Noah stared at her as if confused par her words before silently moving and sitting down suivant to her.

"Look, I won't stay for long, I just wanted to apologize for snapping at toi earlier," Noah a dit in a rush and Katie smirked. It was a rare occasion for the bookworm to apologize to anyone.

"I kind of provoked your response par being nasty to toi in the first place," Katie replied. "Sorry about that, today was just a horrid day. I'm sure you've heard," Katie added glancing over at him and he nodded.

"I did hear. Carly and Michelle are major gossipers," Noah replied. Katie immediately knew he was talking about the the two girls he sat in front of in Calculus. They were known to be the biggest gossipers in the school. "Are they correct though? Did he um...leave toi for Julianne Powell?" Noah asked. Katie sighed.

"Yeah and he even kissed her in front of me too, the bastard," Katie mumbled.

"Despite the fact it was used in an angry tone of voice, I did mean what I said," Noah said. "He was a bastard for doing that to toi and toi definitely deserve better," Noah a dit firmly.

"Thanks Noah," Katie said.

"I apologize if you've already heard that which chances are, toi have," Noah a dit and Katie smiled.

"Only about a thousand times, at least half of those from my own mother," Katie replied and Noah smirked and then he started laughing. "What could toi possibly find funny?" Katie demanded.

"Just thinking of all the different ways Chris could've exploited this," Noah a dit and Katie smiled and then laughed softly.

"Knowing Chris McLean he would turn this into a new season, Total Drama Heartbreak," Katie a dit and before she knew it both of them were laying on the blanket listing all the different moments and people Chris would've used on the show.

"Trent s’embrasser Heather," Noah had suggested.

"Harold's l’amour notes for Leshawna," Katie giggled.

"Geoff and Bridgette's bickering on the Aftermaths," Noah added.

"Alejandro's seduction of every girl on World Tour, including Bridgette and Leshawna," Katie added.

The liste went on and on until both teens had listed every couple and every mishap the montrer had seen in all three season. Although they both did agree that the 'Courtney and Duncan love-hate relationship' topped all others par far. Finally when they were done with their little game, Noah announced that he would be leaving. Katie walked him to the door and they stood there, him on the front porch, her standing in the doorway.

"Thanks for coming over Noah, toi didn't have to," Katie said.

"Yeah I did. You're jour at school had been bad enough without me snapping at you," Noah replied.

"I'll see toi tomorrow then?" Katie asked and Noah nodded.

"Bye," Noah a dit and then left. As he was walking towards his house he couldn't help but remember that even though he had gotten Katie to laugh and smile there had still been pain and hurt in her eyes and he hated that. Hated that Jason had hurt her and hated that he didn't know what to do about it. Then again...he paused before turning onto his street. A seconde later he was basically jogging down the opposite street, a few minutes later and he had arrived at Oak St. He walked up the rue until he came to the house he knew belonged to the Anderson family. "It's now ou never," Noah told himself.

He walked up to the door and knocked firmly and quickly. He waited patiently and when the door opened he put as much force as he could muster into punching Jason Anderson in the face.


The suivant was just as bad as Katie had expected it to be. The Katie/Jason/Julianne l’amour triangle was the talk of the school. Katie had even seen Julianne and Jason in the hallway and almost started crying when they decided to Kiss right par his locker, only a few away from her own, making it completely obvious they were trying to make her jealous. Finally when the cloche, bell had rang and the two had not stopped sucking face Katie decided to stand up for herself. She waited until the hallway was empty before she rounded on the disgusting couple.

"You two disgust me, toi know that?" Katie snapped. The two broke apart and when Jason turned to face her Katie then noticed he had a black-eye and and ugly bruise forming on his cheekbone. "What'd toi do hit yourself with a baseball bat?" Katie snarled.

"Actually your stupid egg-headed friend punched me," Jason retorted.

"WHAT?" Katie gasped.

"Yeah, stupid little twerp. He didn't even have the nerve to montrer up to school today," Jason growled.

"I can't believe that stupid geek punched you," Julianne said. "Poor baby," She gently stroked his cheek, her eyes darting over to Katie.

"Don't toi dare call him a geek toi bimbo!" Katie snarled. "And he only punched toi because you're a jerk," Katie added. Jason merely scoffed before he slung his arm around Julianne's waist and they both sauntered off. Katie was still standing there in shock. She thought about skipping the rest of the jour and going to see Noah, but decided against it. Her mother would be furious if she did it anyway. She closed her locker and hurried off to class.

As soon as school ended though she practically ran all the way to Noah's house. She knocked and waited impatiently, bouncing back and forth on her feet until finally Noah's mom opened the door.

"Hello," His mom greeted.

