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toi Were Always Going to Win- Chapter Two

Her cœur, coeur began to thump even wilder. Had he really just a dit what she thought he had? She had to make sure before she a dit anything else. “Excuse me?”
Chuck smirked. “If I help toi take care of Georgina then toi have to spend the night in lit with me. The entire night.” He clarified.
Blair finally looked up into his face. “Those are toi stipulations?” He nodded. “If I don’t agree to this then toi won’t help me get rid of that bitch?”
She started to feel annoyed that he was even asking this of her. He had never loved her like she had with him and now he just wanted one night with her. The smug bastard. “You want me to cheat on my boyfriend and not to mention your best friend?”
His eyes which had been sparkling with mischief not glazed over with anger at the mention of Nate. “I’ve already told you, Nate and I aren’t Friends anymore.”
Her tone softened. “Chuck, toi know that toi and Nate will be Friends again. This has happened before. One of toi will apologize to the other and everything between toi will be fine again.”
Chuck raised his eyebrows in surprise. “You’re probably right but what Nate doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” He touched her neck and started to rub his thumb over her pulse point. “Don’t toi want to be with me one last time?”
Her eyes lighted on his and she noticed the desperate look in them. She did want this as much as him but it just wasn’t right. “Chuck, how many times are we going to do this?”
He still massaged her neck. “Is that a yes ou a no?”
Her eyes drifted close as he still was rubbing her neck. “Do toi think once is ever going to be enough?”
He put his face right suivant to hers and his breath whispered against her lips. “No, but that’s why we have all night.” The seductive tone in his voice almost made her knees buckle with arousal.
“And you’re okay with doing this to Nate?” She questioned.
His thumb stopped it’s movements over her neck. “He did the same thing to me when he got back together with you. So I’m not going to feel guilty if I have sex with you.”
The word sex screamed through her head. It was still all about sex to him and it always would be. With her it was so much plus than that. “I don’t know.” She whispered.
Chuck’s hand snaked around her waist and he pulled her into his lap. “Don’t toi miss this?” He asked in a husky and raspy tone.
“Sometimes.” She admitted.
He traced her collarbone with his fingertip. “Does Nate make toi feel like this?”
“No, he never could.”
“So, what do toi say?”
“Okay.” She whispered.
His eyes bore into hers. “You sure?”
His question made her remember the time he had asked it before. The night that she had Lost her virginity. “Yes.”
His mouth moved closer to hers. “Can I give toi a friendly Kiss to joint, joint d’étanchéité the deal?”
“If toi want.” She replied. The room was full of sexual tension and they both knew that there was going to be nothing friendly about this kiss.
His lips touched hers softly and she had to give him credit, it did feel very much like something a friend would give to another friend. Except the feelings it ignited her in were nothing other than what a lover would give her.
Blair decided to test his willpower, she darted her tongue out and licked the haut, retour au début of his lip. He growled deep in his throat with satisfaction. He put his hand behind her neck and drew her mouth down to deepen the kiss. She allowed it.
Chuck pushed her back down on the lit and covered her with his body. She threw her arms around his neck and slipped her tongue into his mouth making it mate with his. He broke the Kiss to gasp, “I want toi so damn much, Blair.”
She didn’t answer but she drew his head back down to her. Pretty soon her manteau was off and the haut, retour au début of his suit was unbuttoned and Blair knew that she had to stop ou she wouldn’t be able to later, and she would regret that.
She moved her mouth away from his and sighed, “I’ve missed this.”
He looked into her eyes and admitted, “Me too.”
His answer surprised her. “Really?”
“Yeah, I have. Blair…”
She didn’t let him get any further than that. “Don’t, Chuck.”
“Don’t what?”
“Don’t say anything else. I know what you’re going to say and I meant it when I a dit that I was done. I can’t do this anymore. We will never work out and I think we both know that.”
His face hardened and he moved completely off of her. She touched his shoulder but he jerked it out of her grasp. “Nathaniel was right then, I really was only just a fuck to you.” He a dit harshly.
She grabbed his face in her hands and forced him to look at her. “Don’t toi ever say that to me again! It’s not true and it never will be. I loved you, Chuck.”
He hated the way she kept saying loved because it was in the past tense instead of the present. “No, toi didn’t.” He argued.