"Hi, sorry to bother you, but is Noah home?" Katie asked.

"Yes, come on in," His mom said. "He's in his room," His mom a dit pointing up the stairs. "Second door on the left."

"Thanks," Katie a dit as she dropped her backpack par the door and slipped upstairs. Nervously she hesitated outside the door before finally knocking.

"Who is it?" Noah called from inside.

"It's Katie," She replied. secondes later the door opened and as soon as it did Katie launched herself vers l'avant, vers l’avant and threw her arms around Noah, hugging him as tightly as possible.

"Hello to toi too," Noah joked lightly as she pulled away.

"For the smartest person in school, toi are the biggest idiot ever!" Katie scolded.

"What did I do now?" Noah asked and Katie glared at him. "Is this about the incident with Jason?" Noah asked.

"Incident? Noah toi punched him in his face!" Katie exclaimed. Noah quickly closed the door to his room.

"No need to announce it to the world," Noah said.

"Noah I'm being serious here," Katie said.

"And I seriously punched him in the face, can we talk about something else?" Noah asked.

"Fine, why did toi coup de poing Jason in the face?" Katie asked.

"I thought we were changing the subject," Noah commented.

"I did. We were talking about the physical action now I'm talking about the reason behind the action," Katie a dit and eyed Noah carefully. "Unless of course there wasn't a reason, but it's you! toi don't just go up to aléatoire people and coup de poing them in the face." Katie then rounded on Noah. "So? Fess up," Katie demanded. Noah looked away from her gaze, his face reddening the slightest bit.

"You," Noah finally answered.

"What?" Katie asked, a bit puzzled.

"I did it for you-because of you!" Noah explained. "Yesterday even though toi were laughing and smiling I could tell toi were still upset and I was furious that he'd hurt you, so I went and punched him in the face," Noah finished, mumbling the last part. Katie then once plus threw her arms around Noah and hugged him.

"You are still the biggest idiot ever," Katie laughed once they had broken apart.

"I guess I deserve that," Noah admitted.

"Well, I mean, are toi okay?" Katie asked.

"My hand is a bit bruises but-" Before he could finish Katie tugged him over to his lit and forced him to sit down, sitting down right beside him. She carefully took his hand and gently ran her fingers over his bruised knuckles. "I can honestly say I never knew punching someone in the face could be so painful," Noah a dit trying to lighten to mood, which was unlike him, but he didn't want Katie to be freaking out at him.

"So toi really punched him in the face because he'd hurt me?" Katie asked and Noah nodded, smiling sheepishly at her. "No one has ever done that for me before," Katie whispered. Noah was vaguely aware that she was still holding his hand and wondered if she realized this, but then decided against pointing it out, instead tightening his own grip.

"Well then I'm glad I can call myself the first one to have done so," Noah a dit and before either teen knew what they were doing they had leaned closer and were kissing.

Breaking apart they both merely stared at the other, both blushing furiously.

"I-I...uh," Noah stuttered before Katie squeezed his hand gently.

"You don't have to say anything," Katie a dit leaning in and s’embrasser him again.


Julianne Powell sat in her room impatiently flipping through the yearbook looking for it until BAM! She found the senior page where everyone voted for who was the class clown, most likely to succeed, had the best hair, best car, etc. She skimmed the page expectantly waiting to see a picture of her and Jason, but instead horror struck her when she saw the picture.

Staring right back at her were the happy smiles of Noah Segara and Katie Travers. The 'Cutest Couple'.
posted by TDIfanJai499
"Sooo..Noah,what did toi want to talk about exactly?",questioned Katie.Noah smiled and shrugged."I don't really know,I just thought we should talk."He stopped walking to lean against a tree."So,whats up?",he asked.Katie looked at her feet,trying to think of something to say without looking stupid."Oh nothing really.",she began to reply."Just here on the island with Sadie,and everyone else.",she muttered.'And the cutest guy I've ever met!!',she thought in her head.Noah nodded."So how did toi and Sadie become such great friends?"

Katie smiled and sat down,as if getting ready to tell her life...
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added by TDIfanJai499
I do not own this video.I do not own anything.But this vid is so cute.I'mglad that i am the first to add a video.I hope plus people will too.
noah and katie
katie's secret
added by TDIfanJai499
Source: ME
added by DxCfanlover
Source: Me
added by TDITrentgirl6
posted by TDIfanJai499
Okay,I have a few things to say.For one thing,and please don't be mad ou disappointed if you're lire my fanstory,but there is a slight chance that I might stop écriture the rest of the chapters for this fanstory completely. This might happen because I'm not sure how to continue the story when theres still so much to tell about,and I'm trying to work on my TrentXLindsay fanstory,too.Its also because I'm not sure if toi guys want Noah to act sarcastic like he does on the show,or act slightly nicer and plus sweet like he does now. Because whenever I think about it,I feel like i'm completely...
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posted by TDIfanJai499
"Good morning,campers!",laughed their host."Today's challenge is called,'What's your secret?'."Everyone turned to Katie.They knew she was hiding something."I-I'm in l’amour with N-Noah.",she stuttered.Everyone stared.Some even snickered.