Blair grabbed his face plus forcefully. She knew what she was going to have to admit. “Chuck, I loved toi plus than I have ever loved Nate. toi were everything to me and it killed me when we didn’t work out. But I tried; toi were the one that gave up when your father died. And I understand why toi did that.”
When he heard her words he let his shoulders slump in defeat. “I’m really sorry for everything, Blair.”
“I know toi are.”
“I’ve put toi through so much shit, how could toi have ever loved me?”
He needed to be reassured of how she used to l’amour him. She still loved him as a matter of fact. But she couldn’t let him know that. “There were many things I loved about you, Chuck.”
“What were they?”
She grabbed his hand and twirled it around in her grasp. “I l’amour the way toi look at me. toi make me feel like I’m the only person in the world that toi interested in and nobody has ever made me feel like that before. toi pay attention to me, toi listen to me when I have a problem, and toi even listen when I ramble insensibly.”
His cœur, coeur soared a little bit. “Wow, there are a lot plus reasons than I thought there would be.”
“I’m not done yet.” She a dit with a smirk.
“Oh?” Chuck replied with a smirk on his own face.
Blair continued, “I l’amour how toi always have to wear your scarf, like toi can’t be parted with it.”
“I can’t.” He muttered.
She laughed. “But toi know what I l’amour most of all?”
“What?” He asked breathlessly.
A smile spread over her entire face. “I l’amour when toi spread your arms like toi don’t have a care in the world and mutter that famous phrase of yours. The I’m Chuck basse, bass line. Like it really means something.”
“It does.” He whispered.
She bit her lip to keep from grinning. “I know it does. That’s what makes toi Chuck basse, bass and that is why I did l’amour you.”
She stood up and placed a soft Kiss on his lips. “I’m going to go because I know what is going to happen and if I stay here. And that can’t happen until toi help me with Queen chienne G.”
Chuck let go of her hand. “Alright, I’ll call toi tomorrow and we’ll go catch the chienne doing something she’s not supposed to be doing. I’ll think of a plan tonight and we’ll go over it and toi can decide if toi like it.”
She nodded once and strode to the door. When she placed her hand on the handle she heard him call her name once more.
“Blair?” She turned to him. He took a deep breath before saying. “How toi used to feel about me is the same way that I felt about you. I just never could say it to your face.”
He turned away from her then and she decided to make her escape while she still could. Once she was outside his room she slumped against the doorframe. Had Chuck basse, bass just admitted that he loved her at one point? She felt like the carpet had just been ripped out from under her feet. Not only had he stolen her cœur, coeur but now he had her soul as well. She would never be able to get it back from him and if she was honest with herself she didn’t want too. She wanted Chuck to be a part of her life forever even though it was impossible.

Chuck walked into her apartment early the suivant jour to see that Blair was already waiting for him.
She hurried over to him and pretended like yesterday’s conversation didn’t happen at all. “Did toi think of something to do about Georgina?”
He tried to open his mouth and speak but his words got stuck when he saw the dress she was wearing. Tight, yellow, and clinging to her figure. He simply nodded instead.
He finally found his voice. “I called the guy who was her drug dealer last an and arranged a meeting between the two of them. All we need is for her to take the bait and buy the drugs. You’ll have your cell phone out and we’ll snap her picture. Then we can send her back to the gutter she crawled back out of.”
A frown appeared between Blair’s eyebrows. “How do toi know her drug dealer?” Then it suddenly dawned on her and she shook her head slowly. “Oh, he was your dealer when your father died. Right?”
“Yes.” He admitted in a low voice.
It suddenly didn’t seem worth it to her. “Chuck.” She began cautiously.
“Forget it. I’ll take care of Georgina on my own.”
“Are toi fucking serious?” He asked in a deadly tone.
She stared back at him. “Yeah, I am. It just doesn’t seem worth it to me anymore. I don’t even care what Georgina does.” But that wasn’t the true reason. She didn’t want to have to sleep with Chuck because of some stupid plot they had come up with for Georgina. She wanted it to be because they loved each other. And no matter what he said, Blair knew that they could never make it work. So it seemed pointless to make l’amour to him and have her cœur, coeur broken all over again.
He grabbed one of her shoulders roughly. “I know what this is about. toi just don’t want to go through with the deal we made. toi don’t want to dirty yourself par sleeping with me. Again.”
She closed her eyes at his hurtful words. She knew that he thought they were true and that killed her. “I’m sorry Chuck; I just don’t think it’s wise if we do this.”
“Right, because of precious Nathaniel.” He a dit his voice laced with hatred.
Blair tried to touch his face but he moved out of her reach. “Don’t toi touch me.” The venom in his voice was distinguishable.
She moved away from him. “You have to listen to me.”
“I don’t want to hear anything toi have to say and I never want to again.” He walked over to the door. “We’re done, Blair. Just like toi told me before, I’m saying it to toi this time. There is nothing between us anymore; I shouldn’t have ever tried to make this deal with you. I feel nothing for you.” He wanted to hurt her as much as she had just hurt him. It worked if the expression on her face was any indication.
“You feel nothing for me?” She asked in a small voice.
“No.” He repeated.
“Then why did toi want to make this deal in the first place?”
“That’s simple. I would never turn down sex with an attractive woman.”
Blair slumped down on the sofa. “Go.” She a dit in a strangled voice.
He heeded her warning and left her alone while she sobbed.

He had been in his suite for the last twenty four hours desperately trying to become drunk but it wasn’t working. All he could think about was Blair and how devastated she had looked when he had told her those horrible things. He was a sack of shit. How could he have done this to the woman that he loved?
Chuck brought the bottle of scotch to his lips and took another sip. The alcohol wasn’t even working to numb his pain. All he could think about was her. A knock sounded on his door. Fuck. Why couldn’t everybody just leave him alone when he was in mourning?
“It’s open.” He managed to growl out but he stayed firmly seated in his chair.
The door opened slowly and clicked shut softly. He didn’t even turn around to see who it was. It didn’t matter, he just wanted to be left alone.
A hand touched the haut, retour au début of his hand. His cœur, coeur started to beat harder because he recognized the feel of that small hand. He turned completely around in his chair. “Blair.” He whispered softly.
She gave a small smile and bent down in front of him. He noticed her face looked ravaged from crying and she didn’t have a stitch of makeup on.
“Chuck, I’ve been in my room for the last jour just trying to figure out what to do with my life.” Her voice was husky from not using it for so long. “I have to admit after toi left yesterday I was unbelievably hurt par what toi a dit to me and I planned on never speaking to toi again. Then last night I realized why toi a dit all that toi did. It was because toi were hurt that toi thought I didn’t want to sleep with you. Am I right?”
He couldn’t lie to her when she was looking at him like that. He had never been able to keep the truth from her no matter how hard he tried. “I-I-. Fuck it. Yes.”
Blair’s confidence got a little stronger. “We’ve got to stop doing this to each other, Chuck.”
He nodded his head once.
“I didn’t want to sleep with you, Chuck.”
His eyes darkened with anger. “I already know that, Blair.” He bit out. “You don’t have to keep reminding me of the fact.”
She tucked a piece of stray hair behind his ear. “You don’t understand. I didn’t want to sleep with toi because of a deal we made about Georgina. I wanted it to be because we both wanted each other. I wanted toi to want to make l’amour to me because toi care about me not because of some stupid plot.”
Her words finally sunk into his inebriated brain and he realized what she was saying. He grabbed her waist. “You didn’t have to worry about that, Blair. I always want you. Always.”
A true smile came over her face. “You do?”
“Of course. It’s not just about sex for me and it never has been. Why do toi think I got so jealous the night of your cotillion and ruined it for you? I’ve always been worried that toi would choose somebody else over me and I know that toi have but that doesn’t stop me from wanting you. I’m always going to want you.”
She sat down in his lap. “No matter what happens between us, I’m always going to want toi too. Nobody makes me feel like toi do, Chuck.”
She noticed the look of shock on his face and decided to erase it. She leaned down and sealed her lips with his. His breath caught in his chest but he kissed her back.
He tore his mouth away from hers. “Wait, Blair. toi don’t have to do this; I don’t expect it of you.”
“I know that. I want too. I need toi to make l’amour to me, Chuck.”
Her words sent his insides ablaze and he would never be able to resist her. He needed to make l’amour to her even if this was going to be their last night together. It sure sounded like that. Chuck was going to have to make sure that he made every seconde with her count.