Katie felt like crying,but held back her tears until everyone turned to Noah.Noah sat there with the same blank espression."I'm okay with that,but i will NEVER be your boyfriend."

Katie woke with a gasp.She laid her head back on her pillow."I such..a l-loser.",she a dit to herself as she began to cry quietly to herself.All of a sudden the lights...
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posted by TDIfanJai499
It was the final season of Total Drama and Katie knew this was her last chance to be with him.She had practically fallen in l’amour with him.I have all season,she thought.But the sooner the better.

"Go talk to him",Sadie urged.Katie looked at her crush,then Sadie and sighed.She started to walk torwards the three boys.Her cœur, coeur was beating faster and faster as she got closer.She stopped a few inches away from a tree.

"Hey guys." There was Justin posing in front of his same mirror.Then there was DJ sitting down holding his pet bunny.And Noah was leaning against the arbre deeply engaged in reading...
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posted by TDIfanJai499
"Katie,Noah,either of toi guys wanna audition?",smiled Courtney.Noah and Katie exchanged glances."Should I?",Katie asked shyly.Noah smiled with a nod."I think toi should,I wanna know how great of a singer toi are."Katie blushed smiled back at him,before turning back to Courtney.She nodded eagerly."I'd l’amour to!",she a dit while excitedly jumping in place.

Heather,whose team was nearby practicing and auditioning as well,overheard the conversation,and was about to make it even plus interesting.Alejandro saw the look in her eye and knew par her smile that this would not be good.As usual.

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I still don't own anything.I just had to post this..just so toi know..i'll be posting A LOT plus vidéos from now on.
noah and katie
katie's secret
added by TDIfanJai499
At first I didn't really like this video,but I learned to l’amour it since there are so little KatieXNoah vidéos on youtube.Maybe once i get an account i can make a video and add it on here.
noah and katie
katie's secret
posted by TDIfanJai499
"Hey guys..",Lindsay cheerfully greeted everyone.She was wearing a green tank haut, retour au début with blue denium shorts.She had on a green collier and blue earrings to match her..headband..scarf thing.Sadie was wearing a light blue chemise with a black jupe and leggings.Her hair was up in a sloppy ponytail with bangs.Beth was wearing her hair down and cut shorter.She was wearing a purple tee chemise that a dit be valuble in pink,with her same rose pants.

Tyler-"Lindsay looks really awesome,right?!"

Even though all the girls looked incredible,Noah just couldn't believe how beautiful Katie looked.She...
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posted by TDIfanJai499
*In the boys cabin*

It was early in the morning,and everything was peaceful.Well..almost.Duncan was mumbling rather loudly about burning stuff.Harold was slightly snoring and..ugh..picking his nose.And Owen, was once,AGAIN,farting in his sleep.As usual.

Only one thing was out of place.Noah.Usually he'd be trying to enjoy those last few precious moments of sleep,(before Chris decided to bring out a megaphone to wake them up ou something).But Noah couldn't stop trying to think of an excuse to why he called Katie cute.

"There must be some reason,some kind of excuse...",he wondered."Hi.",said...
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posted by FrankieStienxxo
It was a Hot summer jour Katie and Noah were in the jumbo Jet. landing in Paris anytime now.
Wow This is so amazing! Katie said. looking out the window.
Mmmhmm Noah a dit his head digged into a book.
WOW i see the Efel Towrer!! Katie cheered.
Noah turned to look at Katie with a look on his face Katie.. he said.
What? she asked.
Its the Eiffel Tower. he said.
Oh Sorry! Katie said. hugging him in the process.
Noah closed his book and started thinking. she just HUGGED him HUGGED!. his mood was a bit lighter then.
Soon the Jet landed and they both got out.
This is..... Katie paused.
Noah looked at her with...
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added by CUTEDXC
posted by TDITrentgirl6
It was one of those really cold late December afternoons at Twig Harbour, a little town near the spotlight city of Canada, Toronto. The snow was softly falling to the ground, whitening the already clear landscape of the chilly season, as the widely awakened citizens were hurrying in the streets to buy their last Christmas presents before it was too late. Colorful lights were mesmerizingly illuminating every building and every house prepared for the most populaire and sadly commercial holiday of the year. In that whole feisty carnival was a young girl followed par her fellow best friend of forever...
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