He carried her to his lit and his lips whispered across hers. Before they got any further he asked, “Are toi sure?”
Blair smiled against his mouth. “Do toi remember when toi asked me that once before?”
A grin tilted the corner of his lips. “Yeah, I sure do.”
“I’m as sure as I was that night.”
That was all he needed to hear. They would be no plus denying her. His lips burned a path down her skin as did hers. Clothes were quickly discarded and soon they were withering against each other with passion. It had been so long for the both of them. The last time they had slept together had been over a an ago. Much too long. Their bodies were hungry for the taste of each other.
She felt his erection against her thigh and she whispered, “I’m ready, Chuck. I need toi now.”
There would be no foreplay this time. They both were delirious with desire at this point. He positioned the tip of his cock at her entrance and looked at her one plus time to make sure that this was what she really wanted.
She moaned when she felt him inside of her and nodded for him to continue.
That was all the consent that Chuck needed, and he thrust the rest of his length into her tight and slick channel. He had never felt such an incredible pleasure in his life.
“Chuck, please.” She whined desperately for him to continue.
He did as she asked and started to thrust into her with increasing friction. After only minutes they were both laying on the lit panting from their tremendous orgasms.
Sweat matted both of their foreheads but the last thing Chuck remembered before falling asleep was the incredible smile on Blair’s face.

Twelve hours later and it was morning. Chuck woke up with a grin on his face. He had Lost count of how many times they had done it last night. There was the shower, against the wall, in his Jacuzzi, on the floor, and many countless others. He would never be able to get enough of her body. But he knew with a certainty that this would be their last time. Blair had her life with Nate and he would never factor into that life.
Blair had woken up and noticed the tense expression on his face. “What’s wrong?” She asked with a worried frown.
He gulped at hearing her voice but he knew that he had to tell her the truth. At least she would know this way. It wouldn’t change anything but she deserved the truth from him. He touched the haut, retour au début of her head. “I l’amour you, Blair.” He was surprised at how easy the words came to him.
Her mouth gaped open at this statement and he plowed on hurriedly. “I know you’re with Nate, and that’s what toi want for your life. And I’m not going to come in between toi two. All I want is for toi to be happy, Blair. I just wanted toi to know how I felt about you. Are toi happy?”
She reached out and stroked his cheek tenderly. “I am happy.”
His cœur, coeur plummeted faster than an elevator. He turned away before she would be able to see the look of utter devastation on his face.
“Hey.” Blair a dit gently. He turned back to her. She saw the pain in his eyes. “You didn’t let me finish. The only reason that I’m happy is because I with you.”
He got a crick in his neck from turning so quickly. “What?” His voice rose with excitement.
“I broke up with Nate the other jour when toi guys had that huge argument. After toi left I told him that I couldn’t be with him because I was still in l’amour with toi and I always would be. He was pissed but he a dit that he understood. I l’amour you, Chuck.”
This is what he had been waiting to hear for what seemed like all of his life. But he still couldn’t believe it. “You do?”
Blair placed her hand on his chest. “How can toi still doubt my l’amour for you? toi were always going to win if it came down to toi and Nate. I only l’amour you. I only got back together with Nate because I was so upset over losing toi and I needed a friend. That’s what Nate is, a friend.”
Chuck slammed his mouth over hers and swirled his tongue around inside of her mouth. He broke the Kiss panting. “We will make it work this time, Blair.”
“I know. I have faith in us, Chuck. We’ve taken the biggest step we needed too. We finally admitted that we l’amour each other.”
Something suddenly occurred to him and it put a damper over his happiness. “I’m not him, Blair. I can’t be your shining knight like Nate was.”
She smiled. “I only want one thing in my life right now.”
“Name it.”
“I already have it. toi are my one thing, Chuck Bass.”


A/N: A fluffy dose of goodness. I hope that is what this particular fic of mine brought you. I thoroughly enjoyed écriture this and I am a little sad that it is over. But I’m sure there will be plus one ou two shots in my future. If toi enjoyed, please review. Also, I am taking requests for any kind of story toi would like to read about Chuck and Blair. If toi have an idea, I will write it for you. :D
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Source: blairandchuck.com
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Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com